Monday, September 30, 2019
Ciara Favorite Artist Music
My most appreciated song on this earth today is â€Å"Gimme Dat†, by Ciara. This is my most appreciated song because this song fits my personality. It has a combination and a justified amount of both dancing and singing. The song itself puts on a certain performance toward the listeners, and it gives meaning to the singer/songwriter. The style of this song is a very up-beat tempo; it’s a hip-hop song. It’s a song that Deejays would play in clubs and at parties; because people can actually feel the beat of this song and turn it into one of their own. The artist of the song (Ciara) is a very well known artist. Ciara is one of the â€Å"sexiest†female hip-hop & R&B artist that are alive and in action today. She has been making music, singing music, and even choreographing music with her artistic styles ever since 2002. Ciara is a great artist and I think that all her fans would agree with me on that. The song titled, â€Å"Gimme Dat†is about Ciara coming back into show biz. Ciara has been away for a while creating her new album, and when she got herself back into the spotlight, she started with this song to let people know that she’s back and ready to do anything. My favorite part of the song is when Ciara says: â€Å"I been gone for too long, but its time to bring it back; gimme dat bass†! When Ciara uses these words together and then begins to dance right along with it it brings so much power to her video, song and performance. That’s what I really like about music; the performance, the power of the song, the meaning, the routines to the song, etc. This is my favorite song because Ciara really puts joy and a shining light into my heart. She makes me feel like I can come right out and do what I want to do, make whatever I want to make and just give my fans the performance they need. I feel inspired when I listen to this song; because I love dancing, I love singing, I love goofing around and giving my audience/listeners something they would want to hear. The song says: yeah, yeah, you like it when I move it to the beat like dat, got that bong up in your trunk, drop them speakers and turn it up, gimme dat bass†! This song just keeps me in my hype mode; it keeps me going every day. Every single moment I listen to it I’m either always dancing to it, singing to it or fantasing about how great it would be to have been in that video or created my own, that’s similar to it; but of course I would try to have the best song ever; and even though Ciara is great I think I can beat her to that one Grammy!
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Persuasive speech – We are in this room today, as children, to reflect on a sad trut
We are in this room today, as children, to reflect on a sad truth. We have, today, been to several classes. Indeed, this is our weekly routine: school. Many of you dislike school but have you ever considered how lucky you are ? For instance, many children around the world are not as privileged as we are. According to the UNICEF, an estimated 250 million children in the world are in regular employment or as it is commonly referred to, suffer from the worst form of child labour At the moment, at the very same time as you and I are in this classroom, children in Soudan are working in coal mines are crawling in small tunnels which could collapse at any moment, causing death or serious injuries to the young miners. At the moment, girls in India are making bricks in the 40 degrees heat for house and are carrying them on their backs for up to as 10 miles to their destination. Also, at this same moment, children in Thailand are working in factories doing the same repetitive and tedious job all day long while dreaming of having the privilege to be educated. We are here today to fight against the worst form of child labour. Our opposite party might say that the role of children in child labour is essential to a family's economy. Many people in favor of child labour say that without children helping their parents in farms for example, the family will not be able to harvest the food in time resulting in starvation in wintertime and possible death. Those in favour of child labour ask us: as we protest against child labour, do we realize that millions of families would die of starvation ? This is why, those against child labour now fight against the worst forms of child labour. I believe that children should have the right to go to school and be properly educated. Don't you ? I believe that children should have the right to stop working when their work is unnecessary to their family's welfare. Don't you agree ? As one observer says: â€Å"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow , yet we forget that he or she is someone today.†I believe that childhood is one of the most important stage of life. It is a time that is precious, a child should grow up in innocence and should not be working. Someone once said: †All things are difficult before they are easy.†Yes, stopping the worst form of child labour will be difficult at first but with your help, we can make a difference ! I personally believe that a person with hope and courage can change the world ! Martin Luther King said: †All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.†Our work to stop child labour will and can uplift humanity and change the lives of millions of children who work in the most horrific conditions. I believe that, together; we can change the world. But to do so, we will need help. We will need help to free the millions of children who suffer from the worst form of child labour. So join us, today, in the struggle to stop child labour !
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Health Care of Refugees in Canada Research Paper
Health Care of Refugees in Canada - Research Paper Example Industrialists and manufactures in Western countries like US and Canada were happy to welcome illegal workers who were ready to work at cheaper wages. According to recent data published, immigrants account for nearly one fifth of the Canadian population and this number still continues to grow. Undoubtedly, this chaotic situation leads to numerous social as well as health consequences in the country. Studies indicate that the number of people having precarious status and limited access to health is increasing in Canada. It is identified that refugees do not have proper access to health care and they struggle to pay for health care services in the country. Health care is a fundamental human right and hence it is the ethical obligation of medical practitioners to offer health care services to people regardless of one’s age, sex, or nationality. This paper will particularly discuss whether or not the refugees in Canada should have free access to the country’s health care sy stem. ... It seems that physicians who provide care to refugee families generally perform those tasks discretely. As a result, refugees in the country do not obtain the same level of care which is offered to Canadian citizens. Since uninsured refugees are compelled to pay for services received, help-seeking mentality is discouraged among this already vulnerable population. Clinicians claim that this lack of help seeking mentality among refugees can be directly linked to high levels of morbidity. Delayed care seeking also leads to issues like poor follow up for chronic diseases like diabetes, and growing prevalence of HIV and increased levels of mental illnesses. â€Å"In the case of children and youth, problems included delayed surgical interventions, prolonged absence of adequate care for acute mental health conditions (post-traumatic stress disorder and depression), and unavailability of rehabilitation services for children with autism and other developmental problems†(Rousseau et al , 2008). Currently, there are only a few organizations in Canada fighting for the health care needs of the refugee population in the country. Therefore, health organizations do not give particular attention to delivering health services to refugees on time and effectively. In the words of Muggah, Dahrouge, and Hogg (2012), language difficulties and cultural as well as societal influences become a barrier for refugees in Canada to access quality health services. As per reports, the Federal government has decided to limit refugees’ health coverage to services that are â€Å"of an urgent or essential nature†(Wayne, 2012). The government has also planned to provide the refugee population with medications and
Friday, September 27, 2019
Humanness of Caring in Nursing (Concept Analysis Paper) Essay
Humanness of Caring in Nursing (Concept Analysis Paper) - Essay Example Recently the profession of health care has undergone amazing changes and the development of science and technology has given the nurses varied tools in the service of mankind. However, without an attitude of loving and humane care giving, all the efforts of the nurses will only be exercises in futility. The paper sets forth to analyze the historical origins of nursing as a profession of loving and humane caring and the need to revitalize those aspects in a world of reckless competition, consumerism and anonymity of the human person. Historians point out that the early nurses were women and the motivating factor to serve as nurse is deeply entrenched in the maternal instinct of woman. Therefore, from time immemorial the nursing care has been loving care. The maternal instinct provided that strong impulse or motive necessary to care for those who were suffering or helpless. Women, because of their maternal instinct, were considered "born nurses." (Donahue, 1996, p. 5) It was only gradually that nursing started developing as a profession. In the early days, nursing was regarded as a calling for those who had given up the world. The intense religious motive that translates ones love of God towards fellow human beings in loving care is marked by self-sacrifice (Donahue, 1996). This other-centeredness of nursing resulted always in the uncanny knack to perform ones service in an attitude of humane care. Ancient nursing caregivers were somewhat ill equipped to render professional service but their enthusiasm and commitment alleviated the helpless condition of the patient. This attitude of loving care sprang from the realization of the other as God’ child. In the passage of time, this attitude has dimmed and there is apprehension that nurses will not care completely unless and until they care in a spirit of humane and loving care. In the past care,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The political party of WEST VIRGINIA (USA) Essay
The political party of WEST VIRGINIA (USA) - Essay Example The present political system of the state has been identified to have a major bearing upon the development of its socioeconomic position within the global context (Golder Associates Inc, â€Å"East Lynn Lake Coal Lease Socioeconomic Baseline Assessment and Socioeconomic Impact Analysis†). PART 1 In relation to the geographical background, West Virginia is located in the Southern region of the US and surrounded by Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and Maryland. With abundance of valuable resources to suffice the developmental needs of the state, the state has been able to grasp the attention of other neighboring states and territories within the US. From a historical perspective, the socioeconomic condition of West Virginia has long been witnessed to endure various difficulties and challenges with regard to the development of its demographics, income levels and employment statistics. Moreover, the population trends of the state can also be duly considered as one of the maj or and growing concerns towards the development of its economy. In relation to the socioeconomic development, the political conditions within the state can be recognized as more fragile in comparison to other US states. According to the present statistics, it can be apparently observed that a majority of the population, i.e. 90% are the Non-Hispanic Whites. Moreover, the present income level of the population has also been identified to face radical changes as compared to other US states. The per capita personal income of the population has been witnessed to prevail under the average income level of the other US states. West Virginia is presently standing at 50th position in respect to its economic stance in the US, which represents a slower movement of income level amid the population (Golder Associates Inc, â€Å"East Lynn Lake Coal Lease Socioeconomic Baseline Assessment and Socioeconomic Impact Analysis†). The cultural background of West Virginia demonstrates the prevalen ce of friendly and helpful environment and the maintenance of a realistic culture that eventually attracts the attention of the global population (Barker, A Study of West Virginia Values and Culture†). PART 2 The most powerful political party in West Virginia can be viewed as the Democratic Party amid the other existing political parties within the state. Primarily, the political environment of the state consists of four independent political parties including Democratic, Libertarian, Mountain and Republican. Although the Republican Party proceeded over the origin of West Virginia, the Democratic Party has been leading the state from the last few decades with efficiency. This Democratic Party is regarded as the most renowned party in West Virginia because of its striving performance in satisfying the developmental needs of the state, rather than rendering prime focus on mitigating the influence of other political parties within the state. With regard to determine the political system efficacy of West Virginia, the Governor of the state can be viewed as the primary figure of the entire political system, irrespective of partisan affiliation (Brisbin 136-148). The US and the State legislature of the Democratic Party has been currently comprising 20 Governor Political Affiliations, 19 State Senate Majority Affiliations along with 22 State House Majority Affiliations and 22 State Attorney General Political Affilia
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Charter of Fundamental Freedom adds little to the body of general Essay
The Charter of Fundamental Freedom adds little to the body of general principles developed within the EU system. Discuss - Essay Example Subject to the principle of proportionality, limitations may be made only if they are necessary and genuinely meet objectives of general interests recognised by the union or the need to protect the rights and freedoms of others.†(Art. 52.1)1 It can be argued that the charter of fundamental rights of the European Union does not introduce human rights to the EU context. Most national constitutions include their own human rights catalogue. This in itself cast doubt at to whether the charter added much to the EU principles. â€Å"The provisions of this charter are addressed to the institutions and bodies of the Union with due regard for the principle of subsidiarity and to the member states only when they are implementing Union law.†The charter have a political objective of enhancing European identity among the citizens. The distinction between the political pitfalls and the legal achievements of the constitutional process extends to the charter of fundamental rights. It can be said that the original simplicity of a single constitutional document including among others, the charter of fundamental rights is replaced by the continuation of the acrimonies temple construction of different Treaties, and legal sources. A typical example, is the recent coming into force of the Lisbon treaty in which obscurity replaces real clarity. Legal reforms measures are easily maintained, while the political objectives are largely abandoned. The so called identity-enhancing potential of the charter of fundamental rights is further diminished by the protocol number 30 attached to the treaty of Lisbon which concerns the application of the charter to Poland and the UK. In addition, the charter of fundamental rights, solemnly proclaimed at Nice in December 2001, constitutes a powerful assertion of the importance of weaving the protection of fundamental rights deep into the very fabric of the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 111
Summary - Essay Example The movie is persuasive in indicating the way powdered milk originating from America destroyed the Jamaican fresh milk industry. Moreover, the documentary shows the way the existing market for Jamaican bananas, which is England is under threat from Chiquita-Dole-Del Monte forces who consider a single Jamaican banana not under their control to be too many. The documentary shows that subsidized Idaho potatoes to be bankrupting Jamaican potato farmers; moreover, McDonald’s is reluctant in purchasing local meat; as well, the documentary shows sweet onions from Jamaica to be underpriced as American onions are sold at a loss (Life and Debt: Documentary). The documentary goes ahead to show that one scheme aimed at helping the Jamaican economy was the establishment of â€Å"free zones†within fenced manufacturing areas where workers are paid meager $30 a week to assemble goods that only arrive and leave by container ship out of the country. The documentary indicates that labor unions are banned while the working conditions are subhuman and when people strike, they are forced to go back to work at gunpoint; moreover, the worker’s paychecks are taxed for services that do not seem to exist such as health and retirement schemes. The documentary shows that once the peasants were ruined they turned up in Kingston and became a cheap source of labor. A scene in the documentary shows a Jamaican hotel guide warning vacationers to watch out for thieves when strolling around in the streets. Most likely, the thieves were young people who were forced to flee to the city in search of the nonexistent jobs. The only job the portrayed by the documentary to be expanding during this time is the security guard business because young men without other job opportunities are trained to be guards (Life and Debt: Documentary). Life and Debt: Documentary look at the effects of globalization on Jamaican industry and agriculture.Dir Stephanie Black. Perf
Monday, September 23, 2019
Does Media Bias Cause Islam to be Misunderstood Research Paper
Does Media Bias Cause Islam to be Misunderstood - Research Paper Example The research paper "Does Media Bias Cause Islam to be Misunderstood" analyzes if Islam is misunderstood because of the media biases. And Islamophobia, as can be seen in the western media portrayal of Islam and Muslims, can be traced back to the mid-part of the 20th century – sometime in the 60s and 70s. For some reason, this negative portrayal has not changed over the decades. Derogatory terms such as â€Å"camel jockey†obviously show contempt against this group. During the 80s and 90s, world war vision of Huntington and the theory of â€Å"clash of civilization†incited fear among the U.S. population. This was furthered by the 9/11 attacks in 2001. But things did not end there. The media then began, more and more, to put Islam and Muslims in a bad light. Even cartoon shows such as â€Å"The Simpsons†try to mix Islamophobia with humor. This means that even kids are not immune to this cultural reality of stereotyping this group of people as terrorists. Wh en it comes to the news industry, one of the most controversial channels is â€Å"Fox News.†For the past several years, â€Å"Fox News Channel†has been accused of inciting ethnic or religious animosity. With these as just a few examples of media biases and Islamophobia, it is then a wonder how a land of supposed constitutional rights and freedoms ends up forming a new kind of racism just after the institutionalization of the civil rights? While this area may just be a small percentage of the media, it speaks a lot of the challenges that the U.S. society faces to this day.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Angela McRobbie’s Analysis of Jackie Essay Example for Free
Angela McRobbie’s Analysis of Jackie Essay This essay will be exploring Angela McRobbie’s analysis of Jackie and why the magazine has seen a new found popularity in recent years. Jackie was a popular British weekly teenage girls’ magazine published by Scottish company D.C. Thomson which was published from 1964 up until 1993. It was named after the children’s author Jacqueline Wilson who worked for D.C. Thomson at the time. The magazine was most popular with girls in the age range of 10 to 14. Before Jackie made its debut, magazines aimed at teenaged girls were normally romance orientated comic strips such as Mirabelle, Romeo and Valentine. Although Jackie did indeed feature romantic stories, they were not the main focus of the magazine. Features that had normally previously featured only in women’s magazines such as problem pages, fashion pages, reader’s true life stories, and hair and beauty advice were now introduced to a teenage population. Indeed Jackie was written by the women’s magazine department of D.C. Thomson rather than the one focused on children’s comics such as The Beano and The Dandy. Taking all this into consideration, it could be argued that Jackie provided the blue print for the modern teenage girl’s magazines. In her analysis, McRobbie says she feels that Jackie tapped into the biological nature of teenage girls, when they start to become more curious about their changing bodies and start to show an interest in the opposite sex. The Cathy and Claire problem pages were a popular feature with readers of the magazine, and many problems readers wrote in with mainly focused on boys and other common problems that come hand in hand with growing up. McRobbie believes that one purpose of the magazine was to prepare girls for the â€Å"brief flowering†period that many young working class women in that time had before marriage but after they had just left school and started work and so had freedom and a disposable income to go out with their friends to pubs a nd dances and buy adult items such as clothes and make-up. Richard Hoggart discusses this period in his analysis of working class teenage girls in his book The Uses of Literacy. One feature Jackie was famous for was its photo stories that provided a stepping stone to fame for celebrities such as Fiona Bruce and Hugh Grant, which were usually of a romantic nature, in the style thought to appeal to the young women of the target audience. These provided girls with a romantic ideal which McRobbie discusses in her analysis of the magazine, McRobbie believes that young girls are conditioned to seek romantic based relationships instead of sexual ones and that romantic stories like the ones that featured in Jackie and other magazines aimed at teenaged girls at the time helped to reinforce this. Again, these can seem comically clichà ©d and dated by the standards of today. In fact, one of the reasons that Jackie may have regained popularity is that this style of article, although probably reasonable at the time written, seem almost laughable and maybe also politically incorrect by today’s standards (for example one article featured in The Best of Jackie Annual on ways how to attract boys suggests that a girl should try sitting on a park bench â€Å"looking tearful†, and a fashion feature refers to plus sized girls as â€Å"fatties†and very slim girls as being â€Å"stick like†). To many people in 2012, these almost seem like satire. Indeed, on the popular bookselling website Amazon, The Best of Jackie Annual and it’s spinoffs such as Dear Cathy and Claire The Best of Your Favourite Problem Page can be found under the sub-category â€Å"Humour†. A feature that can be found in The Best of Jackie Annual, which had previously been published as a part of an actual Jackie Christmas annual, on how to survive Christmas parties advises the readers to be wary of drunken bosses and uncles making passes at them. This is disturbingly mentioned in a casual and almost light hearted fashion, like it is a common occurrence to be expected, and perhaps even tolerated. The idea of a girl so young being put in a vulnerable position with a much older man, especially one who is in a position of authority or a relative, would be unlikely to be treated in this fashion today. This article may appear humorous to some people in a dark way, simply because it is so shocking and highly inappropriate by today’s standards. Another reason why Jackie may have seen a new increase in popularity is because older women, who would have been readers of Jackie in the past, may want to look back at their youth and remember a much simpler time before they had children to worry over, bills to pay, jobs (or lack of them) and mortgages. Looking back on the past is something which has always been very popular with people and becomes more common during times of economic recession, like the one Britain (and Europe in general) has been struggling with in recent years. There are numerous discussions on the internet in forums with older women talking fondly about their experiences and memories of reading Jackie. When Jackie stopped being published in 1993, D.C. Thomson realised a new magazine aimed at teenaged girls called Shout, which could possibly be seen by some people as a rebranding of Jackie. Shout is still being published today and I compared a recent copy of Shout from May 2012 to a copy of Jackie from June 1981. Both magazines feature a celebrity on the front cover, with Shout having Cheryl Cole and Jackie having Adam Ant, and both also have tampon adverts on the back covers. A similar layout to that which Jackie used, and which McRobbie discusses in Jackie: An Ideology of Adolescent Femininity, is used in Sh out. Problem pages, fashion pages, celebrity gossip, hair and beauty advice, â€Å"pin-ups†of attractive male celebrities, horoscopes and reader’s true-life stories all feature in both magazines, although there are clear generational differences in these articles between the two magazines. Advice given in the problem pages of Shout is more concerned with more serious issues such as sex and alcohol abuse and also offers career advice. In the days of Jackie’s popularity girls were not often encouraged to stay on to do further education after the compulsory school leaving age and usually got married at an age which would be considered very young today, whereas today many girls go on to go to college and university and choose to put off marriage and having children to a later stage in life, if they opt to at all. Jackie also contained sewing and knitting patterns, which are things which are no longer common hobbies with teenaged girls today. This is likely due to fashionable clothing being sold cheaply in supermarkets and high-street stores such as Primark and Asda. The popularity of teenage magazines is currently on the decline, with many once popular magazines no longer being published. This is possibly due to the fact that the features of teenage magazines such as celebrity gossip, hair and beauty tips and updates on the latest fashions are readily available on the internet. Even if a young girl finds herself in need of advice there are now websites such as Yahoo Answers, Girls Ask Guys and Answerbag where she will be able to get (possibly dubious) responses to her question quickly from a variety of people across the world and there is also websites set up by charities offering advice on more serious matters such as abuse, bullying, drugs and sexual health. It is also worth having a brief look at the context of the magazine’s existence, with the early-mid 1960s being a reasonable period of progress in Britain. In the nation of Labour leader Harold Wilson’s â€Å"white heat††(Sandbrook, 2005:737) – a nation still getting over the war, but proudly (if cautiously) advancing in what historian Dominic Sandbrook called â€Å"a new era of creativity and progress†(Sandbrook, 2005:737)– it is only natural that Britain’s young women would have a need for their own entertainment and place for advice. While it is true that this is not the intended focus of the essay, such a background should not be ignored, and may go some way towards explaining the magazine’s eventual demise(arguably, rebranding) in the very different world of the 1990s.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Nervous Conditions Themes Essay Example for Free
Nervous Conditions Themes Essay Tambu was born a girl and thus faces a fundamental disadvantage, since traditional African social practice dictates that the oldest male child is deemed the future head of the family. All of the family’s resources are poured into developing his abilities and preparing him to lead and provide for his clan. When Nhamo dies, the tragedy is all the more profound since no boy exists to take his place. Tambu steps into the role of future provider, yet she is saddled with the prejudices and limitations that shackled most African girls of her generation. Her fight for an education and a better life is compounded by her gender. Gender inequality and sexual discrimination form the backdrop of all of the female characters’ lives. In the novel, inequality is as infectious as disease, a crippling attitude that kills ambition, crushes women’s spirits, and discourages them from supporting and rallying future generations and other female relatives. The Influence of Colonialism The essential action of the novel involves Tambu’s experiences in a Western-style educational setting, and the mission school both provides and represents privileged opportunity and enlightenment. Despite Ma’Shingayi’s strong objections, Tambu knows the only hope she has of lifting her family out of poverty lies in education. However, the mission school poses threats, as well: Western institutions and systems of thought may cruelly and irreversibly alter native Africans who are subjected to them. Nyasha, who has seen firsthand the effect of being immersed in a foreign culture, grows suspicious of an unquestioning acceptance of colonialism’s benefits. She fears that the dominating culture may eventually stifle, limit, or eliminate the long-established native culture of Rhodesiaâ€â€in other words, she fears that colonialism may force assimilation. The characters’ lives are already entrenched in a national identity that reflects a synthesis of African and colonialist elements. The characters’ struggle to confront and integrate the various social and political influences that shape their lives forms the backbone and central conflict of Nervous Conditions. Tradition vs. Progress Underpinning Nervous Conditions are conflicts between those characters who endorse traditional ways and those who look to Western or so-called â€Å"modern†answers to problems they face. Dangarembga remains noncommittal in her portrayal of the divergent belief systems of Babamukuru and his brother Jeremiah, and she shows both men behaving rather irrationally. Jeremiah foolishly endorses a shaman’s ritual cleansing of the homestead, while Babamukuru’s belief in a Christian ceremony seems to be rooted in his rigid and unyielding confidence that he is always right. As Tambu becomes more fixed and established in her life at the mission school, she begins to embrace attitudes and beliefs different from those of her parents and her traditional upbringing. Nyasha, ever the voice of reasonable dissent, warns Tambu that a wholesale acceptance of supposedly progressive ideas represents a dangerous departure and too radical of a break with the past. Motifs Geography Physical spaces are at the heart of the tensions Tambu faces between life at the mission and the world of the homestead. At first, Tambu is isolated, relegated to toiling in the fields and tending to her brother’s whims during his infrequent visits. When she attends the local school, she must walk a long way to her daily lessons, but she undertakes the journey willingly in order to receive an education. When the family cannot pay her school fees, Mr. Matimba takes Tambu to the first city she has ever seen, where she sells green corn. Tambu’s increased awareness and knowledge of the world coincides with her growing physical distance from the homestead. The mission school is an important location in the novel, a bastion of possibility that becomes the centerpiece of Tambu’s world and the source of many of the changes she undergoes. At the end of Nervous Conditions, Tambu’s life has taken her even farther away from the homestead, to the convent school where she is without family or friends and must rely solely on herself. Emancipation Emancipation is a term that appears again and again in Nervous Conditions. Usually, the term is associated with being released from slavery or with a country finally freeing itself from the colonial power that once controlled it. These concepts figure into the broader scope of the novel, as Rhodesia’s citizens struggle to amass and assert their identity as a people while still under British control. When the term emancipation is applied to Tambu and the women in her extended family, it takes on newer and richer associations. Tambu sees her life as a gradual process of being freed of the limitations that have previously beset her. When she first leaves for the mission school, she sees the move as a temporary emancipation. Her growing knowledge and evolving perceptions are a form of emancipation from her old ways of thinking. By the end of the novel, emancipation becomes more than simply a release from poverty or restriction. Emancipation is equated with freedom and an assertion of personal liberty. Dual Perspectives Dual perspectives and multiple interpretations appear throughout Nervous Conditions. When Babamukuru finds Lucia a job cooking at the mission, Tambu is in awe of her uncle’s power and generosity, viewing it as a selfless act of kindness. Nyasha, however, believes there is nothing heroic in her father’s gesture and that in assisting his sister-in-law he is merely fulfilling his duty as the head of the family. In addition to often wildly differing interpretations of behavior, characters share an unstable and conflicting sense of self. For Tambu, her two worlds, the homestead and the mission, are often opposed, forcing her to divide her loyalties and complicating her sense of who she is. When she wishes to avoid attending her parents’ wedding, however, these dual selves offer her safety, protection, and an escape from the rigors of reality. As her uncle chides her, Tambu imagines another version of herself watching the scene safely from the foot of the bed. Symbols Tambu’s Garden Plot Tambu’s garden plot represents both tradition and escape from that tradition. On one hand, it is a direct link to her heritage, and the rich tradition has guided her people, representing the essential ability to live off the land. It is a direct connection to the legacy she inherits and the wisdom and skills that are passed down from generation to generation, and Tambu fondly remembers helping her grandmother work the garden. At the same time, the garden represents Tambu’s means of escape, since she hopes to pay her school fees and further her education by growing and selling vegetables. In this sense, the garden represents the hopes of the future and a break with the past. With a new form of wisdom acquired at the mission school and the power and skills that come with it, Tambu will never have to toil and labor again. Her mother, however, must water the valuable and fertile garden patch despite being exhausted from a long day of work. The Mission For Tambu, the mission stands as a bright and shining beacon, the repository of all of her hopes and ambitions. It represents a portal to a new world and a turning away from the enslaving poverty that has marked Tambu’s past. The mission is an escape and an oasis, a whitewashed world where refinement and sophistication are the rule. It is also an exciting retreat for Tambu, where she is exposed to new ideas and new modes of thinking. The mission sets Tambu on the path to becoming the strong, articulate adult she is destined to become. The Ox In the family’s lengthy holiday celebration, the ox represents the opulence and status Babamukuru and his family have achieved. Meat, a rare commodity, is an infrequent treat for most families, and Tambu’s parents and the rest of the extended clan willingly partake of the ox. At the same time, they secretly resent such an ostentatious display of wealth, since the ox is a symbol of the great gulf that exists between the educated branch of the family and those who have been left behind to struggle. Maiguru closely regulates the consumption of the ox and parcels out the meat over the several days of the family’s gathering. Eventually the meat starts to go bad, and the other women chide Maiguru for her poor judgment and overly strict control of its distribution. At that point, the ox suggests Maiguru’s shortcomings and how, in the eyes of the others, her education and comfortable life have made her an ineffective provider.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Lake Conservation And Urban Water Management Environmental Sciences Essay
Lake Conservation And Urban Water Management Environmental Sciences Essay Water is one of the most important substances on the earth. Water generates the hydrosphere, circulates in the atmosphere, and infiltrates deep into the ground and moves through the lithosphere and sustains the biosphere. Fresh water source like lake is a renewable resource following the hydrological cycle, it is not evenly distributed on the earths surface. Lakes are large water bodies, which have an important impact on human emotions such as security, happiness and creative aspects of behavior. These are not mere decorative bodies but are biological and psychological necessities. Environmentally lakes are one of the important ecosystems. They play a significant role in recharge and maintenance of ground water table. They have a great recreational potential in the form of water sports, boating etc. in todays fast and stressful life style. In case of emergency, they can serve as source of water for fire fighting etc. They can also be used for Aquaculture as a source of income. They a dd to the beauty of the city promoting tourism. The lakes and reservoirs, all over the country are facing degradation. The degradation is due to encroachments and eutrophication (from domestic and industrial effluents) and silt accumulation. There has been a considerable increase in urban population especially after industrial revolution. The human settlements have taken place in and around the ponds and lakes to mitigate their demands, resulting in contaminating the water sources. The need of Conservation and Management of Lakes is therefore rightly understood by the world community and the issues relating Conservation of lakes are on the anvil. In Lentic or lake ecosystems, the aging process is just the reverse of lotic or river systems. Where as streams tend to get wider and deeper as they age, lakes tend to get shallower and the banks extend into what was originally open water. Natural filling is generally due to wind blown materials (soil, leaves, etc.) entering the system, sediment input by terrestrial run off, aquatic plant and animal debris and eutrophication. Eutrophic lakes When the balance is upset between photosynthesis and decomposition due to enrichment of water by inorganic plant nutrients, either too much organic material accumulates without getting decomposed adequately or too many bacteria are present and an overabundance of decomposition occurs, the lake is classed as Eutrophic. They are considered to be middle aged systems. They are relatively shallow in comparison to Oligotrophic lakes. They have a silty or mud bottom and have sufficient nutrients to support a large population of animals. The accelerated or cultural eutrophication of several waterbodies is caused by human activity. Large quantities of mineral nutrients and organic matter are added to the waterbodies in the form of sewage effluents, organic wastes, agricultural run-offs, excreta and The Process of Eutrophication fertilizers sewage (liquid domestic Industrial waste) minerals esp. nitrates minerals esp. nitrates eutrophication algal bloom competition for light consumers canà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t consume fast enough dead plants dead algae detritus more decomposers use up oxygen by aerobic respiration (increased BOD) aerobes die invertebrates, fish etc. anaerobic bacteria thrive, release NH4,CH4,H2S exudates of animals and humans etc. These provide plenty of phosphates, nitrates (mostly of fertilizers applied to agricultural lands, domestic sewage etc.) which lead to exuberant growth of algae and other water plants. A rich microbial and animal population also develops. The process of natural Eutrophication which is generally very slow , thus gets accelerated. Silt and organic debris accumulates at the bottom and the system turns into a shallow muddy pond, then to a marsh and finally into a dry land. Thus a waterbody which could have been useful as a reservoir of fresh water and could have helped the growth of fish etc. for hundreds of years becomes totally useless within a span of few years only. Sources of Lake Pollution: The sources of Pollution can be classified as fixed point sources and Non-point Sources EFFECTS OF EUTROPICATION Undesirable effects of Eutrophication Algal blooms: The decaying algae, fish, planktons and other organisms cause foul smell. On depletion of oxygen level and on exhausting nitrate oxygen, sulphates are reduced as a last resort to yield hydrogen sulphide which results in bad smell and putrefied taste of water. The lakes become aesthetically unpleasant. Plant growth and silt hinder recreation activities. Rate of sedimentation increases, which shortens the life span of lakes. Mosquito nuisance increases causing health hazards to nearby residents. Steps to Control Eutrophication Preventive Measures Effective waster water treatment and removal of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous before discharging the sewerage into waterbodies. Controlling the recycling of nutrients through harvest. Effective disposal of organic matter as sludge. Developing phosphate-free detergents for domestic use. Adopting effective Physico-chemical methods for removal of dissolved nutrients such as nitrogen phosphorous compounds. Overcoming the temptation of over-fertilization. Remedial Measures for Eutrophication: Controlling eutrophication by applying algaecides such as copper Sulphate, chlorine etc. on susceptible surface waterbodies. Removal of the algal bloom by dredging mechanical means.. Underwater weed cutters mounted on boats can be used to remove rooted aquatic plants. Dredges can be used to remove sediments to prevent recycling of nutrients and also for deepening of the lake. Sealing of Lake Bottom with polythene sheeting to prevent release of nutrients from sediments. Providing aeration artificially to increase the DO levels in the lake water. Diluting and or flushing the lake with water from Oligotrophic source. Using Bio remediation techniques. Arresting of nutrients: Biological removal using the ability of some microorganism to take up phosphorous in excess of their immediate nutritional requirements and store it within the cells in the form of polyphosphates. The sludge thus formed can be removed from the system. Water Quality Network Central Pollution Control Board started national water quality monitoring in 1978 under Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS), Water Programme. Monitoring, Programme was started with 24 surface water and 11 groundwater stations. Parallel to. GEMS, a National Programme of Monitoring of Indian National Aquatic Resources (MINARS), was started in 1984, with a total of 113 stations spread over 10 river basins. The present network comprises of 870 stations on rivers, lentic water bodies and subsurface waters are elaborated. The number of locations on mainstream of the major river and their tributaries, medium and minor rivers, lakes, ponds, tanks and other water bodies is given in parenthesis. It is estimated that there is about 45,000 riverine length in India out of which about 6500 km length is having BOD higher than 6 mg/1 and can be branded as polluted, another 8500 km length is moderately polluted having BOD in the range of 3 to 6 Mg/l, and remaining about 30,000 km is relativ ely clean having BOD of 3 or Management of lake Trophic State Index in Conservation of Lake Ecosystems. When faced with challenges of trying to describe and organize what is known about the many varied diverse waterbodies, scientists have developed the Trophic State Index (TSI) Classification. This requires minimum data and is generally easy to understand. In the Index total chlorophyll indicates algal biomass and biological productivity: and water clarity is determined by Secchi disc, which indicates the level to which light can penetrate; and algae can photosynthesize. TSI is the best and easy method. The range of the index between 40-50 is usually associated with mesotrophy (moderate productivity); values greater than 50 are associated with eutrophy (high productivity), values less than 40 are associated with oligotrophy (low productivity). Thus, the Trophic State Index (TSI) can serve an important tool in conservation of Lakes. Assessing the Hydrologic Characteristics of Lake Catchment Using GIS Land use change is a dynamic process and if anthropogenic it has most often adverse effects on ecological hydrological processes. For better understanding the impacts of changing physical characteristics on the hydrologic process, geospatial tools like remote sensing and GIS have been found useful. World Lake Vision The key to sustainable use of our lakes and wetlands lies in finding a balance between the water needs of human beings and the ability of nature to meet same over the long term. The WLV has articulated the basic action plan for sustainable use of lake and wet land resources in the form of seven basic principles. Seven Principles for the sustainable lake management are related with:- Harmony between Nature Man. Drainage Basin. Preventive approach to problem solving. Policy based on sound Science. Conflict Resolution. Stake holderà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s involvement. Good governance. If future water security is to be achieved, there is an urgent need to initiate steps for protection, conservation and sustainable use of precious water resources in general and lakes in particular. Powai Lake A Case Study The Powai Lake of Mumbai Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) is located about 27 Km. away in the North East of Mumbai City. It is an artificial reservoir formed by constructing a masonry dam between two hillocks across the Powai basin in the year 1891. The watershed area of the Powai Lake is 661 hectors. The top level of dam is 58.5 Mtrs. THD (Town Hall Datum), length is about 110 mtrs. and height is varying from 3mtrs.(Min.) to 6.00 Mtrs(Max.).The lake deteriorated due to accelerated growth of residential and commercial premises around the lake and quarrying activities in the catchments area. Also there was no proper control on surrounding. Thus, there was an urgent need to evolve the strategy to improve and maintain the Powai lake surroundings. In the year 1995, under the national Lake Conservation Plan of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) Government of India, the Powai Lake of MCGM was reviewed and identified for revival and improvements. The Powai Lake of Mumbai which was deteriorated due to eutrophication is now recovered using bioremediation and aeration technique. Observations before the start of revival work and after the completion of the same. Sr. Parameter Units Required value for Eco balance Value before the start of Work (March 2002) Values after Completion of the work (April 2003) Top Bottom Top Bottom 1 D.O. mg/L 52 2.87 1.3 6.05 5.45 2 C.O.D. mg/L 10 to 30 57.5 103.9 20.7 28.9 3 Phosphate mg/L 0.01 to 0.035 3.971 5.618 0.0188 0.0178 4 Nitrate/Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 or less 2.063 3.1 0.0727 0.0692 5 pH No. 7 to 8.5 7.73 6.98 7.6 7.88 6 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/L N.P. 8.91 2.5 2.18 2.02 7 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 10.00 or less 65.00 131.50 8.3 8.2 8 Turbidity in NTU NTU N.P. 103.5 404.3 9.3 7.9 9 Chlorophyll-A mg/m3 8 to 25 28.72 0.022 23.91 7.9
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Cult of Santiago Essay examples -- Religion
The Cult of Santiago During the first century Europe was plagued with many different wars for political and religious agendas. At this time Christianity was still just a new trend and seen by many the way that we see doomsday cults today. Rather than making it impossible for Christianity to get a foothold in the people, the new Christianity trend used the turmoil as a doorway through which it was able to find strong followers. Saint James, known in Spanish as Santiago, was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus; during his lifetime he came to Spain to preach the gospel, probably following a route that leads to the "End of the Earth" which held a great deal of mythical and mystical value to Europeans (Lehelma). During this time the Moors, or Arabs, were in the process of expanding their territory, infringing upon many people's lands and belief systems. In the year 711 Visogothic Spain had nearly been conquered by the Moors, and the Spaniards were in dire need of a savior. Thus follows the birth of the Cult o f Saint James. During the battle of Clavijo Saint James appeared as a holy warrior fighting for Ramiro I of Leon, attempting to push back and defeat the troops of Abdurrahaman II. The image of Saint James the Moor-slayer,mounted horseback striking down all Moors in his path with a mighty sword, however grotesque, was then used to strengthen the Christian resistance to the Arabs. During Saint James' lifetime it seems that his preaching found little results. It is believed that he managed to convert only nine people to Christianity (New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1071). The route that the Camino takes is believed to have been used in Roman and even prehistoric times as a route to Finisterre, which was believed to be the "End of the... ... were influenced by these movements because they are infused in the new towns and cities along the Camino as well as being carried into "the farthermost [sic] corners of Europe" (Lehelma). The Cult of Saint James was born through turmoil but survived because of faith. The fact that Spain was never conquered by the Moors and turned into an Arab nation is believed to be thanks to Saint James, and also why he is, and has been, the patron saint of Spain. Santiago de Compostela is considered one of the three most important centers of Christianity with Jerusalem and Rome being the other two. For this feat, Spain was and is grateful to Saint James, and the pilgrimage to his tomb has been a monumentous occasion for Christians all over Europe and the world. Works Cited Antti Lehelma. "A Short Guide For Pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela." 1 June 1999. Online Posting.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Philosophy of Medicine :: Epistemology
The Philosophy of Medicine Philosophy of Medicine? In Arthur Caplan's 1992 paper entitled "Does The Philosophy of Medicine Exist?" he argues that if a philosophy of medicine existed it would be concerned with epistemological or metaphysical questions. Caplan states "The goal of the philosophy of medicine is epistemological" (71). Caplan adds "the goal of the inquiry is to understand what those in medicine think they know and why they think they know it" (71). In conversation with Professor Caplan he has recently stated that he still holds the conclusion of his paper: namely, that a philosophy of medicine does not currently exist.[1] It will be my general aim to look at the discussion that takes place in some of the analysis of the medical field with a focus on epistemology. Specifically it will be my intention to distinguish in some of the topical literature if the questions raised are rightly epistemological yet or in need of some clarification. I accept Professor Caplan's stipulative definition that states that a field "must be well-integrated with other cognate inquiries and disciplines, have an established canon of key books, textbooks, anthologies and articles, and a set of distinctive and defining problems" (67). Epistemology meets all of these requirements. In attempts to assist medicine, authors from various quarters have offered analyses but confused what is and is not rightly epistemology. This confusion in turn blurs the distinction between philosophy in medicine and philosophy of medicine.[2] The resulting cloudiness may be an obstacle in the way of the development of the philosophy of medicine. I believe the importance of merely recognizing whether we are asking questions about the thinkers or about that which may not be the thinker is a particularly relevant foundation to philosophy of medicine. In line with an element of Professor Caplan's definition of the philosophy of medicine (69), I will attempt to explicate the key concepts in philosophy in medicine of 'uncertainty' and 'underdetermination.' Epistemology Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with theories of knowledge. Its study focuses around the nature, scope, and basis of knowledge, and the reliability of claims to knowledge. Epistemology must often take up debates over where and how knowledge is obtained, and the role of reason.[3] The tools of epistemologists consist of, but are not limited to, truth-bearers, truth-makers, truth-conditions, sentences, propositions, beliefs, criteria, justification, foundations, certainty, determination, coherence, usefulness,and correspondence. All these terms carry different weight and notions within individual epistemological theories, and need not be fully unpacked to serve their purpose in this investigation.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Environmental Analysis and Long-term objectives Essay
The organization selected for this paper to discuss the environmental analysis and long-term objectives is Dunkin Donuts. The main focus will be on the forces and trends operating in the environment which have a considerable effect on the running of the organization. The paper will first discuss these forces and trends in detail and then provide an insight to how these forces effect the organization and align themselves with the vision and values of the organization. The trends selected are: 1. Social responsibility 2. Environment 3. Fuel Social Responsibility One of the environmental trends is social responsibility which adds to the credibility of an organization. Social responsibility basically refers to the responsibility or the duties of an organization, government or even an individual towards the society in which it functions. Every organization has a responsibility to keep their actions and practices in the best interests of the people living in the society so that it does not endanger them in any way. Instead organizations should work to provide comfort and help to the society as a whole. This is a part of their corporate social responsibility. The company can also be involved in eradication of unethical practices and behavior taking place in the society so that the lives of the people could be made easier. For example, some companies take initiative in planting trees or constructing gardens in an area which serve a place for community people to come together and meet each other (Kotler and Lee, 2004). Social responsibility at Dunkin Donuts has actually helped the organization in a considerable manner. The restaurant holds a respectable position in the society due to its charity and community involvement programs. The company as well as their employees contributes for the community service organization in order to make the lives of the people better. Moreover, they are extremely committed to the environmental responsibility. The restaurant follows the environment regulations and promotes cleanliness. The restaurant itself is very clean and tidy with a proper system to discard the garbage. The company supports charitable programs and takes initiatives for supporting and participating in the welfare of the community people. They even sponsor educational programs in local community schools and provide funds for different events like Special Olympics, AYSO soccer teams etc. Recently Dunkin’ Donuts has entered into a relationship with a non-profit organization ‘Coffee Kids’ for supporting families in the coffee-producing regions of Mexico and Central America. On 22 May, 2008, the company went ‘green’ by initiating its first LEED (Leadership in energy and environmental design) restaurant which is a part of their corporate social responsibility commitment. This way the company hopes to improve the quality of life of the community people by making the area clean and green (Kotler and Lee, 2004). The trend operating in the environment must be aligned with the mission, vision and values of the organization for it to work in the best possible way. At Dunkin’ Donuts, there are seven core values and one of them is responsibility towards the environment and the community in which they are functioning. They are committed for improving the people’s quality of live. The first LEED being built up by the company is an effort towards promoting a healthy life for the people and improving their quality of life. The social responsibility practices of the company reinforce their mission, vision and values which are focused on making the ‘world a better place live and work’ (David, 2006). Environment The second force the paper talks about is the physical environment in which the organization is functioning. The trends in the environment have a much larger impact on the organization; here we are discussing the physical environment. Changes happen in the physical environment without any notice which might result in shock or disaster or even opportunities. Organizations need to have a contingency plan to deal with such contingencies resulting from the physical environment (Shaffer, 2000). In the physical environment outside the Dunkin’ Donuts Company and restaurant, variable changes can take place which can sometimes help the organization or hinder its processes at some other instances. The environment can provide opportunities as well as threats to the company. Since Dunkin’ Donuts has now essentially become a beverages company so it can specialize in different kinds of beverages and become a market leader. Moreover, the increasing number of suppliers in the industry can also result in new opportunities. Threat comes mainly from the substitutes and the new entrants. The company faces tough competition from Starbucks and their success becomes a threat for the company plus the industry doesn’t offers high barriers for the new entrants so more beverages company can be set up thus giving rise to the competition. Apart from this, the physical environment also includes the threat from natural disasters which can cause huge losses to the company so the company needs to have contingency plans for dealing with them. Thus, the physical environment can both help and hinder Dunkin’ Donuts depending on the situation (Reeve, 2002). The organization strives to accommodate any changes emerging in the physical environment in its strategy. The company was essentially based on donuts first but now it has developed into a beverages company. This was because it saw greater opportunities for itself in serving the beverages market. It saw the changing taste of people towards coffee and decided to establish a strategy based on a coffee company. Today Dunkin’ Donuts is known as the no. 1 retailer in hot and ice regular coffee. Thus, this shows the organization’s strategic adaptability towards the changing forces resulting in the environment (David, 2006). Rising Fuel Costs The burning issue facing the organizations today in their environment is the rising fuel prices. Companies have to face rising costs due to this shooting up in fuel prices which have almost doubled this year. As the costs are increasing so the companies have to raise the prices of their products and services which decreases their sales. This way many companies are facing problems due rising fuel costs which in turn decreases their average sales. Therefore, the third issue is of fuel which this paper will examine (Reeve, 2002). The rising cost of fuel is a trend in the environment which hinders the company by raising the costs of doing business and thus, decreasing the sales and profits. Since electricity is produced through fuel so increase in fuel costs also increases the electricity cost. At Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants, the food including the donuts and beverages is prepared to sophisticated machines which run on electricity. They have to pay higher for electricity which increases the cost of inputs and simultaneously, the cost of doing business. The company has raised the prices of its products worldwide recently but that has caused the sales to decrease and thus, it earns lower profits. This way fuel is actually a hindrance towards high profits for the company and simultaneously, its long-term objectives. Since rising fuel costs are hindering the company’s sales and profits, Dunkin’ Donuts is trying to find out ways of producing the products efficiently so that they involve low costs and the profits of the company could be increased. The company tries to specialize in certain beverages which can be produced with hands so that machine use could be limited thus, saving up the electricity. The company tried to adjust for these rising costs so that it can acquire an increasing number of customers to boost up its sales as well as profits (Shaffer, 2000). Conclusion The paper has discussed in detail the environmental analysis pertaining to social responsibility, environment and fuel. It first discussed what these forces actually mean and then identified their relevance with the organization and how organization adapts to these forces operating in the environment. Social responsibility at Dunkin’ Donuts is aimed at winning the hearts of the masses through charity and community involvement activities. The mission of the company is to improve the quality of life and this is effectively done through their social involvement programs. The company also takes immediate action to the changing environment which may involve rising incomes or changing tastes of the people and tries to accommodate the change in its strategy as it did from shifting to beverages industry from donuts industry. Finally, the company is also trying to cope up with the rising costs of fuel through cost efficient methods and increasing the prices since the income of a common man has also increased. All these forces or trends help or hinder the organization and its strategy in their own way. Thus, it can be said the Dunkin’ Donuts is a very capable organization who has effectively dealt with difficult times and has become the no. 1 retailer in coffee throughout United States (David, 2006). References David, F. R. (2006). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. , & Lee, N. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause . Wiley. Reeve, R. N. (2002). Introduction to Environmental Analysis. Wiley. Shaffer, J. (2000). The Leadership Solution. New York: McGraw-Hill
Monday, September 16, 2019
Catalase Formal Lab Report
You were to analyze a variety of tests including analyzing a glucose solution for the presence of simple reducing sugars, analyzing a sample of vegetable oil for the presence of lipids, analyzing a ample of gelatin for the presence of protein, and analyzing an unknown sample to determine the presence of starch, simple reducing sugars, lipids, and proteins through chemical tests. (Packet, Grafton 2014) Background: Molecules are two or more atoms bonded together to make one system. Most of the common molecules In living organisms fit In four classes of carbon contacting molecules, which are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.Carbohydrates occur In foods and living tissues, and contain hydrogen and oxygen with the same ratio as water. The ratio 1 . Lipids are basically fats. They are unable to be dissolved in water or any liquid but can dissolve in organic solvents. The configuration of cells are composed of a variety of chemical molecules. Cell metabolism involved the c onstruction and obliteration of numerous diverse sorts of molecules. (Packet, Grafton 2014) Proteins are highly varied organic molecules establishing a large percentage of the mass of every organism.Proteins are an essential nutrient in the diet of animals and other non-photosynthesis organisms. Lastly, nucleic acids are long macromolecules, can be DNA or various types of RNA. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and they transfer genetic information. RNA stands for ribonucleic acid, and it Is complimentary to the DNA strand. RNA Is almost Identical to DNA except for the replacement of the sugar ribose for didgeridoos. (Unknown Author, Dictionary. Com 2014) Hypothesis: Hypothesis A: If you add iodine to the soluble starch, then it will turn a different color than the rest because a starch is present.Hypothesis B: If you boil the soluble starch with Benedicts solution in it, then it will turn a different color because the simple reducing sugars are present. Hypothesis C: If you drop water and corn oil on brown litmus paper, then the water will semi-transparent and the corn oil will not because the corn oil is a thicker substance. Hypothesis D: If you have ethanol in one test tube and water in another, and you add oil to each, then the oil will be solvent In the ethanol but not In the water.Hypothesis E: If you have three test tubes with gelatin In one, glucose solution in another, and water In the third, and you add Blurred reagent Into each, then the gelatin will change color. Hypothesis Fl : If you add Benedicts solution to the urine sample and boll It, then It will change color, indicating that glucose is present. Hypothesis IF: If you add iodine to the urine you add Beirut's solution to the patient's urine sample, then it will change color, meaning a protein, or child, is present.Hypothesis IF: If you put a drop of the urine sample on a small piece of brown sample and another drop of water to compare, then both will be semi-transparent because no kidney sto nes will be present. Procedures: For the first test, start by getting three test tubes and label 1, 2, and 3. Add twenty drops of soluble starch to test tube one, twenty drops of glucose solution to tube two, ND twenty drops of distilled water to tube three. After this, record the colors in Table one. Next, add iodine solution to each test tube and record the color from the end result, and add the iodine solution in Table 1.Rinse the remains of the test tubes down the sink, and use the test tube brush, soap, and water to clean them. Dry them and put them into the test tube bin. The next test is started by heating the water bath to boiling and getting three test tubes labeled 1, 2, and 3. Add twenty drops of soluble starch to test tube one, twenty drops of glucose solution to test tube two, and ad twenty drops of distilled water to test tube three. Now, record the initial color of the contents of each tube in Table one. Add forty drops of Benedicts solution to each test tube, and rec ord the color after adding it in Table two.Place all three text tubes in a boiling water bath for three minutes. Remove the test tubes from the water bath using a test tube holder and place the test tubes in the test tube rack to cool, and record the color of each tube's contents in Table two. Rinse the contests down the sink, and proceed to clean with soap and the test tube brush. Dry and place the bubs into the bin. For the next test get two test tubes and label them one and two, then add forty drops of ethanol to test tube one and forty drops of distilled water to test tube two.Next, add ten drops of oil and a dropper to each test tube and stir well. Let the contents settle and record the results in Table four. Proceed to clean the tube normally. As another test label three test tubes as one, two, and three. Add sixty drops of gelatin to test tube one, sixty drops of glucose solution to test tube two, and sixty drops of distilled water to test tube three. Record the initial color of the contents n each tube in Table five. Now add twenty drops of Beirut reagent into each test tube and record the new color.Wash and dry the test tubes normally and place them into the bin. Starting a new test, place three millimeters of the urine sample in a test tube. In a new test tube, place three millimeters of water. Add forty drops of Benedicts solution to each tube and place both into a boiling water bath for five minutes. Record those results in Table six. As a new test, place three millimeters of the urine sample in a test tube and three millimeter of water into another test tube, as a control. Add forty drops of Logo's iodine to each tube and record data in Table six.With another test, add three millimeters of the urine sample in a test tube and three millimeters of water into another test tube. To each tube add forty drops of Beirut's solution and record the results in Table six. In the last testing procedure place a drop of the urine sample on a small piece of brown paper and drop of water on the other side of the paper. After allowing the paper to dry for a few minutes, hold the paper up to the light to observe if the spots re semi-transparent or not. Finish by recording the last results in Table six.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Kiss the game goodbye
Sally and john were planning a mission to steal the original painting of the ‘Rambrat', which was painted by Rambrat. This painting was highly protected by laser beams and police guards. For many days they had studied the building very closely and knew which officers were on duty which days. So the day came, it was midnight, perfect time to execute the plan. They slowly watched the officer going back and forth, with they luck, they noticed a window that was slightly ajar. As they were on the roof, they had to go down to the 85th floor. As Sally and John went down, the officer nearly caught his eyes on a leg; he saw a foot on the top left hand corner of the window. Sally noticed this and shouted, ‘move your foot', but it was to late, the officer pulled his foot, sally hesitated and did not know what to do. Then she saw the pavement, and quickly went down. Sally quickly went up to the floor, and ran away, but before she ran, she could hear a gun shot. She then said to herself, ‘the game for him has finished', so she silently walked off. ‘Sally' come here, shouted detective carter. ‘I have a special assignment for you there is a very dangerous dealer called Kobe, he is going to steal the redraw face I want you to help him' ‘Why' said sally, ‘Because we have no real evidence to actually put him down for good', ‘Fine'. So the next day she meets Kobe in London, she greets him and tells him that she would like to help him in the mission which he his going to go ahead with. Although Kobe does not trust Sally, he gives her a go. ‘Firstly' Kobe said, ‘to see good you really are, I want you to do a job for me'. ‘What' sally replied? ‘They is a shop in on Lakers Ville, I want you to collect a vase from there'. ‘No problem' sally said in a pleasant way. So Kobe drove to the shop in a black Mercedes, and told Sally to go to the shop and get the vase. ‘No problem Kobe boy' ‘You will pay for it with this visa card, now go'. As sally entered the shop, she could smell ‘rat'. Mr. O'Neal greeted her by saying ‘hello there', with a grin on his face. ‘I would like to collect the 1856 sphere vase' said sally ‘Who are you', Mr. O'Neal said ‘Kobe sent me' ‘Ok, it'll we à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½600.000' ‘Do you except visa' ‘Sorry darling, we aren't in Paris' ‘I know, Paris don't have rats' Then Mr. O'Neal came up with a knife, and said ‘listen here missy, we don't take crap nonsense' Sally caught her eyes on the vase, she quickly got it, smashed it on Mr. O'Neal's head. As the vase broke, she saw a film on the floor, she took the film and left the shop and entered the car. ‘Where's the vase', Kobe said ‘I broke it' ‘You did what' ‘I'm sorry' ‘You completely miss-understood the whole point of the exercise' ‘No I didn't' Kobe saw the film in her hand and said ‘well done, now give it here' ‘What is it'? ‘It's the plan to the whole of the exercise which you wanted to help me with' Kobe was going to take sally to his castle, which was located on a small island near Ireland. As sally woke up, she could she the castle. ‘Holy smack a rony, is this your place', sally said ‘Yes' As they entered the castle, Sally notices many paintings ‘Are these your' Sally quoted in a mysterious manor ‘Yes of course' ‘How did you pay for them'? ‘Visa perhaps' ‘Blood' Sally with a grin on her face, said ‘ok' Kobe showed sally to her room, and said you will be staying her until you would like to go home. The next morning, Kobe woke sally up, come on, we are going to train you to steal the diamond face. As sally was going to leave for a swim before the training, she was stopped by Kobe. ‘What you doing' Sally said in a angry mood ‘Where are you going'? ‘For a swim' ‘No', first the training then the swim ‘Fine then'! So the training began, the first exercise was to manoeuvre strings, which were supposed to represent lasers that protected the face. Sally kept on failing and kept her anger at a minimum, but all of a sudden ‘The hell with this' sally shouted out in an angry way ‘Shut up' and do it ‘Yes sir, what ever you say sir' in a mocking manor She finally got it right, and rubbed it in Kobe's face. ‘Your ready to steal the face', tomorrow we will go ahead with the plan. Because Kobe bought sally a dress, sally felt sorry for Kobe and offered to get Kobe a present, he insisted her not to worry, but she kept refusing, so she went out and got him one. As she saw a public telephone, she thought to call her boss, and inform him of what was happening, because Kobe owned the island, he knew what telephone calls were being made and where, he also could listen to each conversation being had. He was very interested in what sally was talking about on the phone, so he thought he would listen. As he switched it on, he heard ‘I am so close to putting him down, just give me a couple more days', so he knew that she was a cop and wanted to put in him, but then I thought of a plan. As sally arrived she saw a small note on the table, saying go upstairs, as she went up stairs she saw Kobe on the roof of the castle, she approached him, ‘Do you know, every time I come on the roof, I always drop something' Kobe said in a mysterious manor' ‘Go on then' sally said, sally had strange thoughts in her mind; does he know that I'm a cop? As he walked towards her, he bent towards her, as he put on hand on her, he dropped the cup. Sally was very relieved that she was not the one being dropped. ‘Come one, we are leaving in 2 hours get ready' Kobe said. Sally had put on the dress that Kobe had bought for her, it was a size 4 but she was a size 6. As sally was walking down the stairs, Kobe was stunned how beautiful sally looked, and said to her, ‘I know you are a size 6, but I thought you will look good in a size 4. Salt with a grin on her face said, ‘that's very thoughtful of you'. Since it was a ballroom dancing party, all males and females had to be wearing suits and dresses. As they were being toured around and shown the beautiful place, Sally and Kobe caught they eyes on the diamond face, they located the place, and put a sensor on the floor where the face was. As the building was closing Sally and Kobe was planning the plan. They once was an underground tunnel that was used by Queen Victoria to escape from the press and the public. This tunnel was which was not being used any more. They were planning to use that tunnel to get into the museum and steal the face. Because the tunnel was under a canal, they had to use a speedboat to get into the tunnel. After being under the canal, they used diving suits to enter the tunnel. As they entered the tunnel, they saw sunlight. Kobe said, ‘are you ready, time to steal the face' So the plan went ahead, because the museum was closed and the face was guarded by lasers, only one person could get the mask and one person to tell the other person the direction so that he/she does not hit the laser, because if they hit the laser the alarm will go of and the police will be there in a matter of seconds. Sally was the one who had to go and manoeuvre her way pass the lasers and Kobe was to tell her how to manoeuvre them. Because they was a security guard out the room where the face is kept, they had to make sure that the guard did not see sally, and therefore sally movement and speed is vital.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Look at the questions
Queen Elizabeth of England was known as one of the most successful rulers of her time for a number of different reasons. She did many things right, but the most prevailing aspect of her reign was her foreign policy. She was something of a revolutionary leader during that time in a number of different ways. While other leaders were busy fighting big wars to protect themselves from danger, Queen Elizabeth found a way to keep her enemies at bay by pacifying them. She used power and influence to balance between the countries and the powers that would have otherwise been a problem during that time. Though the premise of her policy was to help England, it actually helped much of Europe as a result. For example, European powers like France and Germany were able to build their military power and their financial backing while not having to defend against a large armed force in England. Without having to look too far, one can find some of Elizabeth’s policies being utilized in the world today. In some ways, they are being used in many of the same ways that Elizabeth used her policies back in England. There are some very good examples, including the situation that is currently happening in Ukraine. Ukraine is a country that was involved with the Soviet Union for a long time, so they have struggled in the period shortly following that. The adjustment has been difficult, because the country still holds onto its Russian roots, but it is being pulled towards the Western world. Being in such proximity to both Russia and Europe, Ukraine has to fact tough questions about the direction of their country. China is a country that is always in balance between various powers, as well. On one side of them, there is Japan, who holds much of the world’s power in the financial district. One the other hand, they have to balance between the socialist nations that surround them in the South Pacific. In order to make sure that they keep a good reputation around the world, China has had to keep pacify the Western world. They are a large producer of goods, so in order to stay viable, they have to keep the important trade relationships that have been developed up to this point. On the other hand, the socialist nature of their government makes it difficult for them to relate with countries like the United States and many of the nations in Europe. In the sixteenth century, England found itself in an interesting position. In many ways, the world was changing during that time. Today, it is still a changing world, so countries still have to account for these changes. Instead of having to simply care for today, countries like China and Ukraine have to take into account what might happen tomorrow. This is why it is difficult for these countries to have an economic and military strategy that pleases everyone. Queen Elizabeth was able to balance the interests of her country and many different countries, so that they could become a power in the changing world. If England did not have such a balanced policy, then there is no way they could have charged into the new age in such that they would maintain their power into this current time.
4New †The First Blockchain Ecosystem
4New – The First Blockchain Ecosystem In developed and ordinary societies, waste management essentially implies the gathering, keeping, treatment and transfer of waste so as to render them innocuous to human and animals’ life – the nature and environment in general. It could likewise be said to be the sorted out and efficient dumping and diverting of waste through or into landfills or pathways to guarantee that they are discarded with consideration regarding adequate general wellbeing and environmental shield. Legitimate waste management will bring about the decrease or aggregate end of contamination. In Nigeria, managing waste transfer has turned into a noteworthy worry in spite of a few endeavors by progressive governments and private associations toward that path. That is why it is a common sight across the country today to see heaps of festering waste dumps in relatively every alcoves and crevices. Private lofts, markets, conduits, roadways, boulevards and undeveloped plots of land have been swung to waste dumps for some family units. No big surprise numerous say that in Nigeria, waste increments in a geometrical movement and accumulation and transfer is at an arithmetical movement. Why all these problems when waste can be recycled to produce energy? With this let me present to you a solution. 4NEW is the worlds driving eco-accommodating, substantial, blockchain ecosystem controlled by waste to power control plants. The idea is very basic, the procedure of refining waste products into water and organic materials makes power which is unrestricted and uninhibitedly accessible for use or deal to the national lattice or connected to work mining forms at an on location mining ranch. Having a one of a kind chance to apply this finite lifetime supply of power to its coin called KWATT with the symbol KWATT. Each KWATT Coin will have the limit of 1 kilowatt of power for multi-year. Not at all like different organizations, which offer comparative administrations, 4NEW is remarkable as in there will be no charges of energy expenses for mining, while the main cost to a coin holder is the cost of the coin. Clients will be at freedom to choose which coins or coins they might want to put their KWATT Coin power towards to mine. The choices will comprise of the best twenty minable coins, which will consequently point the important measure of hash rate towards mining that coin. Yields will be executed to the record related with your 4NEW Wallet and with the KWATT coin; they will have the capacity to stake their tokens on the system enabling customers of capacity to use the staked coins to process crypto exchanges for monetary standards, for example, Bitcoins, Bitcoin Cash, E thereum and Dash among others. Depending on the waste to energy show idea, 4NEW is being paid for waste handled and the sales of by-products, for example, manure, organic materials and clean water, with start-up expenses to this system financed by the mint piece deal, and the plants overhead subsidized with money flow created from gathering of waste and income from offer of side-effects. At the point when appropriately kept up to run reliably with negligible downtime for 92% of yearly hours without irregularity, contingent upon the setup of the plant 4NEW can profit by other income streams as entryway expenses, Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROC), Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), and Renewable Heat Incentives (RHI) utilizing diverse innovations and procedures including Combustion, Gasiï ¬ cation, and Anaerobic Digestion.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Cuba As An Example Of Sustainable Living Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Cuba As An Example Of Sustainable Living - Essay Example The country has relied on aid for several years in the past years, but due to its political inclination, it benefited a great deal from the collapsed Soviet Union. The Soviet Union used the country to propagate their ideology especially as a way of countering the American capitalism dominance. Since the attainment of independence in 1902, the republic of Cuba has passed through economic stormy periods characterized by its radical politics and social strife. The period of dictatorship characterized by the leadership of Fulgencio Batista before 1952 almost brought the country on its economic toes. The ousting of the dictatorial regime saw the full fledge of communism under Fidel Castro who gave more focus on military strength and less concern over the people. However, several economic developments were experienced during his tenure; some of the ideologies developed favoured the entire population at the expense of individuals. The Cuban population today relies mainly on food from Venezu ela after the collapse of the Soviet Union that provided him some good support. Cuba does not provide the best example of sustainable living because a century after independence the country still relies on foreign food aid coupled with a huge foreign debt and several other challenges. Cuba’s dark past was evident with the inability of the governments to enact concrete and sustainable economic policies to help the country get to an economic destiny. Fulgencio Batista turned the economy of Cuba upside down through his dictatorial regime. In 1959, he was overthrown by the July 26 Movement that was under the leadership of Castro (Coltman 1). They took over the country and imposed a purely communist regime. He received massive support from the Cuban peasants and workers because of the humiliation that they had faced under the ousted regime. The revolution brought up many changes, by 1960 Castro’s regime had expropriated up to 37% of the entire nation’s land and later on decided to nationalize the land, which stood at up to 80%, this was a landmark achievement because there has never been another country in the world to successfully implement such a policy. Most of the big companies and well established businesses were all nationalized resulting into suspicion by foreign countries especially the United States whose companies had been nationalized. It was reported that approximately sixty-one American sugar mills were victims of the new development. Largely, the nationalization policy did not find a solution to the predicaments of the poor workers but instead extended the exploitation (Uriarte 3). State apparatus were established that had control over the population’s social, economic and political life, a factor that not only attempted to make all people equal but also ruined the labour compensations turning them even more exploitative. The state apparatus created a lot of bureaucracy, Castro and his brother, Raul together with the July 2 6 Movement members were the dominant figures in dictating the policies of the country. The state owned all property that was being worked on by the members of the public who received poor wages, they had no option since the land and firms were purely owned by the state. The oppressive state apparatus were advanced by the establishment of the Ministry Of Industry in 1961that looked into policy
Thursday, September 12, 2019
How did Slavery become a powerful Institution in America Essay
How did Slavery become a powerful Institution in America - Essay Example The trade developed rapidly in the country owing to the agrarian revolution that increased the demand for labor in the country as the discussion below portrays. The agrarian revolution refers to a time in the history of the world when agriculture was a key economic activity. Industries in different parts of Europe required raw products such as cotton and sugar cane among others. This led to the spread of colonization especially of the United States a country that presented viable potential for the development of agriculture. When the British colonized the United States, they fostered the growth and spread of the agrarian revolution into the United States as they engaged in extensive agricultural activities. Large tracts of land in both the north and the south of the country exhibited conducive climatic features that would sustain agriculture (David and Steven 290). Despite the existence of large tracts of land, the British required labor to facilitate the growth of agriculture in the country. Slaves were the only cost effective source of labor. As such, the British colonizers instigated slave trade. They coordinated with merchants in different parts of Africa who raided communities and kidnapped the unorganized Africans forcefully before shipping them to the United States among other European countries. The African slaves were cheap and therefore offered an affordable source of labor to enhance the agricultural production. In the United States, slave trade grew to become an important trade and a powerful institution in the country. The colonial government of the United States developed effective infrastructure to enhance the development of the trade in the country to become a powerful institution in the country. The structures persisted even after the country’s independence especially in the form of internal slave trading within the cou ntry. Among the key factors that enhanced the growth of slave trade in the country was the need for labor,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
WHAT ARE THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESS OF THE VIEW THAT WE ARE LIVING IN A GLOBALISED WORLD - Essay Example nomies into an international economy through trade, capital flows, migration, spread of technology and many other factors contributing to it (Bhagwati, 2004). Globalisation is usually recognized as being caused by a combination of economic, socio-cultural, technological, political and biological factors. It can also refer to the dissemination of ideas, languages or popular culture between nations (Croucher, 2004). Living in a globalised world has its share of negative effects on the average citizen, and globalisation has been one of the most hotly-debated issues in international economics in the past years. One of the causes for this opposition to globalisation is the concern that globalisation has increased inequality and environmental degradation (Hopkins, 2004). Fears for inequality arise in situations in which companies take advantage of cheap labour force in backward countries and use employees for their own needs without taking care of their working conditions. Also, as a result of the industrial nature of factories and that are responsible for manufacturing goods, the environment suffers damages in its land, in bodies of water (including rivers, lakes, oceans, seas) and in the air as well (as poisonous materials are released to the air). Poorer countries suffer more disadvantages because of globalisation. As some countries try to save their national markets, they sometimes subsidise their main export, which is agricultural goods. This lowers the poor farmers crop prices in the poor countries compared to what it would have been if countries had not subsidised their goods. (Hurst, n.d) One other negative effect of globalisation in the economic field is the increase in child labour. The conditions in the poorer countries of the world along with the "enticements" offered by large corporations in them cause even children to go to work in order to help support their families. These children often work in sweatshops and in terrible conditions. The increases in
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
What makes a property sustainable and how could we increase the Essay - 1
What makes a property sustainable and how could we increase the percentage of the building stock that is sustainable - Essay Example This calls for efficiency in technology supply and change in lifestyles in managing the type and resources present in a country. The usage of resources further depends on the environmental awareness, learning experiences, the value and availability of the resource, type of household and normative pressure. Property sustainability is affected by product manufacturing and assembly, building structure, maintenance system, waste disposition, material extraction, and replacement (Bulg, Leimgruber, Huni and Scholz 2009). The 2008 financial crisis that hit the world led to weakening of the housing markets and vulnerable populations, and this called for planners to redesign programs that promote sustainable home ownership. The move helped to lower risks, protect the environment while assuring robust returns to investors as they are less prone to shortfalls in returns. The major concern is usually technology, ecology and green performance. This implies that social infrastructure should be able to satisfy the present generation while posing no threat to the future generation. Thus, sustainable property should enable human systems in realizing their capabilities without posing any social inequality (Lorenz and Lutzkendorf 2005). The increase in carbon dioxide emissions is propelled by the energy used by people in heating, lighting and running the daily activities. Given that these emissions pose a serious and adverse effect on the climate change, an effective remedy to this menace needs to be developed. In this effect, initiatives that ensure that homes minimize the use of energy through building of sustainable property help to combat the emissions. Facilitated by the Sustainable Home Code, planners have introduced the buildings are constructed upon codes that enhance a greener way of living thus benefiting the society at large. There has been
Monday, September 9, 2019
Cardiac Contractility Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Cardiac Contractility - Assignment Example In a scenario, where there is excessive blood loss to an extent that compensatory mechanism cannot maintain sufficient venous return, a decrease in venous return results in the decreased cardiac output. As heart not able to meet the body requirement, the condition is known as a cardiac failure. Following graph (fig.8) represents the interaction of Frank-Starling and venous return curves. Â While plotting variables on this Model graph it is assumed that factors affecting another curve such as arteriolar or venous constriction are eliminated. It will affect the predicted values by shifting or alternating the curves above or below normal. For example, while discussing the scenario of blood loss it was highlighted that compensatory mechanisms have failed to restore normal cardiac output. It is important because, during initial blood loss, compensatory mechanisms such as sympathetic vasoconstriction can decrease venous compliance and restore adequate venous return. The factors causing an increase in contractility work by causing an increase in intracellular calcium ions (Ca++) during contraction.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Recession and Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Recession and Banking - Essay Example This was indicated by the McKinsey research which demonstrated that the competitive analysis proved how the banking industry was not adhering to set market dynamics anywhere in the world. With differences in performance between regions, structures and sub sectors, the use of the five forces of competition easily came across in the changing global dynamics of the banking sector. The McKinsey research further concluded that the next decade will herald a worldwide GDP growth reaching 16% by 2012. According to Deloitte, "The global banking industry weathered turbulent times in 2007 and early 2008. After rising interest rates and a decline in U.S. housing prices drove increased defaults among subprime borrowers, investors rapidly lost their appetite for securities based on subprime mortgages and soon for other securitized assets as well. Given the integration of capital markets, the impacts quickly ricocheted around the world, affecting banks, securities firms, and hedge funds in the Unit ed States, Europe, and Asia." (Global Banking Industry Outlook, 2008; Pp 1 to 12) This can be seen in the fact outlines by Deloitte according to which the AAA downward trends have affected the hedge funds the most. While commercial and investment banking institutions had announced write offs of almost $100 billion by January 2008, increased legal activity (double of what was seen in the previous year) became the trend for August 2008 onwards. (Global Banking Industry Outlook, 2008) In the face of these trends, this essay will seek to study the changing dynamics of the global banking industry according to the Pestel analysis and Porter's five forces of competition. PESTEL ANALYSIS Following are the features according to which the analysis has been carried out by taking the questions into consideration when studying the various pieces of literature to find a conclusion: Political What is the culture of the organization, How is the HR function viewed by other functions Who are the political champions of HR (or its adversaries) Shareholder views Economic What is the budgetary position of the department, Is more money available Are our customers likely to spend more or less money on the services we offer What is happening to the financial status of the organization Interest rates Inflation Salary trends in the sector Sociological Other departmental attitudes to HR Population shifts (age profile) Education Fads Diversity Immigration/emigration Health Living standards Housing trends Fashion & role models Age profile Attitudes to career Technological What changes may be coming our way What new technology/ systems, How do we record attendance, performance how might this change Use of and encourage home working Communications technologies changes of technology that will increase/ reduce the need for recruitment changes to HR software Legal What is happening in our sector that will impact what we do Minimum wage, Working time, Food stuffs, Under 18 working, Occupational/ industrial Training etc. What changes will impact the services of the organization Environmental Staff morale Staff engagement Need to reduce storage needs Management attitudes (inside dept/ function) Organizational culture Source: RapidBi - Pestel Template Findings The basic finding based on the PESTEL analysis points to the following trends as outlined in the various
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Discuss the barriers faced by firms wishing to enter an oligopolistic Essay
Discuss the barriers faced by firms wishing to enter an oligopolistic market structure - Essay Example Therefore, sellers in the oligopoly are constantly aware of competitor actions and respond accordingly in order to outperform the small volume of competition existing in the market structure. Oligopolists regularly take into consideration the strategic responses of competition, attempting to model the most likely retaliation of important market participants in order to maintain competitive edge. Even though competition is intense between the market players, there is also considerable influence in the oligopoly to prevent new competitors from entering the market. The most common barriers for new market entry include pricing, product differentiation and consumer switching costs, as well as intellectual property and patent laws. An explanation of barriers Firms operating in an oligopolistic market structure have often achieved economies of scale, which are the specific cost advantages achieved by a firm due to its size and scope of operations in which the cost of outputs continues to de crease whilst fixed costs are able to spread over a higher volume of unit outputs (Gelles and Mitchell 1996). This is achieved through better operational efficiency and productivity that also improves variable costs along the production model. Over time, as the oligopolist achieves profit maximisation, the business is able to low the cost of capital, especially as it pertains to asset procurement, thereby increasing production output whilst experiencing better cost efficiency. Economies of scale that have been achieved through continuous operation and success in sales in a market create barriers to new entrants, especially as it pertains to pricing. Businesses in the oligopoly are able to create predatory pricing structures in an effort to undercut emerging competition attempting to enter the market. Because the business competitor has achieved economies of scale and reduced the costs of capital, they are often equipped with the operational capacity to increase production without ha ving to incur significant costs in this manufacturing effort. One should consider the beer industry, one that is currently dominated by major players such as Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors which account for approximately 80 percent of the total market share in the international beer industry (New York Times 2009). If either of these oligopolists is aware that a new competitor is attempting to enter the market, thus providing competitive threat, these manufacturers are able to lower the prices of their selected products and sustain these low prices even though it would, in the short-term, reduce their quarterly profit expectations. New entrants, however, would have to invest considerable capital into the systems required to produce the product, distribute the product and market it. Oftentimes, the new competitor must establish brand recognition (a costly marketing objective) that requires, oftentimes, years of dedicated promotion in marketing simply to get consumers interested in the beverage brand. Major players such as Anheuser-Busch can theoretically cut their prices by 50% on products that are homogenous in relation to the production output of the new competitor. Sustaining these prices in an effort to drive out the new competitor is relatively simplistic when economies of scale have been achieved. Why is this so important in determining barriers to new market entry in the oligopolistic market structure? The law of demand indicates that as a price decreases, consumer demand increases when all other factors remain stable (Boyes and Melvin 2007). Therefore, market characteristics
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