Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Mother of a Traitor Summary
English Important Summary SAM The Mother of a Traitor This story written by Maxim Gorky Is a story of a conflict between ‘ambition' characterized by a ‘traitor' a brave but heartless son; and ‘life ‘represented and characterized by the ‘Mother of a Traitor', where the heartless son appears with power and prowess, is easily victimized in the hand and lap of a mother who is appeared in the story very ordinary developed because of the urgency of time.It also signifies through out the history, such ambitions appeared in the name of war; however, ultimately, the life got the victory over the death and human civilized continued, through such difficult hurdles. The story is a study on the underlying essence of the mothers, who are more than kind-hearted and loving, a cruel destroyer for the sake of preservation of life, for which she has especial duty imparted by the nature.Moreover, this story is another quest within human psychology, which shows there is another truth within human mind, and man is something, more than a selfish creature, which m akes one dedicated for the sake of society in the cost of the complete destruction of the selfish interests. Usually, the son is the most lovely and precious one for a mother, for which she is always ready to sacrifice any thing even her life. However, the mother sacrifices the life of her son for the preservation of the society and herself for the sake of her love to her son, in this story.To get to such truth the writer leads us (the readers) through the imagined situation for the story to develop, where the enemy has surrounded a city for several days and each and every part of the hope for life of the citizen has-been lost. There is nothing else than the shadow of death for the citizen. Gradually, the cause after such situation is revealed, the most loving son of another is leading the enemy to attack upon the city to fulfill the hunger of his ambition, without caring the old men, children, women and anything in the city.It hurts the mother extremely, who is so despised by the c itizen that, either they don't care her at all or she listens herself the mothers cursing her womb staying at the side of their slain sons. The incident of the central character Mona Mariana’s encounter with the mother of slain man, breaks and balance and intensifies the story forcing hereto take bold decision for the sake of her city where she was born, and where her forefathers spent their lives for its construction and even their bones are buried there, and which is going to be cruelly destroyed by her lovely son.First she thinks of persuading her son to cancel such evil and desires to take most difficult departure from the loving city and meet her son, the piece of her heart. She feels proud of her son, so smart, active and brave, and proudly raises her head, while listening to the enemy soldiers singing a song on his admiration. However, all of her proud on her son is sunk down, when the son didn't care at all for her feelings, in spite of his love for her. When she got tired f persuading her son, for the preservation of the city, the conflict between her love for the son and her love for the city got into the climax. Meanwhile, she looked to the city through a tend hole, which was waiting for her decision for its life's sake, like a wounded and dumb animal, she couldn't ignore the expectation of the city for its life's sake. She took unexpected and drastic decision of killing her son for the sake of the preservation of the city and killed herself for the sake of her son and to remain together and to share the fate of the son.This story, which starts from the conflict within the mind of a mother ends at the solution of the problem at the cost of the life of a traitor and his mother. On the other hand the wounded and hopeless city gets life and lives new life after the end of the story. The effective images used there, make this story, successful, in terms of attaching the readers with the situation and giving the experience of both hopeless citizen and the mother in the difficulty of her mental conflict. The images used in the first part of the story, which gives the picture of the despaired city as if it is such a small and tender reature within the jaws of dreadful animal, which can be crushed down at any moment without any hope of support of averting such inevitable destruction at any moment. The story is rich with symbol and images, which can easily attach the audience (readers) emotionally to the story: particularly, the image of the city in the dark night like a prey between the jaws of enemy at the initial part, and the image of the city as a dumb and wounded animal at the succeeding part, are successful to make the audience feel with or identify with the central character and motivate them be sacrificed if needed for the sake of their country and society.Knowledge and Wisdom This short prose piece, written by Bertrand Russell, criticizes the general and superficial sayings on the terms ‘Knowledge' and ‘Wis dom', and illustrates concretely, going deep to make the meanings of these terms. In this highly complicated world of science and technology, people say knowledge insufficient and wisdom is no longer possible and needed. The writer asserts this saying doesn't contain the truth because the real meaning of wisdom doesn’t agree with such easy-going meanings.According to him, ‘Wisdom ‘means sense of proportion, in other words, it is giving equal importance to every aspect of a problem. Similarly, Wisdom Includes both knowing the things of distance in time and place (widening the horizon of mind), as well as giving place for them the level of feelings. It is a process of developing the capability of taking the things at the level of feelings. Having wisdom is developing the impartiality within us, being free from the limitation of here and now created by our selfish and physical senses within us.It is the process of emancipating the innate capacity of the mind, keeping it above the disturbances of the sensual perceptions. The development of the wisdom is not extraordinary activities like that of some sages; rather it accords with our natural growth, as the mental horizon of the newly born child keeps on growing, wisdom also keeps on developing. Now, the science is not able to yield expected success and result, because of the lack of the wisdom.A scientist applies whole of his life and energy, in the quest of some truth and discoveries, he has very little time to think about its bad results. Therefore, the boon of modern medicine has been changed into the cause of over population and scarce of food, and the alternative source of energy, the nuclear physics has been used to make the destructive bomb. Therefore, along with the advancement at the sector of science and technology, the wisdom is equally necessary and needed.Moreover, it should be one of the objectives of modern education system. Use and Misuse of Science This prose piece, written b y Cyril Garbett is an attempt to give the solution of the most burning problem of the modern age, the massive destructive result because of misuse of modern science, while science itself is the boon for the life at present. The evil result of the science is also not beyond the Human understanding.There is ethical principle within everyone in this world, which should be manifested and it should be made able to control the activities of science and discoveries, especially while the negative results are foresighted. Then only the good result, the boon of the modern science is justified. Otherwise, the drastic change, which the modern science has brought into the life of billions of people, which was the privilege of the few within a few decades ago, remains within the shadow of the misuse and destructive result of the science and technology.There are many examples, which make us proud for the advantages brought into our life, at the sector of communication, transportation, medicine, ed ucation, and so on, which have not only made our living longer, and comfortable but also deepened the quality of our life. Still due to the misuse of the science we are always living under the shadow of death and destruction, for which this age has surpassed to all the previous ages, with the nuclear bombs, with their capacity of claiming the destruction of this earth more than seven times at once.Beauty While reading the essay on Beauty by American feminist writer Susan Sontag, It seems she is trying to create such human society which stays above the discrimination of Male and Female, imposed upon traditionally. Moreover, it is useless and senseless to delimit human being restricting from complete development, including the qualities, which are supposed only for male and only for female. It seems it is needless to differentiate betweenmale and female except few of the natural duty.Otherwise, whatever thequalities have been imposed upon Male and Female are not appropriate withthe mo dern time. Most importantly, the Male should be free from the wrong concept thatdelimit him from some of the essential qualities of life, as softness, wisdom,sensitivities, politeness and it is needless for him to remain always proud,and prowess as well as harsh. Similarly, for the Female it is needless to remain always, weak, soft, indecisive, immature, bodily and fragmented.These attributes particularly for the male and female are not natural but of the social product, produced at a certain stage of history, which automatically changes and must be changed along the course of time. This assay beauty, reflects the spirit of modern feminist movement, and reveals a truth that the narrow-minded and imbalanced interest of male chauvinism has manipulated even the language and word as ‘beauty', for which the females are not aware of and are always living the incomplete and superficial life depending on the male. Language is dynamic and sensitive, which is easily influenced with the sociopolitical situation.It also serves as the weapons for one group to suppress and weaken another. In this essay, ‘Beauty', the ordinary word serves as an example, which has been influenced and been deviated a lot from its original meaning and is being widely used as the veil covering the underlying truth of the female. Now a beautiful female with her high intellectual, physical and spiritual capacity is taken so surprisingly, as if these capacities don's have any relation with the word beauty and it is taken as if a beautiful lady should never be so capacious in these sectors.Moreover, with the adjective ‘beautiful' for any female, we understand her always tender, superficial, dependent and weak, evaluating and admiring her physical attraction in terms of the parts of her body (so inhuman evaluation),while the correspondent term for male ‘handsome', needs complete view and complete evaluation. In reality, the word in the Greek, the root of western civilizati on, with the meaning similar to beauty, includes all the physical, intellectual and spiritual capabilities and attributes of a female and there is no such clear difference between the male and female.Therefore, there must be a mistake in some part of the History, which shrank down the meaning of beauty. At the medieval time, when Christianity had strong dominance over all through the western world, humanity had been suppressed and beauty and attraction used as the source of the evil and against God. Simultaneously, female started to be taken as the source of evil and destruction. They were thought the subject to be suppressed and always depending on the male and being the source of pleasure.Again the humanism is restored in this world; still the meaning of the word, beauty and the attitude to the female is not changed. Female are always deprived of their inborn intellectual, spiritual and physical capacities. Female are living in the false value of flatter with the term beauty. It i s a great misfortune that even the highly intellectual women and women writers are not free from such concept evaluating a female in terms of the superficial and skin-color, how an ordinary lady can be expected free from such mental snares.Paradoxically, women are praised with the false assumption that beauty is the source power, but they should be aware that this is not the power to do anything rather it is the power to stimulate the male to do something upon them, and to be completely possessed by male, and to be consumed by even at the cost of self destruction. Custom This essay by an anthropologist, Clyde Klukhohn is an anthropological view on the human life and culture.Different than the thinkers of the other fields man anthropologist thinks human life and human civilization differently. According to him, there is something else than the biological reality and scientific advancement inevitably associated with human life in this colorful world society. It divides the human b eing into different cultural sectors. In spite of so great similarity in biological and scientific phenomenon among all the human beings in this world, some of typical behavior makes very deep and effective impact on their life.For example, Chinese dislike milk and milk products; Japanese have the Hara-kiri; some of the Koryak females like their husband to marry another wife, which is the issue of intolerance and jealousy for the female in America. Some of the people devour the meat of snake, which makes disruptive reaction for the people of other places. The children of Indiana cultural do not like to dance boys and girls together, where the physical touches, within same clan are considered as the incestuous and immoral.These differences are caused only because of the geographical and climatic differences. Though these differences seem insignificant superficially, they have great impact on one's life. One can live in the same culture where his habits have been formulated, rather th an one biological identity. If an American is brought to inner China, where the Chinese culture is imparted into his essence of life, he is more Chinese than American in spite of his blood and complexion.These customs make greater differences than the biological realities within the physical body of one individual. Understanding of human life is not complete only with the biological understanding and without the understanding such cultural differences, which are generally known as the custom. A question is asked why the world is so much diversified that one feels completely alien while going to different society, in spite of the similarities in the biological factors in our body, as well as similarities in our behavior with the science and technology.Similar question can also be asked here how the world would be in case there is single custom all-through the world. Can we make the world with single custom? What would be its result? Would the world be as beautiful, as creative, and l iving worthy as we are seeing now? No most importantly man would lose the desire to live once his/her difference is omitted or suppressed completely.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Porfirio Diaz’s leadership tactics Essay
†¢ Diaz was able to manipulate other politicians as well as his surrounding leaders. He created great relationships with regional leaders, reminding them that the growth of Mexico’s economy would also create economic growth for them. [1] †¢ Diaz created peace among the Catholic Church supporters, and opponents. Diaz enforced new laws, reforming church privileges. [2] †¢ In order to boost the economy, Diaz looked to foreign investment. He gave tax breaks for international investors, used foreign capital to pay for infrastructure, and always encouraged trade with other countries (i.e Britain, United States, Germany, etc.). [3] †¢ To maintain political power and approval, Diaz regularly jailed those who spoke out against him or his policies, resulting in many editors and writers being imprisoned and opposing leaders â€Å"disappearing†. [4] Porfirio Diaz’s Presidential Terms †¢ Diaz served as president first in 1876, though the public realized his love of power, and elected a new president, Gonzalez, after Diaz’s first term. After a term of Gonzalez, Diaz then reclaimed presidency, and stayed in power from 1884 to 1910, a grand total of 30 years. [5] †¢ Diaz eventually lost power in 1911, after several public uproars and criticism’s about Diaz came forth, and the Maderistas took up arms against him. Soon, a revolution at the battle of Casas Grandes, took place, defeating Porfirio Diaz. [6] Juan Manuel de Rosas accomplishments †¢ Rosas walked into a politically unstable, Argentina. To fix this, Rosas believed in a greater amount of power for the governor. Through doing so, Rosas became a tyrant like leader, similar to Diaz. [7] †¢ During his reign, Rosas increased exported beef and hides, ended the ongoing civil wars, obtained much more land, and declined foreign debts. [8] Leadership Style of Rosas †¢ Rosas was extremely oppressive, not always being sympathetic or thoughtful, often showing no mercy to those whom he though betrayed him. [9] Analysis The Caudillos Juan Manuel de Rosas and Porfirio Diaz are two extremely powerful men in Latin American history, each changing different things about their country in different ways. However, one thing is consistent when analyzing both; they were masters of political power and maintained it better than most leaders. The rise and preservation of power does not come from simple charisma or character. Each leader devised strong strategies and processes, ensuring them the necessary support to rule a country for such an amount of time. After first being elected president in 1876, then losing his position to Gonzales, Diaz then reclaimed the presidency from 1184 to 1910, meaning he remained in power for a total of 30 years. [10] Diaz did this by manipulating others around him, including other authorities as well as the public. Those who did not agree with Diaz or spoke out were punished. Many were imprisoned or found disappearing[11]. Aside from the public, Diaz also took care of threatening opposing authorities by creating great relationships with regional leaders.[12] These relations, military power, and strive for strength created the everlasting regime of Porfirio Diaz. Like Diaz, Juan Manuel de Rosas grew to be extremely powerful during his country of Argentina’s, time of need. Again, being similar with Diaz, Rosas, while powerful, was also oppressive, as many Caudillos of the time soon became. Through a letter written by a citizen to Juan Manuel de Rosas, in which the man pleads for his daughter’s safety, Rosas is unmoved by the article and executes the daughter.[13] This is a prime example of the leader ship style of Rosa. Though, it does raise the question that if he was so oppressive and powerful, why was he in office for so long? When Rosas arrived in Argentina, political chaos was obvious. In order to ensure stability, Rosas implemented many changes in the government, including giving more power to the governor, which in turn, saved Rosas job for the future, allowing him to become a tyrant like leader.[14] Both of these Caudillos illustrate human’s crave for power, and the manipulation, deception, and devilish processes that can be used to maintain this power. We can see both of these men as great leaders, as they thoroughly accomplished what they decided was best. We can also see them as great lessons, teaching us of the dangers of leadership and the risks it often involves. Conclusion The view of past and present Caudillos will consistently change with the person the view is from. However, one thing is clear. Juan Manuel de Rosas and Porfirio Diaz were two Caudillos of political excellence, maintaining a long and influential regime. This was accomplished by both, through their personal triumphs over the previous government of their nation as well as a triumph over threatening authorities around and within the nation, such as Diaz regularly jailing those who spoke out against him or his policies. Rosas and Diaz both knew what they wanted and had valid processes in accomplishing this; though the moral values of their actions are up to discussion. This situation is common throughout history, including skilled leaders such as Hitler, Stalin, and Castro. Juan Manuel de Rosas and Porfirio Diaz display patterns of the past and expectations of the future.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”
We’re Hot as Hell Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the public policy problem from hell? In â€Å"The Environmental Issue from Hell,†Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader’s mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and how we should deal with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, and the impact of humans on the environment.McKibben presents a solution on how to handle each of these environmental issues, utilizing both the people and the government. McKibben's point of how consumerism affects the global ecosystem is certainly relatable. With all the new technology forming, global warming has only increased, despite the many efforts to make everything more energy efficient. McKibb en points out that, â€Å"most of us live lives so divorced from the natural world that we hardly notice the changes anyway. (McKibben 747) Choosing the word divorce (which everyone has heard and in some way or another experienced), and also elaborating about parking garages and air conditioning captivates the reader. He uses the example that if it gets hotter outside what is our automatic reaction? We turn the AC up without contemplation. He explains that these new technologies are not letting us feel the consequences of global warming, causing us to be completely ignorant of it. Related article: †The Proverbs of Administration†SummaryMckibben feels it is subsequently important to make people realize now because, â€Å"By the time the magnitude of the change is truly in our faces, it will be too late to do much about it. â€Å"(747). The author recognizes the delay between the actions we take to lower carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the actual results of it lowering. Due to the outcomes, Mckibben expresses, â€Å"†¦we need to be making the switch to solar and wind and hydrogen power right now to prevent disaster decades away. â€Å" (747), summing up his thought that we need to be making the change to more energy efficient and eco-friendly power before it is too late.Mckibben inaugurates his third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, â€Å"†the great moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. â€Å"(747). He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip-mining the present and destroying all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans’ materialistic ways have impacted the earth. From Bangladesh living three months in thigh high-deep water, to polar bears becoming â€Å"20% scrawnier than they were a decade ago†(748).The environmentalist writer goes on to discuss how to deal with global warming since it is indeed creeping up on us. Mckibben once again articulates his repetitive view that, â€Å"it’s a moral question, finally, if you think we owe any debt to the future. †(748). In many circumstances it is believed that if it had been done to us, we would dislike the generation that did it, just as how we will one day be disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a moral campaign.In other words, â€Å"†¦ turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make public the issue of race, fo rcing the system to respond. â€Å" (748). As a part of the overall populist causing these issues, Mckibben understands that the hardest part about starting this moral campaign is identifying a villain to overcome. Briefly voicing that Carbon dioxide is the main villain, but you can't be mad at it, only the people responsible, which is us. We often become guilty of only looking through our own perspective lenses.In his eyes, we have fancy technology, unnecessarily big cars, and most importantly ignorance about the environmental world around us. McKibben is asking for us to take a step back and look from someone else’s point of view, which as an author is a brilliant idea. He is asking us as the readers to be open-minded and look through someone else’s eyes with the hope that it will be his. Works Cited Mckibben, Bill. â€Å"The Environmental Issue from Hell. †The Mcgraw-Hill Reader. Ed. Gilbert Muller. 11th ed. Boston: Learning Solutions. 2011. 746-49. P rint.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
American History 1584-1783 #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
American History 1584-1783 #3 - Essay Example They shared their goods like clothes, food and other equipments with them. The natives, in return showered them with expensive gifts like gold etc. Later the Spanish, in their quest for wealth and precious metals like gold and silver, tried to isolate the Native Americans from the other European invaders’ influence. In the early 17th century (1607) the British came to North America to have a strong foothold in the region. Jamestown in Virginia became the first place for British settlement followed by colonies in Massachusetts and eastern seaboard in the later part of the century. The initial friendly relationship with the native Indians turned hostile when the settlers started exploiting natives with respect to labor and sea faring activities. Diseases like tuberculosis, diphtheria were brought by the settlers who passed them on to the natives. The natives then refused to work for them. The settlers then brought Africans to work as bonded labors in the plantations and elsewhere, whom, they were freed after several years. Turn of the century saw the raced based slavery becoming a full fledged tradition with Africans and non whites becoming slaves for life. Control over the blacks became the main concern of the white because of the rebellion from the natives. The British Crown delegated the power to the companies who administered in their behalf with rules and regulations. The natives, on the other hand, did not believe in subjugation and rebelled against any revenue imposed by the settlers. French came to America in search of trading avenues and in 1599 the first serious fur trading was established as Tadaussac that grew into the city of Quebec. They had no desire for colonization. They did their trading with the Native Americans as equal. Though French claimed large area in Canada and north America by coming first to Quebec and later expanding from Louisiana in the south to great lakes in the North which included Montreal, Detroit, New Orleans and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing Communication Plan for Green and Black Organic Essay
Marketing Communication Plan for Green and Black Organic - Essay Example The intention of this study is Green and Black organic as basically a premium priced chocolate manufacturing company founded in 1991 in United Kingdom by a couple named: Craig Sams and Josephine Fairley. The name of the brand Green and Black Organic is very meaningful. The Green in the brand name represents the organic quality of the brand and Black represents the dark chocolate which is basically the specialty and core product of the brand. The brand expanded and added Maya Gold to its product range in the year 1994 when the two founders of the Green and Black Organic met up with some Mayan smallholder farmers who planted cocoa trees and agreed to buy at a fair price. These cocoa beans were used to create the traditional flavor of Mayan chocolate drink. Green and Black Organic earned the UK’s first Fair-trade mark as a result of Maya Gold. In the year 2005, Green and Black Organic was bought by Cadbury Plc. Kraft foods finally got hold of the company in the year 2010. The com petition of the Green and Black Organic includes; Toblerone, Lindt and Thorntons. Green and Black Organic has asked the A team agency to come up with a Marketing Communication Plan to help it to not only sustain its market share but also work to increase it. The marketing plan will aim to create increased awareness about the brand so that consumers do not mind paying the extra pound. The A team agency has been provided with a budget of 750,000 pounds to develop a marketing plan for Green and Black Organic.... This paper will focus on marketing communication strategies, objectives and finally the plan proposed for Green and Black organic chocolate that aims to convert dark into rainbow. This proposal is prepared to be presented before an agency by Green and Black organic for illustrating their communication strategies they are thinking to opt. Company’s Brief- Green and Black Organic Green and black organic is now owned by Cadbury, which has 30% of the total market share in London. The company was initially carrying out its operations individually, but later it came under the control of Cadbury. SWOT analysis: In order to assess the current and past performance of the company, SWOT analysis was carried out for the purpose of analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strength Following are the factors that made Green and Black organic a successful company in confectionary industry. Manufacturing chocolates from organic food. Dark chocolates prepared from 70% of coco a beans. Operating under the name of Cadbury. Regarded as first manufacturers of chocolate from organic substance. Employment of good marketing activities as compared to those conducted by small brands. Weaknesses Following are the weaknesses of Green and Black organic Most of the people do not prefer eating dark chocolates so this can result in reduction in sales volume. The size of the company is too small and so, it cannot extend its operation in areas outside the borders of London. As the name of the company does not specify anything related to chocolate, so people can misunderstand the name green and black organic. Opportunities Green and black can earn huge revenues if it focuses and avail following opportunities Manufacturing of chocolate butters and chocolate
Monday, August 26, 2019
Business Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Business Decision Making - Assignment Example In order to study the topic, a research is conducted on the coffee market of London to analyze the emerging market trends. This would help in presenting a report to the senior management for the introduction of a new coffee-based drink for coffee shop customers. As the product development coordinator of the coffee packaging company it is important that I should conduct primary research. This would help in determining the consumer profile, their preferences, attitudes and buying behaviors related to coffee. This information would be collected through survey questionnaires. The survey would be conducted on a random sample and not systemic one. Random sampling will allow the marketer to thoroughly analyze the consumer preference and behavior as everyone will have an equal chance of being selected (Winston, Stevens, Sherwood, & Dunn, 2013). On the contrary, random sampling might also generates some errors such as the sample might not be best suitable for the product, etc. Moreover there is no control in random sampling technique. It should be noted that all the data for the consumer profile, preference and buying behavior will be gathered with the help of primary research i.e. through survey questionnaires. After gathering the primary data and analyzing the consumer preferences etc. the data related to market will be collected and analyzed through secondary research. In the secondary research the data will be gathered with the help of studying market reports related to coffee drinks (Giovannucci & Koekoek, 2003). Furthermore, the secondary research will also identify and analyze some basic elements of coffee industry such as market competitiveness, which are the main competitors, what the market structure is, and how the shares of the coffee market are divided into the key players. All this will be studied with the help
Euthanasia should be illegal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Euthanasia should be illegal - Research Paper Example On the other hand, voluntary euthanasia is one which includes the consent of the patient while involuntary euthanasia does not include the consent of the patients because they are not in a position to make any credible decision (Kon 459). Lastly, involuntary euthanasia occurs when a person requests not to be killed only to end up being killed. This paper will give reasons why it’s immoral for the physicians to assist in suicide. According to the constitution of United States, every citizen has the right to live. The constitution also states clearly that there is no one who has the right to take the life of the other. As a result, it’s illegal and unethical for any person to decide if the other person will live or not. With the increasing stress levels in the world, making such a move to be legal will lead to increased cases of euthanasia (Pereira 1075). Many physicians will be faced with many cases of voluntary euthanasia. It’s immoral for any physicians to help either in voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Research indicates that when patients are in very intense pain, they are likely to take actions that are regrettable. As a result, voluntary euthanasia is an unethical way of giving a person who is not of sound mind an opportunity to make a critical decision about his existence. Allowing physician assisted suicide will increase cases of negligence in our hospitals. Currently, the number of negligence cases in the health facilities has increased tremendously. As a result, when physicians are given the ability to terminate the lives of patients suffering from painful and terminal diseases, they will not put any effort to prolong the lives of these people. Instead, they will just be administering lethal drugs to such patients in order to end their lives. Therefore, they will get an escape route, an aspect that will reduce their levels
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Does the new 21st century transformational form of super leader simply Essay
Does the new 21st century transformational form of super leader simply represent the reemergence of traitbased theories of leadership - Essay Example Eventually concentrating on the three main ideas of leadership: Trait theory, Situational or behavioral theory, and Transformational theory, this essay will compare and contrast these ideas in order to discover whether modern ideas of super-leadership is really a 21st century innovation. The first part of this essay will look at the history of leadership, and consider how these theories changed over time, and how they were affected by the politics of the day - whether Weber's hero-based theories fall out of favor because of "charismatic" leaders such as Hitler and Stalin, for example. The essay will then consider the two prime theories of leadership prior to the 1970's; trait theory, and situational theory. Through analysis of all of these historical theories, it is hoped that common perspectives and behaviors might be more clearly seen. Having noted similar themes or behaviors within the historical theories, the next part of the essay will consider transformational leadership, and its development in the twentieth century. Notions of the Super-leader will also be examined. Leadership theories do not just describe leaders of countries, or empires; indeed, leadership theory in the 20th century has also focused upon business leaders; modern theorists consider teachers, football coaches, and even parents, as leaders. There are a great many books written about it also: so anyone who can buy a book from a store can learn the tricks and secrets to being a great leader. Therefore, in order to understand what theorists mean when they are discussing leadership, a definition seems necessary. For the purposes of this essay, leadership is "The effort to influence the behavior of individuals or members of a group in order to accomplish organizational, individual, or personal goals" (National Resources Management, 1997). The main focus of most pre-twentieth century theories of leadership was the monarch, or rulers of countries. Sun-Tzu's theories have already been described: clearly they relate to the idea of a war-lord, or leader with military capability, not the average equipment of the business leader. Rulers were also clearly the object of Machiavelli's work "The Prince"; in his theory, rulers are made great or weak through the popular perception of them: "Whenever men are discussed.they are noted for various qualities which earn them either praise or condemnation" (Machiavelli). In general, he believed
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Clean Snows of Petawawa Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Clean Snows of Petawawa - Assignment Example Captain Kearney, the unit’s C.O., dismissively ignores the atrocities committed by the forces under his command and only asks the community to move on, which is lack of empathy as a normal human being could have only offered an apology and duly compensate the villagers for the loss. In his discussion with the tribal leaders, the captain reflects the American Grand Narrative in which American policy focused on a commitment to global leadership whereby a policy of interventionism is the order of the day with any errors and misjudgments committed being carried out in good faith (Ashbrook, 2010). For this reason, the attitude shown by the captain, when talking with the tribal leaders, shows that he considered the errors committed by the platoon under his command as done in good faith. In this case, the soldiers accidentally killed innocent villagers although the overall the overall objective of helping the community live in peace after years of atrocities committed by the rebels that the coalition forces were fighting justified the killings. Peacekeepers in Somalia, the author engages in a discussion by tracing the story in which Canadian peacekeepers engaged in violence against Somalis with the atrocities committed by the Canadians disappearing from Canada’s legal and national cognizance. To Razack (2000) the Canadian grand national narrative of ‘clean snows’ and peacekeepers who are supposed to be innocent contributed to the disappearance of the atrocities committed since the Canadian forces could not commit such atrocious acts to other human beings based on the country’s grand narrative. To recap, the story involves Canadian forces from the base in Petawawa who were sent as peacekeepers to perform their duties in Somalia. As peacekeepers, they were expected to maintain peace, in the Somali War of 1992, and it was the expectation of the world and Canadians to have their soldiers act.
Friday, August 23, 2019
United Colors of Benetton Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
United Colors of Benetton - Case Study Example These are special skills on product design and manufacturing procedures related to cutting and dying. Still, their networking or outsourcing activities remain in the confines of their territory in Italy. Contrary to the prevailing business models in their industry at the given period, even their retail shops are outsourced in the form of informal licensing. By informal it means that most of their transactions whether in manufacturing or retailing are based on handshakes mostly with no written or formal agreements. Conversely, their major competitors Gap and Zara own and control their retail shops. It is estimated that about 85% of business operations are outsourced. Their vast networking strategy paved the way for their tremendous growth not only in Italy but in other countries as well. These licensees played a significant role through financing other aspects of Benetton operations hence allowing the latter to focus their hard work and resources to their core competencies. The embodiment of its strategic outsourcing initiative is evidently shown in its five-stage process for its international expansion. The gauge of their successful expansion must result to buy out of their licensee or subsidiary and integrating it under Benetton management.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Foreign Banks Pros and Cons Essay Example for Free
Foreign Banks Pros and Cons Essay Today with the blessings of tremendous development in the communication technology, relationship and interdependence among the countries have been growing rapidly which signifies globalization as an ongoing process. Globalization helps the international business- that is engaging in cross border expansion of sales, acquiring resources and diversifying risk. Factor that benefiting the foreign banks in Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a developing country with a huge population. From the beginning of Bangladesh as an independent country it has been a desiring place for doing business for business organizations operating globally. This circumstance is existed in banking and other financial service sectors. There are some factors that benefitting the foreign banks operating in Bangladesh. 1. Extended sales in an enormously populated country with a low competition: Bangladesh is a country with a large population, so this place is a big market for the banks in a single boundary with a simple set of legislations. So the foreign banks operating in Bangladesh can serve a large group of customers with a single marketing policy. As now a day the business transactions are taken place through banks and house hold savings are kept in banks so the foreign banks do not have to be concerned about the demand. The local banks can not give a big competition as well. 2. Minimizing risk: As usual the multinational banks like other multinational corporations minimize risk by operating in Bangladesh. That means if the banking sector collapses in a country the multinational banks will not loose everything and it is a risk diversifying method. 3. Acquiring resources: The foreign banks operating in Bangladesh can acquire Bangladeshi capitals, information and human resources easily. The local expertise is keen to work in MLCs. So the foreign banks can acquire the local human resources easily at a very cheap rate compare to the global condition. Having the benefits in Bangladesh 10 local banks have established their operation in our country and working comfortably for years after years. Influences of foreign banks in Bangladesh: Benefits: 1. A boast in banking sector: Local banks are expected to react as the foreign banks enter to the country. The local banks here have changed their police in a positive way caused by healthy competition. 2. Bringing ne management and advertising techniques: foreign banks typically bring newer and more modernized management and advertising techniques in our banking sectors. The local banks can learn the modern techniques to cope up with the changing economic environment and globalization. 3. Introducing new modernized technology: In Bangladesh most of the modern financial technology such as ATM, different types of cards, off balance sheet accounting and the latest computing technology brought by foreign banks and spread out in whole banking sectors. 4. Helping in international trade: Aiding in the development of trade and foreign direct investment are presented by foreign banks. Such as opening an L/C in a multinational bank may be more helpful for the merchants. Problems: 1). Foreign domination: the established foreign banks have far greater brand value and economic capability than the local banks. So they can easily dominate by attracting customers. They also are being magnets for local human resources, so the local banks do not get the local expertises which also pull the local banks behind the multinational banks. 2). Lack of local commitment: the foreign banks lack commitment towards the country for some reasons not meeting some social responsibilities. 3.)Â Cream skimming behavior: though there is not much data available to prove this fact many people think that the foreign banks cream skim the market- taking disproportionate share of best local business away from domestic banks. 4). Unhealthy completion: introduction of foreign banks has added pressure to the local banks by increasing competition which results in risk taking of local banks. So the foreign banks of Bangladesh have a great influence in our economy in the form of pros and cons which are effectively altering our banking sector, with their operation.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Internet addiction Essay Example for Free
Internet addiction Essay Addiction pertains to a behavioral issue that is mainly characterized by an urge to consume a particular item or perform a specific activity repeatedly (Pies, 2009). Addiction is different from abuse, which is technically a less serious version of this behavioral problem. The act of repeatedly performing an action or consuming a specific substance is mainly influenced by external and internal factors. Addiction is largely influenced by the physiological and psychological effect that an individual achieves when he performs a specific action or consumes a particular item. It is also possible for social factors to affect an individual to repeatedly perform a specific action. The Internet is one of the latest networks that links people to the rest of the world by enabling them to communicate and gather information at the fastest and most efficient way to date (Collier, 2009). The accessibility of the Internet in almost every place in the community has resulted in its integration into various settings, including business offices, academic institutions and homes. Aside from communication and the transfer of data from one computer user to another, the Internet currently serves as the prime source for entertainment to the public. It is now possible to download music, videos and even literature with such ease and precision. Alongside the availability of this helpful technology, there are also a number of negative effects that are associated with Internet use. The human psyche has been influenced by the Internet, which in turn has resulted in an addiction that is similar to the repeated actions involved in drug or alcohol use. This consequence has affected not only the addicted individual himself, but also his immediate family and co-workers. To date, there is no official term that could be employed to designate this particular addiction to the Internet (Zboralski et al. , 2009). However, it is quite easy to describe the activities of this behavioral issue based on the actions of an individual, including the need to check certain websites continuously and spending an extended period of time in front of the computer. In addition, Internet addiction could also involve frequent and continuous participation in online games, email, chat or messenger sessions. Controversy regarding the actual designation of Internet addiction is currently under the scrutiny of psychologists and other analysts. According to Pies (2009), the psychological manifestations associated with Internet addiction are similar to the other types of addiction, including that of drug and alcohol dependency. However, the physiological relationship of Internet addiction to the human body still needs to be further examined. Pies (2009) suggested that there must be an underlying medical condition that pushes an individual to repeatedly use the Internet, yet this still has to be identified. It is still thus premature to call Internet addiction as a disease, with the current insufficient amount of information that has been gathered on these occurrences. In an attempt to determine the extent of Internet addiction in the general society, a number of investigators have attempted to examine the frequency of Internet use in relation to the purpose of its use. In a study conducted by Zboralski et al. 2009) among school-age children, it was observed that 25% of the study population was strongly dependent to the Internet, including primary school children. Another interesting observation is that children who did not have siblings or children who were experiencing family problems were more likely to be addicted to Internet use. It is also alarming to find out that Internet-dependent children showed a greater susceptibility to enact aggressive behavior, as well as succumb to anxiety and depression. Deprivation of Internet use among addicts also results in withdrawal symptoms, as well as the development of an anxious stance. There are also cases wherein Internet addicts experience nausea and sweating when they engage in excessive use of the Internet, otherwise called computer binges (Collier, 2009). It is also observed that some Internet addicts undergo hyperarousal during interaction on the Internet. Unfortunately, there is no mention of other physiological responses to these reports, such as changes in the blood pressure or the heart rate of any study participants. It is thus recommended that for the time being, anecdotal, case and clinical reports be compiled for future reference and review.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Evaluating Theories of Motivation in Project Management
Evaluating Theories of Motivation in Project Management Introduction Banking sector continues to be one of the most important economic sectors and one of the most rapid growing businesses in Albania in the last 10 year (Bank of Albania, 2010, ). Societe Generale Albania (SGAL), previously named Banka Popullore, started its activity on 1st of March 2004. In April 2007, Societe Generale Group acquired 75.01% of the shares of this bank. SGAL has its head office in Tirana and is present allover Albania with 41 operation branches. At the end of 2009, the bank had 379 employees, both Albanian and French nationality (Annual Report 2009, 2010, ). The case study Being one of the most important economic sectors has created enough space for operation of 17 Banks in a relatively small market like Albania. With such a high competition it is very important that banks stay always in line with economic developments and react fast toward customer needs for new products or adaptation. Societe Genereale Albania Bank is quite small and there are frequently high pressures for sharing resources in order to complete in time and with budget different operational or business initiatives. These needs has made mandatory for bank management to apply a matrix organizational layout. Matrix organizational structures are quite complicated when it comes to management and control of staff performance. They bring the employee in front of two managers, the usual department manager and the temporary project manager. There a lot of researches and studies for motivation in standard organizational structure, but the topic is considered as less explored when it comes to project management (Dwivedula and Bredillet, 2009). Theories of motivations Motivation is the driving force within individuals that compels them physiologically and psychologically to pursue one or more goals to fulfill their needs or expectations, (Lam and Tang, 2003). There are currently a lot of theories to explain the nature of motivation and help mangers on addressing it according to their needs. These theories do not conflict between them, which means the manager can use any of them or even combine them (Birnberg, Luft and Shields, 2007). This assignment will be focused in two theories; The hierarchy of needs as one of the first ones and most well known by all kind of managers and the dual-structure theory since it was developed based on a research on engineers and accounts, which is about the same environment and employee nature as in SGAL Bank. Another reason for selecting these theories is the fact that both of them have as a starting point the fulfillment of basic human needs and in the development countries we meet a high demand of these needs. The Hierarchy of Needs The theory is well known and was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1940. According to this theory the needs are organized in five main groups of needs that stay together in the form of a pyramid (Maslow, 1943): Physiological Needs; they stay in the bottom of the pyramid and include the basic needs of every human being such as: the need for food, drink, education, medical care, etc. Every organization can provide these needs by providing good working condition and a salary to their employees. Security Needs; includes the need for feeling safe and secure, having a secure job, having a home and a future. The organization can satisfy these needs by offering job continuity, health insurance and retirement plans. Belongingness Needs; includes the needs of humans to love and be loved, to be accepted by others, to take and give friendship. Most of this needs get satisfied by the family ties, but this is not enough since we spend a considerable time of our life in our works. Managers and direct supervisors can play a significant role to satisfy these needs by encouraging the work in group, enhance their communication with employees and provided basis for social interaction between employees. Esteem Needs; the needs of this group can be divided into two major needs, the need for self respect and the need for being respected by others. Both department managers and project managers can satisfy this by giving the staff a job title, awards, recognition of merits, benefits etc. Self-Actualization Needs; is the highest level of the hierarchy and includes the need we have to be the one we want to be in order to be self fulfilled. If all the other levels of the hierarchy are fully satisfied, it does not remain a lot for the managers to do to satisfy this need. All they need to take care is to make sure the individual has a challenging job and that other needs of lower level do not become deficient. According to the theory the needs of each level should be satisfied before going to the next level until we reach the self-actualization needs, however if during our road to the top of hierarchy, a lower level of need become deficient again, the individual returns to that level (Moorhead and Griffin, 1995). Despite the fact that the theory is well recognized among many organization and managers due to the intuitive logic and easy understanding, the theory is not fully validated either by Maslow or any other research, in contrary many deficiencies have been identified (Wahba and Bridwell, 1976) The most common criticism is the limited number of people used in his research and coming out with conclusions which applies to everybody (Boeree, 2006, Such a conclusion of course does not look very scientific. Another important one are the constrains that Maslow put on the self-actualization. He pointed out that the self actualization is in the top of his hierarchy and can be reached only when all the other needs are satisfy. In opposite to this there are many examples where people show outputs of self-actualization by being fare from fulfillment of their basic or belongingness needs (examples of artists and scientist). It is important to mention that if we carefully evaluate the hierarchy we see that the most basic needs, up to the third level, are usually satisfied by the government and/or organization rules and regulation. If we go up in the hierarchy of needs, we see that there are direct supervisors and team members who help to satisfy the needs and turn them in motivators for improving job performance. The Dual-Structure Theory The theory was developed by Herzberg on late 1950s based on a research with a couple of hundred engineers and accounts (Herzberg, 1968). The finding of this research proved that different set of factors were connected with different feelings about work. The motivation of an employee goes in a two step process, first satisfying the employee (eliminate any factor which may bring dissatisfaction, fulfill the hygiene factors) and second go with motivation factors. The motivation factors would result at the end with satisfied and motivated employees who can have a long term and positive job performance. The hygiene factors (salary, company policies, competence, interpersonal relations, working conditions, etc) when they exist, they are in placed by the company strategy and/or governments rules and they are not directly related to the performance and ability of the employee. In opposite with them, the employee can get the motivation factors (recognition, achievement, work itself, advancement, and responsibility) by his involvement and his work but also by the ability of his manager to give them (McCrimmon, 2008). The combination of these factors can set employee in four situations (Herzberg, 1987): Satisfied and motivated employee. It is a target situation for having the best performance, there is not a lot to be done if you have employee being in this status. Satisfied but not motivated. If the employees are in this status, it means the hygiene factors are all accomplished and the managers should find the way to apply motivation factors and change the status; otherwise the de-motivated employee will bring low productivity and bad quality. Not satisfied but motivated. In this case it is the company who should change its policies and rules and try to change the situation. An employee is not expected to stay longer in this status. Not satisfied and not motivated. The worst situation, both company and managers have a lot to do. These employees will bring to the business apart from the low productivity and bad quality a lot of complains, strikes and no communication. The theory has been analyzed more than any other theory in the field of organizational behavior (Pinder, 1998) and the results are quite contradictory. Studies and researchers which use the same method support the theory, other ones criticize it for the research population used, which is limited only to accountants and engineers. The theory does not take into account the individual differences, since a motivation factor can depend on individual age and/or organizational model (House and Wigdor, 1967). Herzbergs theory states that money does not motivate employees but only satisfies them (Herzberg, 1968), due to this statement the theory is widely discussed and analyzed in studies and researches about the rewarding and motivation (Beel, 2007).The rewords supporters are totally against it and they say it does not have evidences to prove that money is not a motivation. Another aspect of critics is the fact that the theory does not take in consideration the circumstances, what does motivate an employee today, not necessary satisfy and motivate another one tomorrow (Robbins, 2005). Visual presentation of the dual structure theory (, Nov 2010) As displayed in this graphic the theory goes though two major phases, first eliminate the dissatisfaction by providing all the hygiene factors and then start applying motivation factors and have motivated employee and high performance. Motivation in Project management PRINCE2 manual defines a project as: a management environment that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to a specified business case. Another definition is: a temporary organization that is needed to produce a unique and pre-define outcome or result at a pre-specified time using pre-determined resources. Being a temporary organization and with specific targets, the project organization is a different structure than a normal organization unit and different rules and practices are applied in every aspect of organizational behavior, including motivation. Description of case study In 2008, Societe Generale Albania started a fifteen months project for migration of existing core banking system. The project team was composed by more than twenty high qualified employees coming from different departments and sectors, different education and different professional background. Many different positions were defined as part of the project such as; translators, business analysts, IT developers, organization and even a public relationship specialist. The bank knew since the beginning that such a challenging and multidimensional project could not succeed within the specified time and budget without a motivated team. To achieve a motivated team, SGAL manly considered the assumption that people are motivated by money. This assuming was coming from their experience with the sales force in the branch network and missing of experience on running projects. They provided project staff with a simple bonus schema based on their performance with a maximum of one monthly salary. The bonus was delivered once in the middle of the project and once in the end of it. In addition to this bank has tried to provide good working condition, apply policy on compensation and benefit, apply payment of social and health insurances, apply Global Employee Share Ownership program, so staff has not only the status of employee but also have a shareholder status (BHFM/SGO/REF, 2007), and also apply some flexibility working hours. Analysis It is important to highlight since the beginning that motivation in project is different from motivation in standard organization infrastructure. There are 2 major differences (Schmid Adams, 2008), the first one is related to the fact that in projects, tasks and leaders are temporary. Considering that projects are a temporary organization, than can a project manager do something to motivate its employee, even if the organization motivation is not in the required level? The second difference is that each project goes through some main phases; planning, executing, monitoring and closing, so different factors should be used to motivate the team in different project statuses. If we get back and see, company has already addressed most of the hygiene factors, but because of the no experience on the field the bank has totally under evaluated the job security factor. A few months before the end of the project, two key persons, data migration manager and accounting business analyst resign from the project. The main reasons for that were the missing of a clear view for their position in the bank at the end of the project and continues overload. According to the Herzberg theory, if job security factor is not addressed the result is to have dissatisfied employee, and a dissatisfied employee can not stay with the company for a long period and either have a good performance. There are two issues coming from this: the management of the bank failed to provide the security for the job continuity and the project manager failed to plan a proper work-life balance and properly manage the overload. Failing in providing these factors had become precedent for staff leaving the project and the company just before the closing phase of the project and causing delays and increase lack of self-confidence among other members. As a result of this, high qualified staff found themselves de-motivated. If we go up in the hierarchy of needs we dont see evidences for fulfill the social needs of the project team. SGAL management did not organize any social activities during the project. Only at the end of the project, when the success was evident, the company organized a party. The project management from the other side attempted to do some socialization between team members, but that was on a limited number of people and not on regular basis. According to Dwivedula and Bredillet (2010) a positive work climate of the group is achieved when all members have task interdependence, one common objective to achieve and of course a good relationship and constant communication with each other. Social activities are important to have a positive work environment, but the project manager has to be very careful and evaluate each situation so, if one person intrinsic motivation is alienated then it may bring the spillover effect and de-motivated the entire team (Schmid and Admas, 2008). From Herzberg dual-structure theory we know that satisfied employee is not enough to have motivated employee. Project and organization management had addressed the recognitions and achievements factors by establishing an internal magazine distributed monthly to all bank staff and fully dedicated to the project team and their achievements. We indicated above that SGAL management allowed some of the project team members to have flexible working hours, this was a very positive thing, which properly addresses the status factor by making them fill different and appreciated. How where the staff selected to be part of the project? Where they volunteering or just appointed without their will? Most of the team was appointed to the project. According to a research made by Aller, Lyth and Mallak (2008) the creation of project team using co-mingling method (volunteering to the project positions) gives an interest and motivated team. By selecting this method there are also chances that the project staff has the appropriate skills and abilities to make the job. Despite the fact that this research is addressed to the setup of teams in university projects, it can be useful and applicable in creation of every project team. When used and combined with other methods this would help on achieving of a high job satisfaction level of the team members. Conclusion Employee performance is determined by three main components: ability to do the job; work environment; and motivation (Griffin, 1990, p.437) The first two ones can be better addressed by the permanent organization of the bank as most probably they need time and investments. Staff not being able to perform an activity may need to be trained to do so, good working environment also need investments and time to be in placed. Motivation from the other side is something which can immediately improve the performance if managed properly. Projects by definition are a temporary organization; this automatically excludes or reduces them from addressing ability and work environment and totally focus on the motivation. To motivate staff means to provide them with a motive to do the tasks. A successful project manager is somebody who is able to find the motives which apply to each employee and turn them from common worker to extraordinary ones. Maslows hierarchy of needs and Herzbergs dual-structure theory are valid models of motivation in project management and in development countries. These models should not be seen as frozen theories; they should be properly evaluated, used and interpreted by each project manager to stimulate team members, growth their individual development, reach projects goals and increase productivity in organization. However we should always keep in mind that some people may have exceptions form this hierarchy. The bank can help its project leader by performing surveys which would tell what the employees preferences for job motivation are. Often the strongest motivators for employee are the things they miss more in their job.
i Heard The Owl Call My Name And the Black Robe: The Indians :: essays research papers
"I Heard The Owl Call My Name" and "The Black Robe": The Indians Although the Indians in I Heard The Owl Call My Name, and in The Black Robe are primitive in the technological sense, they are neither simple or emotional people. The Indians in both texts could be classed as primitive people - if we take primitive to mean technologically underdeveloped. The level of technology possessed by the white man is far superior to that of the Indians, yet the Indians in The Black Robe are happy to accept and use muskets, and in I Heard The Owl Call My Name they are familiar with motors, washing machines and modern building techniques brought by white man. The Indians display their level of ignorance in regard to modern technology in The Black Robe, when the enemy tribe believed that muskets could only be fired once and once fired, they are useless. The Indians had little knowledge of modern materials or tools. When comparing the Indians in The Black Robe to the Indians in I Heard The Owl Call My Name, we must take into account that The Black Robe was set two hundred and twenty years earlier than I Heard The Owl Call My Name, and white mans influence on the Indians in I Heard The Owl Call My Name was much greater. Technology did not play an important role in the Indian's way of life. Traditionally, the Indians lived off the land taking only what they needed, and their hunting and building methods had served them well for centuries, therefore their need to develop new technology would not have been great. The Indians are not simple or barbaric people. Their complex belief system and folklore related strongly to the environment and gave reasons for the
Monday, August 19, 2019
Metaphysical Premises And Types Of Liberal Ideology: Liberalism As The End And Liberalism As The Way :: Politics
Metaphysical Premises And Types Of Liberal Ideology: Liberalism As The End And Liberalism As The Way ABSTRACT: The problem of choosing the way for our country unavoidably brings us to a discussion of the problem of liberalism. At first glance, this should not be a problem since liberal principles underlie Western society and are the basis of the modern world order. But this opinion is not shared by all intellectuals in Russia. First is the specificity of the Russian mentality, social consciousness and social life. The idea of 'Russia's own way' is much referred to by various political movements of pronounced nationalist color, but we have to study this idea at its deepest level rather than oversimplify reality. Yet even most thinkers who are oriented to the West and have insisted on the adoption of Western values and standards have also strongly criticized European civilization. Secondly, liberalism does not have a simple meaning. It connotes a number of complex ideological systems transformed over time both in theory and in political practice. Therefore, it is important to analyze the metaphysical premises of liberal doctrines and systems. I will examine assessments of liberal ideas made by Russian religious philosophers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries such as P. Struve, N. Novgorodtsev, I. Iliin, and S. Frank who all considered liberalism primarily a metaphysical rather than a legal or political phenomenon, and interpreted it as an empirical manifestation of the deep nature of the human spiritual reality. The problem of choosing the way for our country unavoidably makes us discuss the problem of liberalism. At the first sight, this should not be problem at all, as the liberal principles underlie Western society and so make the basis of the whole modern world order. But such a straight opinion is not shared by all political people here in Russia and there are two major reasons for this. First of the two is specificity of Russian mentality, Russian social consciousness, and generally all Russian social life. The idea of Russia's own way is, true, much used by various political movements of pronounced nationalist color, but we have to study this idea to the most possible deepness to not be oversimplifying the reality. It was common among all political groups and movements to state Russia's special historical fate and ways. Even the most westernly oriented political thinkers, though insisted on the adoption of Western values and standards, strongly criticized European civilization at the same time (so did Hertzen in his late years, for example).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Kustom Kar Kommandos :: essays research papers
The movie Kustom Kar Kommandos is an intriguing look at the relationship between a man and his car. The film, being only about 3 minutes long, is filled with many points of thought involving the nature of this relationship. The short itself is about a man simply buffing and admiring his car, but with the use of music, fades, and slow pans this becomes an erotic event.      Playing â€Å"Dream Lover†from the start, Kenneth Anger has found the sensual side of communicating with an automobile, while still keeping the movie free of blatant symbolic imagery. The scene of the short is a very plain stage. A pink backdrop with no props other than the car, our attention is already focused to the action to be presented. The shots are very slow and very smooth, with fade’s and dissolves used abundantly for the transitions. The panning is done at a very slow pace, with the polishing being done at about the same speed. What could be only a few quick shots of a man have been dragged out into 3+ minutes of care and love to the car. The buffing rag itself is virginally white, having never seen any dirt on the car. Everything in the scene leads to a very innocent, sensual theme that Anger expresses so well in his cinematography.      The hints of sexuality appear as soon as the first shot comes onscreen. The fluffy white buffing rag caressing the body of the car ever so slowly, it then finds its way to two shiny circular (and very breast-like) objects that are part of the car’s engine. Moving from the body to these two â€Å"breasts†, the buffer never wavers, never slipping up in its quest to polish every inch of the car’s body and engine. Immediately afterwards, and in the same pan, the camera finds a hood ornament of a man sitting down (and apparently fishing) with a very phallic fishing rod projecting out in the silhouette. It is shots like this that give the short its erotic undertone.      Another interesting aspect of the film is the ambiguity of the man polishing the car. The shots are all done very carefully, so that the man’s face is never seen until the very end of the short. At one point it goes to a close up of the body being buffed, with a fairly revealing reflection of the man, but not his face.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Katherine Mansfield’s short story Essay
Katherine Mansfield’s short story â€Å"Miss Brill†is the story of a woman who is lonely and isolated from the world around her although she tries to make herself believe that she belongs to the community and is connected to the rest of the people who live in her little world. This theme of loneliness and isolation and Miss Brill’s attempts to waive them away would recur many times throughout the plot. Miss Brill is an old maid and that in itself makes her an outsider in a society that believes that being married is the norm rather than the exception. Every Sunday afternoon she visits the park and spends the entire time looking at the people and delighting in the activity going on. She compares herself to an audience watching a play unfolding before her. However, by regarding the world around her as a stage, she is unconsciously referring to her own life as another plot in a make-believe play of life. She is a lonely woman pretending that everything is fine with her life as much as everything looks fine with everyone during that afternoon in the park. While walking, with her ermine fur around her shoulders, she â€Å"breathed something light†which she denies as â€Å"sadness†. When she listens to the band playing, she feels a certain â€Å"chill†that she insists is not â€Å"sadness†. Her ultimate denial happens when she comes home after having eavesdropped upon a young couple making fun of her. While she replaces the fur in its box, â€Å"she heard something crying. †Every time, Miss Brill waives away the pangs of loneliness so that she is even able to pretend that the crying comes from inside the fur box. But at every instance of denial, her sadness and isolation only becomes more obvious to the reader. Work Cited Mansfield, Katherine. Miss Brill.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Principles of business and administration Essay
1. Explain why change happens in a business environment. You should include at least three reasons in your answer. For any business to be successful it must be willing to make changes to best provide the services that are required whilst at the same time being profitable, Businesses must constantly evolve and improve both their produce and manufacturing procedures in order to stay competitive in the global marketplace. Management and employees alike must learn to adapt and respond to changes and new challenges. There are two main causes that will make a business make changes, reactive factor and proactive factors. Reactive factor are when external changes occur such. Political reasons like a new law/legislation has been passed by government and this could have a direct effect on your business. Economic factors also will play a major role in making changes to the business; these could be anything from consumers buying trends and economic performance to government tax increases, international exchange rates and interest rate fluctuations. Social awareness is vital when it comes to making business changes as this will massively influence any changes that you put into place, if not researched properly and managed effectively you could make huge mistakes when it comes to advertising and public relations. By monitoring consumers buying preferences and competitors behaviour you will be able to make any changes with the knowledge that they will be relevant. New technology will help a business to be more efficient and competitive and by having the latest/newest technology, that could be what make you stand out over your rivals; you must constantly research new technology because all technology has a life cycle and by being contempt with what you currently have could lead to you falling behind in the marketplace. One helpful way of thinking about the reactive factors influencing change is to use the PEST acronym. Political, Economic, Social, Technology. The other main reason that will cause a business to make changes is when the company has a desire to improve or has internal demands that must be met, this is called a proactive change and this can be of a financial nature such as – implementing a new way to reduce waste efficiently, or launching a new cutting edge product. But it could also be a way to improve the business moral and wellbeing with changes like refitting communal areas (toilets etc.) and enhancement courses such as- first aid training. Section 2 – Understand the purpose of supporting change in a business environment 1. Identify the main reasons for reviewing working methods, products and / or services in a business environment. In a business environment nothing stays the same and therefore you must continually review your working methods, products and services to ensure that they are still relevant, suitable and efficient. Companies review their services and products regularly so that they can keep up to date with the expectations of their customers. This will ensure the company can stay competitive and meet its targets and objectives. If a change has to be made to a service or product that you offer this could mean that related procedures need to be reviewed to ensure they are still correct and efficient. Any successful business will follow the principle continual reviewing of the working methods and services, making changes to improve them, reviewing these changes and then making further changes, by doing this you will always be confident in your product. 2. When a business is going through change: a) Describe the different types of support that people may need. When a business goes through change it can cause employees to feel unhappy, stressed or anxious this can cause them to be withdrawn and uncooperative when it comes to learning and adapting to the implemented changes Supporting people during change is important as failure to do this could be harmful to the person/s involved and to the business. Different types of support that can help people during change include: Effective planning of how different people will react to the change. Participation and keeping staff informed of progress or changes. Training or retraining so all staff members are confident in their new roles or expectations. Encouragement and other supportive behaviours by reassuring, supporting, guidance and by giving praise. Counselling or coaching with staffs that appears unable to deal with the changes or with external issues. b) Explain the benefits of working with others. When a business is going through changes it is always better to work as part of a team because it will create camaraderie and with others there you can always ask for assistance or advice if you have a concerns, as a business you should always try make staff work in groups when implementing changes as with this format you will be able to reduce the risk of individuals becoming isolated and it will help to create a framework for mutual support and problem solving. Section 3 – Understand how to respond to change in a business environment 1. In relation to your current business environment (or one that you are familiar with): a) Explain why you should respond positively to changes in working methods. As I am familiar with working in a commercial kitchen environment I have to be able to respond positively to change as they happen possibly more often than anywhere else. For example if the head chef decides to make changes the menus then I have to be able to adapt and make the relevant changes immediately because failure to do this could result in products being made incorrectly and will be returned at cost to the company this would mean that I would have to remake the dish correctly therefore costing me valuable time/resources especially if the restaurant is busy. If I was to make too many mistakes then this would have a negative impact on the moral of the kitchen and could end up with me being sent out of the kitchen and possibly losing my job because of my ineptness, on the other hand if the head chef was to see that I was responding the change positively then he might feel that he could move me onto a more complex station this would give me a confidence boost and encourage me to continue my good work. b) Explain why you should respond positively to changes in products or services. All companies need to update or change their products from time to time in order to be competitive and all employees including myself have to accept that changes will have to be made to the way in which we work but by being positive to the changes it will show my employer that I am willing to adapt to any changes and that i show a willingness to learn new methods and techniques that could improve the way that I work, this will create a positive image of me in my employer’s and fellow colleagues eyes. By adapting the skills that I have acquired I may be able to offer advice on the effectiveness of any changes. In the long-run this could benefit me by enhancing my career prospects within the company. c) Identify ways of responding positively to change. All business wants staff that can respond positively to change and look out for people who can show that they have a willingness to learn new skills and procedures and those that can apply what they have learned into the workplace. They are the sort of people that will seek out answers and ask questions in order to find solutions to problems/difficulties and find it enjoyable when they have a chance to change and adapt. They will also be willing to share their knowledge, skills and experience. They will try to help others to adapt to the changes. And by keeping a happy can-do attitude you can prevent yourself from becoming stressed or anxious and this could encourage others to feel more positive Once you have completed all 3 Sections of this Assessment, go to and send your work to your tutor for marking.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis: Carl Becker Ideal Democracy Essay
Millions of people were dying and millions more were about to die. Ideal Democracy was a speech written and spoke by Carl Becker at the University of Virginia in 1941. At the time the United States had just joined into War World II. Many people had little faith in the war and thought we were just throwing away lives. Becker was invited to the University of Virginia to deliver a speech associated with the founder, Thomas Jefferson, but have no subject. According to l Becker the American Revolution not only wanted to have independence from Great Britain but also wanted to establish a new and better form of government, an ideal democracy. Ideal democracy, a system of government that is created by the people, for the people and run by the people. Becker then proceeds to voice his opinions on this form of ideal democracy and our current democracy. Becker belief in ideal democracy was that it was run of the people, by the people and for the people. However his view on real democracy is that it is a government of the people, run by politicians for groups that can get their own interest taken cared for. Over the years the line between what Becker’s belief of ideal democracy and real democracy, that Thomas Jefferson tried so hard to protect, were starting to become a blur. Becker saw an opportunity to change the viewpoints of many Americans by starting with this speech for the University of Virginia students and staff. One of Carl Becker’s many points of writing this speech was to bring awareness of what we were fighting for at the time of war world II. At the time many Americans didn’t believe in the war and had doubts about getting involved. Becker saw what the war was protecting. Becker saw that it was protecting the little things everyone in the nation took for granted, our democracy. In 1776 the United States and their founding fathers declared their independence from Great Britain to establish freedom. The founding fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, put everything on the line for their vision of a new free world. On December 7th 1941, Japan threated the founding fathers vision of a new free world by attacking Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. On December 8th 1941, the United States even though they were already fighting declared war officially. One point in his speech he compares Napoleon, Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler to democracy explaining that, â€Å" if this what we mean by democracy, then virtually all forms of government are democratic, since virtually all governments, except in the time of revolution, rest upon the explicit or implicit consent of the people†(Becker, 148). In the eyes of Becker losing the war meant losing democracy and everything the great nation of the United States had worked so hard to get in the first place. Through out the speech Carl Becker kept a very formal diction to insure to his audience, the American people, that he was respecting the topic. Ideal democracy is a very important topic and by keeping a formal diction, it showed his audience that he understood how much this topic affected them. Becker was very technical in his speech given. Becker also understood that the more technical he could be the more specific he could be. This also meant that the audience could listen to his speech and know that he knows what he is talking about. Becker made many references to other authors like James Bryce and his work Modern Democracies. Bryce was a British academic, jurist and historian who at one point in his life was the British ambassador for the United States. Bryce had a similar idea to Becker where, â€Å"power will be shared by all, and a career open to all-alike†(Bryce, 48). By Becker referring to a well know academic and historian he has now appealed to the audience’s ethos. Becker also touches on the subject of Napoleon, Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler and how if we don’t fight in this war we will lose everything we have worked for; this is appealing to the audience’s pathos. In one other part of Becker’s speech he says, â€Å"In the twelfth and thirtieth centuries certain favorably placed medieval cities enjoyed a measure of self government, but in most instances it was soon replaced by the dictatorship of military conquerors†(Becker, 150). Becker continues to go on with more and more detail about the twelfth and thirtieth centuries loading the audiences with facts. All of these facts are a clear link to the audience’s sense of logos. In most of Becker’s Sentence they contain subordinate clause as well as an independent clause. Clearly not all of the sentences were like this however most of them were complex sentences. For example Becker wrote, †From this brief survey it is obvious that, taking the experience of mankind as a test, democracy has as yet had but a limited and temporary success†(151). Of course not all of Becker’s sentences were like this, there were signs of all four types. The next most notable would by the simple sentences, with only an independent clause. There are several examples of these in the speech as well. Over the course of Becker’s speech there were many other authors Becker chooses to include in his speech. Some of these authors were James Mill, and James Bryce. According to James Mill, â€Å"He thought that when the legislature no longer represented a class interest, it would aim at the general interest, honestly and with adequate wisdom; since the people would be sufficiently under the guidance of educated intelligence†(Mill, 74). This directly links Mill’s statement with Carl Becker’s statement, â€Å" Napoleon called his government a democratic empire, but no one, least of all Napoleon himself, doubted that he had destroyed the last vestiges of the democratic republican. Carl Becker’s thoughts and ideas are expressed almost exactly how he wanted them to be through someone else’s words, James Mill. Becker started to bring the idea back of ideal democracy; just because past civilizations couldn’t keep democracy does not mean that the United States is just going to give it away. Becker compares the most ideal version of democracy there is and explains how the United States also does not have the perfect form of it either. Becker explains how the United States democracy is for special interest groups and not for the people. Becker wants democracy run of the people, by the people and for the people however the United States current government is of the people, run by politicians for groups that can get their own interest taken cared for. He wants to see change. Becker did an amazing job when he wrote this speech clearly thinking of every possible thing. He gets right off the bat and explains that if we don’t fight in this war we will lose our democracy and everything we take for granted. In his speech he keeps a very respectful and formal tone, as the current form of government and war are a very touchy subject for most people. Becker includes several examples for the audiences, which was the university of Virginia students and staff, to relate with ethos, pathos, and logos. His sentence structure was very complex often with a subordinate clause as well as an independent clause. Becker related and brought in quotes from several other authors who all illustrated his point very well. Becker also wanted to see while we were fighting for this form of democracy that we shouldn’t be happy with what we have but strive to get that perfect, ideal, form of democracy. Works Cited The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2014. September 18, 2014. NNDB.CarlBecker, 2014. September 18, 2014 Becker, Carl. Ideal Democracy. Virginia: Becker, 1941. Speech Mill, John. Autobiography. Columbia press, 1924. Book Bryce, James. Becker’s notes. N/A: Becker 1923. Notes
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Manufacturing processes for bicycle frame and golf club
Almost every item we use in our everyday life has been manufactured in some way using a series of different techniques. The task set out in this assignment is to look at two everyday objects and discuss the ways in which they have been manufactured and what materials have been used and why these specific manufacturing techniques and materials have been used. We also have to look at other possible techniques and materials that could have been utilized instead and what effect this would have had on the final product. The two objects that I have decided to investigate are the bicycle frame and the golf club. I have chosen to investigate these two items due to their similarity in materials and manufacturing processes but also their diversity as I will demonstrate in the rest of the report. First I will look at the bicycle frame then the golf club and then finishing with a short conclusion and comparison of the two different objects. 2. BICYLE FRAME The concept of the bicycle was first conceived in the late 18th century in France where an inventor created a wooden hobby horse known as a Celerifere, which had two wheels connected with a beam [1]. From this idea there have been numerous alterations and improvements to every aspect of the design that have led to the invention of the modern bicycle. These include the materials used (wood – alloys – composites), the structural design and the techniques used to manufacture the frame. The design of the modern frame can be seen in figure 1, with the names of the tubes labelled on the picture. Figure 1 – Diagram of modern bicycle frame with all parts named [2] 2.1 Materials Modern bicycle frames can be made from a variety of different materials depending on its application. Standard bicycle frames are usually made from some form of metal alloy such as steel, titanium or aluminium. Steel and titanium alloy frames are generally more popular due to their increased strength over aluminium giving them a longer life. Aluminium alloy is an ideal material in applications where weight must be cut down and the loads placed on the frame are not excessive. The particular compositions of metals within the alloy are constantly being altered to improve weight, rigidity and strength. The strength of the material is particularly important in applications such as mountain biking and downhill racing where the frame comes under considerable loads. The structure of the frame also plays a large part in the loads it can take due to the front and rear triangles that distribute the load throughout the entire frame. In the last two decades the use of composite materials has become more popular, especially in racing bikes due to their increased strength and low weight. These frames are most commonly made with some form of structural fibre such as carbon or glass. Due to the increased strength along the axis of the fibre, single piece frames can be produced giving increased strength in the areas that require it. 2.2 Manufacturing Process Looking primarily at metal alloy frames, there are two main types of tube that can be produced. These are seamless tubes, which are drawn through several stages from a block of metal and the others are known as seamed tubes, which are made from sheet metal rolled into tubes and welded along the length of the tube. Seamless tubes are generally seen as the better alternative due to the fact that they do not have a seam running along their length, which could be a possible stress concentration area. The process for making seamless tubes is as follows: First the metal alloy to be used is annealed to soften it and then hollowed. Once it has been hollowed it is heated once again and then pickled in acid to remove any oxidation layers and then lubricated to prevent any oxidation after the pickling stage. Secondly the hollow is cut to the right dimensions and mitered, a process of shaping the ends of the hollows to fit the contours of the tube to which it is to be attached to. This process is done simply by sawing off the necessary shape of the fit and then filing it down to a smooth finish. Next the tubes go through a cold drawing process to get them to the right gauge by creating a thinner and longer tube. The tube can also be ‘butted', a process that increases the thickness of the tube at the ends due to the increased stresses located at these points and making the tube thinner near the centre as the stresses are smaller at this location. This process decreases the weight and increases the strength of the frame. The final stage in making the tubes is shaping and tapering them depending on which area of the bike they are to be used in. Once the tubes have all been made, they are joined together to form the frame using either some form of welding if the tubes are made from metal or joined using an adhesive if they are made from composite. The most coming joining method for metal frames is, by far, brazing welding. This process involves placing the tubes together and heating the joints up to create a white flux, cleaning and melting the joint. Next the brazing filler metal is added, usually brass, which melts below the temperature of the joints and flows around them creating an even seal (figure 2). This process is usually done by a machine but some specialist bike makers will still do this manually. This method of welding is preferred to others, such as MIG and TIG welding, as it can be completed at much lower temperatures and so not adversely affect the properties of the material as it may change its structure at high temperatures (i.e. steel). In some frame constructions welding is not required at all and rather a lug (figure 3) is used to fix the two frames together. This allows for easy bike maintenance and tube replacement with little effect on the rest of the frame, unlike its welded counterpart. For composite frames, rather than welding the frame together, which would be ineffective, the joints are glued together using a strong adhesive. The adhesives used are capable of sustaining the same force as effectively, if not better, than welded joints. Figure 2 – Example of braze Figure 3 – Aluminium lug connecting top tube and welding on an L-section [3] seat tube [4] While the joints are still hot enough, the frame is placed into a jig to ensure that all tubes are aligned properly and if not they are oriented to the right position before the metal cools. The frame is then pickled to remove any excess flux and brazing filler and then grinded for a smooth finish Small alignment changes can still be made once the frame has cooled. Finally the frames are taking to be painted to help protect them from oxidation. First the lubricant used to protect them after pickling is cleaned off and then an undercoat is painted onto the frames. After which, a coloured enamel is painted on either by hand or by passing the frame through an electrostatic painting room where the positively charged paint is attracted to the rotating negatively charged frame. Once the frame is finished it is ready for the rest of the bikes components to be added. 3. GOLF CLUB The origins of golf are unclear as many countries had some form of game involving hitting on object with a stick dating as far back as the Roman Empire. Golf as we know it today was popularised in Scotland in the 15th Century where players would use completely wooden clubs to hit a stuffed leather ball. It wasn't until the introduction of the modern hard rubber golf ball in 1848 [5] that the materials used in the club design were altered. First iron was introduced as a material for club heads, used to strike the ball. Wooden heads were still used for certain shot types. Wooden shafts were still used despite the head material until the early 20th century when the first steel shafts were introduced. In the following years specialised clubs were developed (i.e. sand wedge) and in 1970's the first composite shafts made from high strength materials were introduced but did not gain popularity straight away due to their apparent decrease in stiffness resulting in flexing. Developments into composite shafts have made them a popular alternative to steel shafts due to their light weight and strength. Figure 4 – Variety of different club heads [7] 3.1 Materials The materials used to manufacture a golf club vary widely depending on the part that is being made such as the grip, shaft and head. The grips can be made of either a moulded synthetic rubber or bound leather, materials with a high coefficient of friction preventing slip. The shaft material can sometimes depend on the application of the club (driver, putter etc.) and are generally made from a stainless steel, titanium or aluminium for metal frames and a carbon/boron fibre reinforced epoxy. The material used for the golf heads can depend a lot on the type of club that it is. For wood type clubs the most popular materials to use are similar to those used for the shafts; stainless steel, titanium and carbon fibre epoxy. Oversized wood heads are often filled with synthetic foam so that the weight is similar to a smaller headed club. It is still possible to purchase wooden heads for the club but these are generally more for aesthetic and traditional purposes than for performance. Irons and wedges generally have heads made from stainless steel, titanium, tungsten, beryllium nickel/copper or a combination of these materials. Putters can be made from a lighter, weaker material such as aluminium due to the low impact forces that they sustain as they travel at slower velocities. 3.2 Manufacturing Process As mentioned previously there are three components to the golf club, the grip, shaft and head. Each can be made using a variety of techniques that depend on the material being used and the preference of the manufacturer. The synthetic rubber grips are made by placing the end of the shaft into a hollow die, the required shape of the grip, and injecting the rubber into the hollow. The mould is then left to harden and the shaft is removed from the mould. Depending on the material the shafts can be created in numerous ways. If the shafts are made from steel or stainless steel then they will be made by a process known as tube drawing. There are several different methods for this process such as rod drawing, fixed mandrel drawing and tube sinking. As these methods are closely related I will only look at the situation where the shafts are made via tube sinking. This process involves pulling the tube part way through a die that has a slightly smaller inner diameter than the tube, causing the tube to neck down in diameter. This is down several times with smaller lengths of the tube. This process helps to reduce the weight of the shaft and increase its strength in the areas of greatest stress (i.e. the shaft/head connection). If the tube is made from a carbon fibre composite a different process can be used. The most common is known as pultrusion where the carbon fibres are fed through a heated die with epoxy resin being fed through at the same time (figure 5). The resin hardens under the heat and forms the shaft. The composite shaft does not need to be necked during its manufacture. The metal club heads are made by a process called investment casting. A die, often made of rubber or metal, is made in two separate halves and has a hollow in the shape of the part to be moulded to allow easy removal once the mould has hardened. Wax is injected into the mould and left to harden. The mould is removed and the process is repeated several times until a collection of moulds have been produced. These moulds are then placed on the stem of a ‘tree' known as a sprue. The sprue is then invested with liquid slurry and coated in a ceramic powder and left to dry. This process is repeated until the coat is roughly 5-10mm thick. The investment is then placed in a furnace at about 550 – 1100 oC to melt the wax, which is allowed to flow out of an opening in the bottom of the cast. The cast is then fired and preheated and then inverted to allow the molten metal to be poured into the opening of the cast. Once the metal has cooled and hardened the ceramic shell is broken apart and the heads are removed from the tree. The heads are then finished with a heat treatment to harden the surface of the material and then grinded and polished for a clean surface finish. Another possible method of creating the heads is to heat up a stock piece of metal and forge it in a die to produce the part needed (figure 6). The advantage to this method is an increase in strength as the grains follow the flow of the component rather than being broken up due to casting and machining. The disadvantages of this method can be a poor surface finish and the component will usually have to go through several finishing stages to get the finished piece. Figure 5 – Composite shaft being made Figure 6 – Club head made through the through the process of pultrusion [6] process of forging [6] Once all the parts have been made the shaft needs to be connected to the head. This can be done by a variety of methods such as creating a thread on the end of the shaft and a thread socket in a short tubular protrusion on the head and screwing them together. Another method is to place the shaft into the head socket and drill a hole through both tubes and inserting a metal pin, set with an epoxy resin. If the shaft is made from a carbon fibre composite it is connected to the head using an adhesive, with the advancements in adhesive technologies it is now possible to use an adhesive to bond metal shafts to the heads. The final stage is to check the surface for any blemishes, removing them, and then giving the surface a final polish. 4. CONCLUSION The two most similar components of the two items are the tubes of the bike frame and the shaft of the golf club. Both these components are made from the same general materials such as steel, titanium, aluminium and carbon fibre composite but utilize different methods in their construction. While the bike frame tubes are made from hollowing out lengths of metal and then cold drawing them to achieve the right gauge, golf club shafts are made directly from another method of tube drawing known as tube sinking where the tube is drawing through a die with decreasing diameter, creating a necked tube. Although these methods could be interchanged with each other they usually stick with their own methods as they give the best properties to the components. A similarity in connecting the parts together in both examples was found with the use of an adhesive to bond the carbon fibre tubes of the bike frame and even the metal shaft of the golf club with the head. Although this method could also be implemented with the metal bike frame the common method of joining is still blaze welding as its seen as the most economic method to use.
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