Essays college
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Eugenics Laws In Japan: How And Why It Came To Be Essay
Francis Galton’s selective breeding unquestionably enormously affects the basic mentality. Genetic counseling truly implies â€Å"coming into being well†and furthermore alluded to as the â€Å"science of being great born†. An idea at first acquainted by Plato all together with produce just predominant overseeing classes as expressed in his Republic, this thought is stood up to with issues in regards to morals and human rights arrangements. Selective breeding in the genuine sense is concerned uniquely with such a large amount of hereditary qualities as concerns man (Castle, 1930), and social control has a critical influence of its usage. The utilization of the belief system of normal choice to the human masses through medication antagonistically influenced mankind in general †essentially alluding with its impact on the various societies, ethnicities and mores everywhere throughout the world (Barondess, 1998). Eugenicists accept that it is vital for each man to recognize his place in the genuine physical world, as far as organic piece and pertinence to society (Glad, 2006). In interest in this manner of delivering a more promising time to come for the people to come, man should realize how to stifle his inclinations so as to organize the other. In the event that human advancement is to be taken as priority, standards concerning regular determination must be undermined. Two offices can be distinguished as the essential determinants of human advancement: the principal, sociological; the other, natural (Castle, 1930). Man can be undeniably improved sociologically or socially, in light of the fact that the earth where he winds up in is substantial and subsequently, manipulable. In any case, the natural viewpoint is very perplexing †it includes the improvement of the germplasm itself. On the off chance that mankind is as sensible like animals in a homestead, the possibility of selective breeding would be truly suitable, and the main constraint onto delivering remarkable posterity is the accessibility of the guardians with the looked for after qualities. In spite of the fact that germplasm is viewed as substantial, it doesn't separately comprise the human in general †thusly the complexities of utilizing techniques for authorizing selective breeding. Germany was the first to get questionable in quite a while of the use of genetic counseling techniques. Inside a time of establishment, it was accounted for that the Nazi sanitization program disinfected thousands †and actualized an arrangement of â€Å"hereditary wellbeing courts††which follow up on offers passed on by general wellbeing authorities mentioning that individuals distinguished to have a considerable rundown of clutters be exposed to compulsory cleansing; and with Hitler’s arrangement as Chancellor in 1933, dynamic willful extermination was presented, coming about to a progressively grave and radicalized state of selective breeding (Barondess, 1998) . Corresponding to the selective breeding strategies practiced in Germany, Japan had the option to actualize its own genetic counseling studies and measures, fundamentally pointed on controlling populace development, decrease birth deformity rate, and keep up virtue among the Japanese race. Projects centering in the reproducing just of the wise and the prevalent were executed. Selective breeding laws actualized in Japan anyway are not as broad as the usage by the Nazis, who were considered to have to a great extent expanded the objectives of genetic counseling. The National Eugenic Law of Japan was endorsed in 1940, which incorporates orders requiring cleansing of the intellectually bumbling, sanctioning of premature birth as in instances of assault, or if the birth is thought to be hazardous to the mother, and if the guardians are viewed as having â€Å"undesirable†attributes (Sheingate and Yamagishi, 2006). The Japanese are known to invest wholeheartedly in their legacy and culture, hence supporting the drive of thinking of â€Å"pure†and â€Å"superior†posterity. Beside these social inspirations, measurements indicated that the quantity of irregular posterity created took off to significant levels, explicitly in the years 1926 to 1938. It was quickly a year after when the National Eugenics Law was made authority †as a reaction to the disturbing increment of â€Å"inferior†people in the general public. The first draft of the law was started a couple of years before the flare-up of the Sino-Japanese war in 1937, and seeing the need to uphold laws so as to direct populace increment, the law was proclaimed in 1940 and put into impact on 1941 (Hirosima, 1981). The underlying draft formed by the Imperial Diet did exclude rules acknowledging premature birth and cleansing; anyway as the limitation on conception prevention fortified, the law adjusted strategies focused on populace increment and consequently laced with populace increment approaches getting related to such. Defenders of the genetic counseling laws stayed firm in their represent its execution, however from the start the authoritative body didn't perceive their endeavors and attempts. It was in 1939 where Representative Yagi Itsuro, at first a neighborhood family doctor, referenced of experiencing individuals living in dread of delivering posterity thought about bothersome, and subsequently wanted to propose for laws approving clinical specialists to perform cleaning activities. Endless supply of the selective breeding laws during World War II, cleansing got necessary for certain hereditarily transmitted ailments, psychological instability or hindrance; and an assortment of infectious maladies (e. g. tuberculosis, venereal maladies, and uncleanliness) which were thought to be heritable through Lamarckian examination (Roth, 2005). With eugenicists during the 1990s being new to the idea of hereditary building, it was difficult to picture dynamic intercession in an individual’s germ line along these lines forestalling them to pass on pernicious and undesirable qualities. Therefore, selective breeding in those occasions for the most part needs to manage the issues of regular choice for a bigger scope and not simply on the hereditary level. Alongside it, it is compelled to manage issues on morals, social ethos and mores. Therefore, the issue interminably had to respond to questions with respect to the need and significance of controlling normal choice. One essential subject which the selective breeding idea especially influenced was the lawful status of premature birth in Japan. Selective breeding talk even went to the degree of molding after war banters on the particular request concerning the occasions premature birth to be allowed. One reason that eugenic activists sought after the contention of extricating premature birth boundaries was because of concern with respect to the inversion of regular determination: because of individual inclinations, the propensity for the measure of good human qualities to be decreased is high, while awful qualities then again are expanded. Their supposition that will be that exceptionally instructed individuals from upper and white collar classes, who are considered to create prevalent descendants, are the ones presented to and hence every now and again use anti-conception medication techniques. Then again, couples from lower classes can't manage the cost of the utilization of anti-conception medication techniques and may even have no information with respect to those, subsequently delivering a high number of offspring which might be of lesser quality. In the journey of balancing out populace size, fetus removal was viewed as criminal during the 1880s, even without the foundation of Christian morals and Western idea. The improvement of private enterprise and militarism in Japan cultivated the requirement for an expansion in labor, consequently labor was once supported (Fujiki et al. , 2001). Rules and boundaries with respect to fetus removal gradually were seen. Contrasted with the succeeding years, it was around then authoritatively disallowed, yet implicitly allowed. The possibility of genetic counseling being additionally perceived as a populace development strategy came about to a few discussions, and logical inconsistencies particularly made with regards to Shintoism. In 1948, the Eugenics Protection Law was executed, in interest to control the time of increased birth rates and populace development achieved by the post-war conditions (Fujiki et al. , 2001). Premature birth was authorized and allowed given a few conditions, and it reduced the strain of organizing maternal wellbeing simultaneously not bargaining the general objective of hindering populace development (Hirosima, 1981). This was effective in advancing decay of ripeness rates in Japan after the war. All things considered, the nonappearance of information on hereditary building drove questions among the defenders and the administrative body in regards to the genetic counseling laws. This prompted the introduction of the Maternal Protection Law, which concentrated more on the evacuation of the eugenic thought and consequently moving the point of view from the disposal of mediocre posterity to maternal wellness (Fujiki et al. , 2001). Women’s conceptive rights are presently taken into significant thought as opposed to the hereditary make-up of the posterity. Hereditary separation was eased, and as the years advanced, the need to exist together whether or not caused with hereditary maladies or inabilities was figured it out. Selective breeding laws in Japan stayed consistent in its objective to improve the lives of the people to come, guaranteeing them progress through ways that are continually improving as the years progressed. Germany, in Hitler’s time has experienced the restrictions of what is called â€Å"good science†, and forced â€Å"racial hygiene†, with objectives especially as opposed to the essential objectives of Japan’s eugenic techniques. Steady improvement of Japan’s eugenic laws rose above the desires for the demonstration of ignoring a man’s option to live in spite of his ineptitudes and variations from the norm, and even went to the degree of moving the significant focal point of creating predominant offspring onto the demonstration of essential thought for the mother’s wellbeing and prosperity. Political control of characteristic determination thusly became instrumental as opposed to hindering, and requirement of the Maternal Protection Law has totally deleted the presence of the eugenic idea as reason for controlling populace development. The basic worry of these laws and the advocates
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Definition Paper -- essays research papers
Magnificence is regularly alluded to as â€Å"Qualities that light the detects and magnify the mind.†The term â€Å"beauty†was acquired from the French expression â€Å"beaute'.†I for one accept there is no precise definition, on the grounds that no ones eyes decipher excellence correspondingly. My own definition depends exclusively on past encounters. At the point when my eyes change in accordance with see what I am by all accounts concentrating so eagerly, and I am serenely mindful of the consideration I am giving it, I am guaranteed that it is brimming with magnificence. To break down its outside and to completely acknowledge mind boggling subtleties are, to me, reason for unadulterated excellence. John Ruskin expressed â€Å"Remember that the most excellent things on the planet are the most pointless; peacocks and lilies, for instance.†This is the most thrilling kind of magnificence. Valuing the oversimplified pleasur...
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Relationship Between Lithium and Weight Gain
Relationship Between Lithium and Weight Gain Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print The Link Between Lithium and Weight Gain By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on May 19, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 17, 2019 Miguel Sanz / Getty Images More in Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Symptoms Diagnosis The mood-stabilizing drug lithium remains an effective mainstay of treatment for bipolar disorderâ€"but unfortunately, it can cause weight gain. Although the possibility of gaining weight while taking lithium is well known, this side effect does not affect everyone who takes the medication. Approximately 25% of people taking lithium gain weight, according to a review article published in the medical journal Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.?? After analyzing all relevant published medical studies, the authors reported an average weight gain of approximately 10 to 26 pounds among those who experience this troubling side effect. Although the biological mechanisms that lead to lithium-related weight gain are not entirely clear, researchers speculate that several processes are likely involved. Additionally, several factors can influence the likelihood of gaining weight while youre taking lithium. Timing and Risk Factors Most people with bipolar disorder take lithium long term to stabilize mood and prevent manic and depressive episode relapses. Your risk of gaining weight while taking lithium is greatest during the first two years of treatment reports the author of a 2016 International Journal of Bipolar Disorders review article.?? Lithium-related weight gain appears to level off after the first two years, although you might also gain weight for other reasons unrelated to the medication. Your risk of gaining weight while taking lithium might be increased if youre already carrying some excess weight when you start taking the medication. In addition, some evidence suggests that the risk of lithium-related weight gain could be dose-dependent. This means that the likelihood of weight gain increases along with lithium level in your bloodstream. However, not all research studies have found this relationship, as noted in the 2016 International Journal of Bipolar Disorders study.?? Taking other medications that might also cause weight gain along with lithium also increases your risk of putting on extra pounds. Common examples of such drugs include: Clozaril (clozapine)Depakote (valproate)Risperdal (risperidone)Seroquel (quetiapine)Zyprexa (olanzapine) Why Does Lithium Cause Weight Gain? Despite the fact that lithium has been used in the United States for the treatment of treat bipolar disorder since 1970, the mechanisms that provoke weight gain in some people remain unclear. Several theories have been proposed. These processes may work alone or in combination to cause weight gain in people on lithium therapy.?? Early weight gain after starting lithium therapy could represent regaining pounds that were previously lost unintentionally. This situation might apply if you experienced a manic episodeâ€"which can lead to weight loss due to disinterest in eating and increased activityâ€"before starting lithium. Lithium often triggers increased thirstiness. Quenching your thirst with high-calorie beverages, such as full-calorie soda or fruit juice, is a possible contributor to weight gain. Lithium might also cause sodium and water retention in people who consume a high-salt diet, which can lead to added body weight. Reduced thyroid function, or hypothyroidism,?? is a well-known potential complication of long-term lithium treatment. This condition leads to a reduced metabolic rate, which in turn leads to weight gain. Women taking lithium are significantly more likely to develop hypothyroidism than are men, as reported in a 2013 Thyroid Research review article.?? Other hormones and brain signaling chemicals that affect hunger, blood sugar regulation, and fat and energy storage might play a role in lithium-related weight gain. As these processes are very complex and regulated at multiple levels in the body, additional research is needed to determine the possible influence of lithium. A Word From Verywell We understand your concern about gaining weight while on lithium therapy. Weight gain is understandably distressing both in terms of your self-image, and your physical and mental well-being. Keep in mind, however, that lithium-associated weight gain only occurs in approximately 25 percent of people who take the medication. Additionally, there are several common-sense steps you can take to minimize and perhaps even avoid this side effect, including:?? Limit your consumption of high-calorie beverages, such as full-calorie sodas, fruit juices, sugary coffee drinks, and smoothies. Drink low-calorie or noncaloric beverages to quench your thirst. Water with a twist of lemon or lime, hot or iced herbal tea and decaffeinated coffee are a few healthful options. Stay physically active. If youre not getting much exercise currently, talk with your doctor about getting started. Remember, anything that gets you up and moving counts as physical activity. Walking is always a good option, but the possibilities are almost limitless.Monitor your weight regularly. If the number on the scale starts creeping up or your clothes feel tighter, talk with your doctor about the next steps. She might recommend consulting with a dietitian to review your current diet, a change in your medications or their dosages, or another strategy. Contact your doctor right away if you develop any signs or symptoms that might suggest an underactive thyroid gland such as a lump near your Adams apple; unexplained constipation; feeling cold most of the time; dry hair and/or skin; forgetfulness, irregular menstrual periods; and unusual sensations in your hands or feet.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay on Collapse in Maya Society - 1119 Words
At the end of the first millennium A.D., the lowland Maya empires disintegrated after 750 years of prominence (Handout 1). Warfare, the growing population, resource depletion, and climatic fluctuations contributed to the downfall of the Classical lowland empires (Schele and Freidel 321). 500 years later, the scattered Maya that remained would again face a crisis as the Spanish conquistadores invaded Yucatan, conquered, and began to rule. Though the Spanish conquest of the Maya brought a new religion and diseases that decimated the population, the collapse of Classical Maya civilization was the greatest crisis in Maya history. It marked the end of the great Classical empires whose knowledge and artistic achievements surpassed all†¦show more content†¦The Maya participated in extensive trade networks, as the Spanish discovered when Columbus captured a trading canoe off the coast of Honduras that contained cacao beans, Mexican obsidian, copper axes, woven garments, and slav es (Clendinnen 3). The fall of lowland Maya culture resulted from a confluence of factors. Over-population and environmental degradation led to malnutrition and disease, as residential complexes expanded to cover agricultural land and the clearing of forests for milpa agricultural resulted in erosion (Schele and Freidel 321). Social stress compounded the environmental strains, and warfare between neighboring states also affected the morale of the population (Lecture 2/10). The kings attempted to address these problems, but pride and exclusivity prevented them from sharing power or admitting defeat at the hands of an enemy (Schele and Freidel 347-8). The collapse of Teotihuacan in the 7th century A.D. altered trade and power relationships, which also may have contributed to the tumultuous state of the lowland empires prior to their collapse (Lecture 2/10). The collapse of the lowland Maya empires marked the end of a way of life. When the villagers lost faith in the powers of th e ahauob they dispersed into the forests and returned to their lives as farmers (128). With the decline of the Maya kings, Maya religion also underwent changes to become a more local matter. In the northern empires that persisted, the ruling structureShow MoreRelatedMaya Civilization Collapse1311 Words  | 6 PagesThe example of societal collapse in which I will be making reference to throughout this essay is the Maya civilization. The Maya civilization is, â€Å"probably the best known of all early American civilizations.†(Fagan, 1995) It was at its strongest point between AD 300 AND 900. Around AD 900 was the time of its collapse. This civilization was developed in a densely, tropical forest on either highlands or lowlands. Today to visit a Mayan site, people would go to the modern Mexican state, capital cityRead MoreThe Ancient Civilization1502 Words  | 7 Pages The ancient Maya civilisation has generated great interest in many academic scholars and scientists, due to the phenomenon which saw one of the most dramatic civilisation collapses in recorded history, during what has been referred to as the Terminal Classic Period- A.D. ∠¼700 to 950 (Haug et al, 2003). 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Socially impactful art, massive architecture, and thriving complex societies. Across the swath of time that was the Classic Maya, there were great rulers that defined cities. Pakal in Palenque, Tahn Te K inich in Acqueteca, several kings in Tikal, and several other cities all possessed great leaders that created stability. The Terminal Classic period was when most all central power, across the Yucatan, was disrupted. ThereRead MoreThe Fall Of The Classic Maya Society1135 Words  | 5 Pagesfactors lead the Mayan’s to their end is arguably history s most enduring mystery. Every society has its rise, and inevitable fall. However, none have fallen quite like the Classic Maya society. Like many civilizations, the fall of the Classic Maya society hinged on the back of many contributing factors over the time span of 660 -900 A.D. There are many contributing factors that contributed to the demise of the society. These factors consisted of climate change, deforestation, warfare, famine, and overpopulationRead MoreThe Ancient Civilization1622 Words  | 7 Pagesintriguing story of all.To understand what causes great civilizations, it is vital to note the process of collapse in other civilizations, such as the great Roman Empire. Differences in time period, geographical landscapes, and other circumstances mean no direct correlations are possible, but the outstanding point of similarity is that no single factor accounts for a large civilization s collapse. One similarity between these two civilizations is the process which brought the downfall of other empiresRead MoreGun, Germs, And Steel By Jared Diamond1585 Words  | 7 PagesPrize in 1998 and is widely regarded as a groundbreaking scientific work. In the prologue of â€Å"Collapse†, Jared Diamond claims that his previous book â€Å"Guns, Germs, and Steel†focused on the buildup of societies over the last 13,000 years and his present book ‘Collapse†focuses on the factors that cause failure and survival in civilizations all across the world2.†Diamond analyzes the breakdown of all societies through a unique scale called the five-point framework. This framework considers environmentalRead MoreEssay The Maya Civilization904 Words  | 4 PagesThe Maya Civilization The ancient Maya once occupied a vast geographic area in Central America. Their civilization inhabited an area that encompasses Mexicos Yucatan peninsula and parts of the states of Chiapas and Tabasco, as well as Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. From the third to the ninth century, Maya civilization produced awe-inspiring temples and pyramids, highly accurate calendars, mathematics and hieroglyphics, and a complex social and political order (CollapseRead MoreArchaeological Interpretations : Archaeology Eastern Mesoamerica1888 Words  | 8 Pages Anthropology 115R Archaeological Interpretations: Archaeology Eastern Mesoamerica The Mysterious Collapse Mayan civilization began long before Christopher Columbus, â€Å" founded the new world†, The Mayan civilization persisted for more than 1,000 years, That is over twice as long as America, just think that a society formed by people some see as primitive expanded into a thriving society which lasted over 1,000 years. This also means that in 1,000 years there were factors slowly leadingRead More The Political Structure of the Maya in the Late Classic Period1739 Words  | 7 Pagesarcheological and epigraphic research has shed new light on Maya civilization, however, there is still much discussion on the political structure and how it was formed. The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization noted for its advanced form of civilization. It reached its highest state of development during the Classic period which ranges from approximately 200-900 AD. Early in the Classic period (292-434 AD), there were several city-states found throughout the Maya lowland region with no defined hierarc hy of settlement
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Make Hot Ice From Vinegar and Baking Soda
Sodium acetate or hot ice is an amazing chemical you can prepare yourself from baking soda and vinegar. You can cool a solution of sodium acetate below its melting point and then cause the liquid to crystallize. The crystallization is an exothermic process, so the resulting ice is hot. Solidification occurs so quickly you can form sculptures as you pour the hot ice. Fast Facts: Hot Ice Science Experiment MaterialsBaking SodaVinegarConcepts IllustratedSupercoolingCrystallizationExothermic Chemical ReactionsTime RequiredFrom start to finish, this experiment takes about an hour. Once you have the hot ice, you can quickly melt and recrystallize it.LevelBeginner to Intermediate LevelNotesThe chemicals in this experiment are non-toxic. However, because liquids are boiled, adult supervision is recommended. This project is best for middle school and above. Sodium Acetate or Hot Ice Materials 1-liter clear vinegar (weak acetic acid)4 tablespoons baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) Prepare the Sodium Acetate or Hot Ice In a saucepan or large beaker, add baking soda to the vinegar, a little at a time and stirring between additions. The baking soda and vinegar react to form sodium acetate and carbon dioxide gas. If you dont add the baking soda slowly, youll essentially get a baking soda and vinegar volcano, which would overflow your container. Youve made the sodium acetate, but it is too dilute to be very useful, so you need to remove most of the water. Here is the reaction between the baking soda and vinegar to produce the sodium acetate: Na[HCO3]– CH3–COOH → CH3–COO– Na H2O CO2Boil the solution to concentrate the sodium acetate. You could just remove the solution from heat once you have 100-150 ml of solution remaining, but the easiest way to get good results is to simply boil the solution until a crystal skin or film starts to form on the surface. This took me about an hour on the stove over medium heat. If you use lower heat you are less likely to get yellow or brown liquid, but it will take longer. If discoloration occurs, its okay.Once you remove the sodium acetate solution from heat, immediately cover it to prevent any further evaporation. I poured my solution into a separate container and covered it with plastic wrap. You should not have any crystals in your solution. If you do have crystals, stir a very small amount of water or vinegar into the solution, just sufficient to dissolve the crystals.Place the covered container of sodium acetate solution in the refrigerator to chill. Activities Involving Hot Ice The sodium acetate in the solution in the refrigerator is an example of a supercooled liquid. That is, the sodium acetate exists in liquid form below its usual melting point. You can initiate crystallization by adding a small crystal of sodium acetate or possibly even by touching the surface of the sodium acetate solution with a spoon or finger. The crystallization is an example of an exothermic process. Heat is released as the ice forms. To demonstrate supercooling, crystallization, and heat release you could: Drop a crystal into the container of cooled sodium acetate solution. The sodium acetate will crystallize within seconds, working outward from where you added the crystal. The crystal acts as a nucleation site or seed for rapid crystal growth. Although the solution just came out of the refrigerator, if you touch the container you will find it is now warm or hot.Pour the solution onto a shallow dish. If the hot ice does not spontaneously begin crystallization, you can touch it with a crystal of sodium acetate (you can usually scrape a small amount of sodium acetate from the side of the container you used earlier). The crystallization will progress from the dish up toward where you are pouring the liquid. You can construct towers of hot ice. The towers will be warm to the touch.You can re-melt sodium acetate and re-use it for demonstrations. Hot Ice Safety As you would expect, sodium acetate is a safe chemical for use in demonstrations. It is used as a food additive to enhance flavor and is the active chemical in many hot packs. The heat generated by the crystallization of a refrigerated sodium acetate solution should not present a burn hazard.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Job Analysis Methods Free Essays
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT 1 DETAILS OF METHODS OF GETTING INFORMATION FOR JOB ANALYSIS Job analysis may be defined as a methodical process of collecting information on the functionally relevant aspects of a job. It involves job description (determining the duties and skill requirements of a job) and job specification (determining the kind of person who should be hired for the job). The methods of Job Analysis are as follows: 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Job Analysis Methods or any similar topic only for you Order Now INTERVIEW METHOD This tool is considered to be very useful to the analysis of jobs. It is a method to collect a variety of information from an incumbent and supervisors by asking them (individually or as a group) to describe the tasks and duties performed. The benefits are that it allows the incumbent to describe tasks and duties that are not observable. However, they may exaggerate or omit tasks and duties. Three types of interviews are used to collect job analysis data: * Individual interviews with each employee. * Group interviews with groups of employees having the same job, and * Interview supervisor who are knowledgeable about the job being analyzed. Interviews consist of structured Interviews and unstructured interviews. 2. QUESTIONNAIRE METHODS There are many techniques, one of them which is: 3. POSITION ANALYSIS QUESTIONNAIRE (PAQ MODEL) This model developed by McCormick, Jeanerette, and Mecham (1972) is a structured instrument of job analysis to measure job characteristics and then associate them with human characteristics. It consists of 195 job elements that describe generic human behaviors during work activities. It includes: 1. Information input (where and how the worker gets information), 2. Mental processes (reasoning and other processes that workers use), 3. Work output (physical activities and tools used on the job), 4. Relationships with other persons, and 5. Job context (the physical and social contexts of work). Over the years it has been observed that there exists a wealth of research on the PAQ since it has yielded reasonably good reliability estimates and has been linked to several assessment tools. 4. OBSERVATION In this method incumbents are observed performing their jobs which enables the trained job analyst to obtain first-hand knowledge and information about the job being analyzed. This method is suited for jobs in which the work behaviors are 1) observable or 2) job tasks are short in duration or 3) jobs in which the job analyst can learn information about the job through observation. With observation, the trained job analyst can obtain first-hand knowledge and information about the job being analyzed. It allows the job analyst to see the work environment, tools and equipment used, interrelationships with other workers, and complexity of the job. 5. CRITICAL INCIDENT TECHNIQUE (CIT model) This method applied to discover behaviors towards working which can help classify performance into a good and bad level. These observations are used to solve practical problems and develop psychological principles. The main purposes are building job descriptions, job specification and job standards, creating a list of good and bad behaviors which can then be used for performance appraisal and testing the effectiveness of the job description and job specification. . WORK SAMPLING This method is a measurement technique for the quantitative analysis of non-repetitive or irregularly occurring activity. Work sampling operates by an observer taking a series of random observations on a particular thing of interest (machine, operating room, dock etc. ) to observe its state (working, idle, sleeping etc. ). When enough samples are taken, an analysis of the observations yields a statistically valid indication of t he states for each thing analyzed. It is relatively inexpensive to use and extremely helpful in providing a deeper understanding of all types of operations. 7. REPERTORY GRID The repertory grid technique is a method for eliciting personal constructs, i. e. what people think about a given topic. It is based on George Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory. It is called a ‘grid’ because one way of doing it is to use a matrix with the people along one side and the similarity and contrast poles along another side. The method is as follows: Identify a range of 10-20 people who do the job (these are called elements). * Select three at random. * Select two that seem more similar in some way. * Identify what it is about them that is similar (this is the similarity pole). * Identify what is different about the other person (this is the contrast pole). * Repeat this until you have about 20 contrasts. * Thin this down to about 10 by combining similar contrasts. The remaining contrasts should give a good idea of the factors that make up the job. How to cite Job Analysis Methods, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Merry Wives Of Windsor Essays - Operas, Shakespearean Comedies
Merry Wives Of Windsor The first thing that struck me about The Merry Wives of Windsor was the appearance of some characters from Henry VI: Falstaff, Bardolph, Nym, and Pistol. The second thing that struck me was the complexity of the plot. Shakespeare is tough enough for me to understand on its own, without the introduction of a plots that twist and turn, and entwine each other like snakes. I wish I could see the play performed, because it seems like a delightful comedy, and I feel that seeing actual players going through the motions presented to me in the text would do wonders for my comprehension. This is my first play read outside of class, with no real discussion to help me through the parts that don't make a lot of sense the first time around. Fortunately, I found some resources on the web that provided synopses of Shakespeare's plays, and really aided my understanding of the play. The aforementioned plots reminded me of the plots common to Seinfeld, quite possibly the most glorious of television shows. Seinfeld always had at least two plots going per episode, and the outcome of one always seemed to have some effect on the outcome of the other. It seems that the original recipe for sitcoms is this: get two plots going side by side, near the end of the piece, smash them into each other, and then tie up all of the loose ends. This recipe is followed in The Taming of the Shrew (the two plots being the marriage of Petruchio and Katherine, and the wooing of Bianca), and again appears in the Merry Wives of Windsor (Falstaff's attempted wooing of the wives being one, and the impending marriage of Anne being the other.) It would be interesting to see if all of Shakespeare's comedies follow this same pattern, and if so, to see if previous playwrights used the same formula. The appearance of the characters from Henry VI, especially Falstaff, was also quite interesting. For some reason, seeing the other characters shared by the plays didn't do quite as much for me as seeing Falstaff. Perhaps I identify with Falstaff more than the others (a rather damning proposition, considering what I'm about to write), but I think it's more likely due to the fact that Falstaff is more prominent that the others. Knowing that Falstaff was a gay lover in Henry VI, and seeing him involved in obviously heterosexual pursuits, I was reminded of our conversation in class concerning the views of sex in Elizabethan times, compared to our current views on the subject. I feel that seeing Falstaff in this play gives me a lot more insight into the character Shakespeare was trying to create for his audiences than Falstaff's appearances that we have seen in class. Falstaff really gave me the impression of being a scoundrel in this play, plotting to commit adultery, and then add insult to injury by stealing money from the husbands of the adulterous wives. He's accused at the beginning of the play for getting Slender drunk to pick his purse, and he hires off his "friend" Bardolph as a bartender. Finally, as a result of all of this, Falstaff ends up the butt of a practical joke. Everyone ends up forgiving everyone else, and they all go home to live happily ever after, and laugh about the events they have just gone through. If that last sentence seems lacking, it's with reason. I was relatively disappointed with the way the play ended. It seemed to me like Shakespeare decided he was finished writing, and looked for the quickest way to end his play. It was one step better than the Greek's method of having one of the Gods come down from Olympus, and decide who married who, who died honorably, and who was damned to Hades. I felt that The Taming of the Shrew ended much more cohesively.
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