Saturday, November 30, 2019
Introduction to Management
Emerging Issues That Will Affect Business in the UAE One emerging issue that businesses in the UAE must deal with in the future is localization. Multi-National Enterprises (MNEs) face the challenge of making their business operations local to effectively compete in the UAE business environment. There are laws in the UAE governing aspects of localization for MNEs.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Introduction to Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, their implementation is somewhat ambiguous. Thus, companies rely on the need to realize economic returns as a factor influencing their localization policy. Unfortunately, the present situation allows some MNEs to avoid the localization of their operations. Moreover, those that succeed in implementing localization may not go as deep as it is necessary to maintain their competitive strategies in the end. Localization differently affects various compani es. First, in the UAE, the government through its agencies is the biggest consumer of products and services in the economy. Companies that encourage the employment of UAE citizens and subcontract their work to native companies have a higher chance of doing business with the government. The lucrativeness of government contracts in the UAE force many MNEs to hire local staffs. Not all MNEs will survive the dynamic market of the country if all they do is hire local staffs. The UAE continues to emerge as a force to reckon in the global business environment. As it rises, its citizens and laws also evolve to provide better control and management the economy. MNEs that early adopted the concept of localization have an advantage over new companies, which are copying an already existing trend. For the former, their need to realize economic gains prompted them to develop strategic plans in accordance with their strength and weakness analyses. However, the latter only adopt localization polici es to copy their competitors. Copying strategies of another company in the same industry does not guarantee the effectiveness of those strategies in the future. The late adopters of localization have to deal with the emerging risk of becoming irrelevant in the changing market. The UAE is likely to develop professional bodies and associations that will stress the need for the adoption of local practices among MNEs. Thus, the companies that fail to support the localization projects are already jeopardizing their future operations. Management should understand that the achievement of external legitimization by recruiting native nationals reduces their risks as they compete with homegrown firms (Forstenlechner Mellahi, 2010). For example, in the financial industry, the human resource pool of resident banks now contains a significant number of local nationals.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More By default, the banks have a greater appeal to local customers. The indigenous appeal overrides customer levels of investment or their financing needs. It has only been a decade since the same banks had a staff pool made up of foreign nationals (Forstenlechner Mellahi, 2010). Therefore, localization is a challenge for multinationals seeking to have a lasting presence in the UAE. They should concentrate on the long-term rather than blindly copy their peers. Another emerging issue for business in the UAE is finding a cultural balance between their expatriate workforce and their local counterparts. Most multinationals doing business in UAE come from western countries whose liberal culture is different from the Islamic culture of the UAE. Adaptation to local cultures is the key to successful marketing of products and services of a given company. Unfortunately, most expatriate workers are not keen on changing their cultural behavior while working in the UAE. The rigid ity to change presents public relation managers of these companies with a challenge of defending the local aspects of the MNE brand. Over 80 percent of the UAE population consists of expatriates. The high number of foreigners working in the country presents companies and organization with challenges of not only coping with local cultures, but also adapting to the cultures of the various foreigners in the country. People from dissimilar parts of the world have their own ethical attitudes. While the attitudes of all the foreigners may be the same towards business, they are different in terms of community values, leadership preferences and favored forms of compensation. Human resource managers have to grapple with the issue of attracting top talent from a diverse population of both foreign and local nationals. The economic development of the UAE creates new industries and transforms existing industries, as they become more mature. The development results into an increase in the demand for skilled workers. As the demand rises, businesses realize that their preferred nationals do not possess all the skill-sets needed for particular jobs. Thus, the businesses have to recruit staff from different nations other than their own. One consequence of external recruitment is the change in the business culture, which might affect how the business delivers products and services.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Introduction to Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, the inclusion of employees from diverse cultures makes it hard for human-resource managers to motivate staff. The level of motivation corresponds to the resulting performance by employees in a firm. However, the multicultural dimensions emerging from the recruitment of diverse nationals and marketing products to dissimilar residents removes the possibility of using one strategy of motivation. As a response to the above issue, management should not seek to impose new cultures on the market and on its workforce. Instead, it should place mechanisms within the organization that promote learning and cultural exchange. Feedback from the market should inform future marketing strategies to make sure that the company remains competitive and relevant. The inclusion of different nationals should also happen at management levels as the company grows to ensure that it does not show prejudice tendencies. Processes and Techniques to Override Resistance to Change To minimize resistance to change, there should be adequate communication channels between management and employees. Proper flow of information within the company leads to timely resolution of disagreements. In addition, it makes it easier and faster to announce changes that affect the entire company. Although companies have various reasons for their existence, the main reason is usually the making of profit. Profit making comes from the sale of solutions that fulfill a market need. Today, knowledge transfer and new technology remove the barriers of entry to the manufacturing business. Existing companies have to develop additional values for their products in order to remain marketable. To make the organization ready for change, management should construct value-added service-awareness processes in the operations of the company. Every staff should understand the company’s desire to enhance its value in the market. The management should approach the change process as a partnership with its staffs or customers. Therefore, it should ask them to offer suggestions that will ease the transition from product orientation to service orientation. Having the customer on board gives the impression that the company values them. The impression is in line with the overall objective of the change process. During consultations with employees and customers, the management should talk about past behaviors of either party. Thereafter, it should embrac e what is common and use that to drive an alliance for change.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More All parties need to know that change is a gradual process in large organizations, and this will help reduce any reluctance when there are no immediate results to show. Competition depends on more than the price of products. Changing the interaction with consumers will only work when a change in the organizational culture accompanies the process. Thus, the leadership should lead by examples. To infuse new habits to the organization, there should be oversight management in every interaction point in the company. Moreover, during the implementation of change, management should control the flow of information. For instance, information concerning failures of certain processes or negative remarks about the intended results needs proper handling. Mistakes and other challenges need a well-managed crisis response to prevent panic and withdrawals (Bacon, 2007). Clear communication and often leaves little room for mistakes and quashes resistance. Management should understand and embrace the f ollowing three levels of transition. The first stage should be to destabilize the existing behaviors in the organization. During this phase of the change, all communication and management tasks should focus on unlearning the past culture of the organization. Here, management presents staffs with an opportunity to understand the prevailing behavior patterns so that when it comes to changing, they know the points to tackle. After the unlearning part, management moves to the second stage of moving staffs or customer to new behaviors and expectations respectively. In this instance, the strategies that infuse different behaviors will be helpful. The company leadership can modify reward systems and management styles to reflect the fresh direction of the company. For example, managers can introduce a bonus system that prompts employees to test new approaches and offer relevant feedback to earn points. They would redeem the points using various options such as off days or lunch with senior leadership. The last part of the change process involves the cementing of new behaviors and processes. Novel codes of conduct, work procedures and communication channels should become part of the institution. Management can announce to employees, and to the market that the company has changed. Thereafter, every aspect of the company structure and brand should embrace the new customer orientation. During the change process, employees, management, customers and shareholders will behave as groups. Communication should prevail among the various groups on how changes will affect them. The best way to reach each group is by using narratives that will stimulate dialogue. Although it is a slow process, the resulting dialogue allows management to remove all preceding behaviors in the group and introduce new ones. In addition, narration through various forms such as literature, audio and video are memorable. Therefore, it is possible for management to refer to them in the future as a way of h andling any resistance that emerges (Bjurklo, Edvardsson, Gebeur, 2009). Managers should avoid fighting the symptoms of resistance that come up during the transition. The handling of symptoms presents immediate results but still leaves the transitional process vulnerable. Therefore, workers should work on solving structural problems that will eradicate symptoms and increase efficacy and output. Management should believe in the economic potential of offering more services and encourage their employees to create apt means of extending the proposed service component. Thus, the firm should free its employees from current business tasks and move them to service delivery. Properly assigning employees their roles reduces the risk of product quality deterioration due to the transition (Gabauer Friedli, 2005). A company may follow the processes outlined above; however, if it does not perfectly define service, then all transition efforts will be futile. There should be a clear distinction o f product and service within the company and the definition of the latter should provide a tangible and meaningful association for employees. Having a transition system allows the firm to achieve the significant differentiation of products as platforms, which enable the creation services as the value-in-use that the customer experiences. The systems enable the application of deeds and processes that give meaning to service (Bjurklo, Edvardsson, Gebeur, 2009). Three Factors for Consideration When Adopting a Particular Leadership Style In a particular session, the leadership style is a summary of the behavior patterns that one shows when dealing with a specific group. Repetition of the equivalent leadership style when dealing with the same group or related groups of people results to a dominant leadership style. The following are factors to consider when assuming a particular leadership style. First, the leader should understand that followers react according to how they perceive a p articular style. Therefore, leaders should put into consideration, not what they believe is their leadership style, but what it means to their followers. Leadership in organizations revolves around the attainment of anticipated results from followers, thus factoring in their perception of the style is mandatory for one to expect the desired cooperation. Before choosing a leadership style, the leader must understand the concerns of his or her followers. The sustainability of the group led by the leader depends on the perception of satisfaction by its members. Second, the leader must know the level of maturity his or her group is before choosing a style. There are several stages in the development of groups. In between stages, groups rely on others and have different leadership needs. Typically, a group will move from being dependent, to counter-dependent and finally independent. In the first phase, the group solely relies on the leader. Here, the group members need guidance on what t o do and how they should serve the group. In the next phase, there are power struggles and faithful rebel against the leader’s authority. Individual members in this stage try to lead their colleagues. Finally, in the last phase, the followers are mature and work together to achieve common goals of the group. Individual efforts receive the desired recognition, and the need for leadership is minimal. Third, the personality of the leader matters when he or she is choosing a leadership style. People tend to choose a leadership style that identifies with their preferences and behavioral tendencies. Even when one receives the necessary exposure to different leadership styles, they would still use a specific style in all situations if they feel that it serves their roles. Often leaders will go with the style that they are already known for, so that they do not appear to be pretending. For example, when considering group maturity as a factor, a leader can choose an autocratic style o r a task-directed style because a group depends on its leader. In addition to providing direction, the leader uses a hands-on approach to supervise tasks and handle inquiries. The dependent group has many queries and requires powerful gestures to maintain civility; hence the option of choosing an autocratic leadership style. On the other hand, for an independent group, there is a slight need for leadership. An autocratic or task directed style would work detrimentally to the progress of the group. Instead, a democratic style that allows members to assume temporary leadership roles would be beneficial to the independent group. Another example in accordance with the first factor presented above comes from research done by Ehige and Akpan (2004) in Nigeria. The scholars found out that the leadership style of a particular organization determines the effectiveness of rewards offered to employees. In the study, the scholars confirm that the perception of employees on the leadership style matters when it comes to their motivation. When employees perceive the leadership style of the organization to be mindful of their concerns, they are likely to work well with minimal reward systems. On the other hand, if the leadership style is out of touch with employees, then the organization will need additional rewards to receive the same level of cooperation from employees. Using the above findings, the researchers recommend that organizations should train their leaders to use low maintenance styles if their organizations have the funds to offer high rewards to their employees. Conversely, if there are insufficient funds for great incentives, then the organization will have to rely on the perception of the employees on leadership as a way of motivating them. In this case, the leader should adopt a high-upkeep style, which assures employees that their needs are always under consideration (Ehige Akpan, 2004). References Bacon, T. R. (2007). Driving cultural change through behavi oral differentiation at Westinghouse. Business Strategy Series, 8(5), 350-357. doi: 10.1108/17515630710684466 Bjurklo, M., Edvardsson, B., Gebeur, H. (2009). The role of competence in initiating the transition from products to services. Managing Service Quality, 19(5), 493-51. doi: 10.1108/09604520910984346 Ehige, B. O., Akpan, R. C. (2004). Roles of perceived leadership styles and rewards in the practice of total quality management. The Leadership Organizational Developmental Journal, 25(1), 24-40. doi: 10.1108/01437730410512750 Forstenlechner, I., Mellahi, K. (2010). Gaining legitimacy through hiring locals at a premium: The case of MNEs in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of World Business, 46(4), 455-461. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2010.10.006 Gabauer, H., Friedli, T. (2005). Behavioral implications of the transition process from products to services. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 20(2), 70-78. doi: 10.1108/08858620510583669 This assessment on Introduction to Management was written and submitted by user Owen Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Blue Moon essays
Blue Moon essays The title of my book is Blue Moon. It was written by Susan Kirby and came from the series Life at Sixteen. Blue Moon has two hundred and two pages. This book is about Deanna Findley* and her next door neighbor who is also her best friend, Michael McKinsey*. Deanna is a high school junior who doesnt care about her looks or if she is in the in crowd, but cares more about her family and friends and their welfare. Formerly know as Dee she is a happy go-lucky girl who is slim, has brown hair and loves to baby-sit her younger brother, Doug. Dees importance in this book is that she helps Michael deal with his grandfathers illness and deals with her own family problems. Michael, Dees next door neighbor and secret crush, is tall, dark complected, and a nice guy to hang out with. He is in the popular crowd in a way, but isnt stuck up. The other characters in this book are Dees brother, Doug, a rambunctious, funny, caring, nine-year-old. This book containing also Alice, Dees sister, a thirteen year-old just discovering boys and having a hobby of being a brat to her little brother. Also among other characters are Mr. and Mrs. Findley (Dee s parents), Mrs. McKinsey (Michaels mother), and Mr. Kolupa (Michaels grandfather). The majority of the story takes place in Mayfield, a bustling central Illinois community of about thirty thousand residents. The neighborhood that Michael and Dee live in most of the houses are comfortable ranch-style homes that were built closely spaced. Some of the story takes place in Michaels grandfathers old shop across town. The end takes place in a nursing home called Rosewood. Mainly the story is in the spring and summer months, such as the last few days of school and throughout the summer. Blue Moon is a book about a young girl who gets out for the summer and notices changes in her beloved graduating friend. The changes really are ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Remember What You Read Using Sticky-Note Flags
How to Remember What You Read Using Sticky-Note Flags How often have you read a book from start to finish, only to discover that you havent retained very much of the information it contained? This can happen with any type of book. Literature, textbooks, or just-for-fun books can all contain information you really want or need to remember. There is good news. You can remember the important facts of a book by following a simple method. What You Need Book that is interesting or required readingColored sticky-note flags (small)Pencil with eraser (optional)Note cards Instructions Have sticky notes and a pencil on hand as you read. Try to get in the habit of keeping supplies on hand for this active reading technique.Stay alert for important or pivotal information. Learn to identify meaningful statements in your book. These are often statements that sum up a list, trend, or development in an assigned reading. In a piece of literature, this may be a statement that foreshadows an important event or a particularly beautiful use of language. After a little practice, these will start to jump out at you.Mark each important statement with a sticky flag. Place the flag in position to indicate the beginning of the statement. For instance, the sticky part of the flag can be used to underline the first word. The tail of the flag should stick out from the pages and show when the book is closed.Continue to mark passages throughout the book. Dont worry about ending up with too many flags.If you own the book, follow up with a pencil. You may want to use a very light pencil ma rk to underline certain words that you want to remember. This is helpful if you find that there are several important points on one page. Once you have finished reading, go back to your flags. Re-read each passage that you have marked. Youll find that you can do this in a matter of minutes.Make notes on a note card. Keep track of all your readings by creating a collection of note cards. These can be valuable at test time.Erase the pencil marks. Be sure to clean up your book and remove any pencil marks. Its okay to leave the sticky flags in. You may need them at finals time! Additional Tips In the course of reading a book, you may come across several noteworthy statements in each chapter or a single thesis statement in each chapter. It depends on the book.Avoid using a highlighter on a book. They are great for class notes, but they destroy the value of a book.Only use a pencil on books you own. Dont mark library books.Dont forget to use this method when reading literature from your college reading list.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Tuition Rates Increasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Tuition Rates Increasing - Essay Example For instance, as the demand for college education increases throughout society, college tuition rates have risen exponentially. As a function of seeking to address this particular issue and fine, causes, the following analysis will engage in a brief discussion and consideration of what these factors might indicate. Firstly, it must be understood, as has been represented briefly within the introduction, the increase in demand as cause tuition rates to skyrocket. As tens of thousands of more individuals graduate high school with aspirations and indications to engage with college, it is not only necessary for college to accept these individuals, it is also necessary for them to provide space and accommodations for their education. These states and accommodations conceptions that must be made concern hiring new professors, increasing classroom size, expanding dormitories and providing additional living accommodations, increasing overall number of staff, and upgrading a and all facilities that might be exhibited on the college campus in order to accommodate is lots of new students. Ultimately, the influx of students is beneficial in the long run in terms of business and profitability for the universe. However, a preliminary understanding of business engages the individual with the understanding tha t the upfront costs that these universities and colleges requires them to raise tuition prices exorbitantly as a means of front the bill that this influx of students has created for them. However, it must not only be understood that the to raise tuition is based upon real and measurable factors. Ultimately, study after study has indicated that the rising college tuition is so dramatic that it does not track alongside inflation or changes within the remainder of the economy. Moreover, scholars have also indicated that even if one considers the upgrade
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Personal Worldview Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Worldview Paper - Essay Example Worldview is so much so important since it affects the preconceived notions of a person. It affects how the public think, act and move towards the society they are dwelling in. As a whole, worldview affects the culture and the way of life of the people who believed in it. Generally, worldview has a function of taking its effect towards the common mindset of the public and that it usually impose a culture and parameters for living. My nature of reality towards God is that I have been seeing him towards others. He exists in the people around me and touches their lives on a daily basis. God as whole is not a concept but a way of life, the concepts connected to the intricacies of the divine affect my view of the world. The nature of the world is good, its natural state is evil free and unstained. For me, the world has innate qualities of goodness; mainly because, it is governed by reasoning and thinking of the people living in it. That I firmly believe since reasoning is, I guess, the only one thing which separates man from savage animals and species. For me, being reasonable and having been able to think is the innate nature of humanity as compared to the other species living in the globe. Having said that, I would like to believe that the good qualities of men reside from their way of thinking and their way of using reason to do what is right and eventually separate evil from the good. Well, honestly speaking I have known about God through others, seeing God in their midst. As I was saying before, I am seeing God through the eyes of the people revolving around me, through what they do and project towards me. I experience him in my midst, which is why I can tell I have known him. Knowing God to exist in my surroundings, I discover my world. I have discovered that among people who trust God, there is goodness and truthful reality. As compared to when I have close encounters with people
Saturday, November 16, 2019
King Richard III by William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free
King Richard III by William Shakespeare Essay T he plays depict the collapse of English control over parts of France and the bitter and fierce internal struggles between the Houses of Lancaster and York in the fight to gain the crown of England. King Richard III is regarded (Hume 202) as a piece of prop aganda support ing the Tudor monarchs who succeeded Richard after he was killed in battle . This essay examine s how the theme of conscience is evidenced in Shakespeare’s play, and how the issues addressed are reflected in my daily life. (100 words) One prominent theme in the drama is the theme of conscience. Throughout the drama, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, murders and betrays to gain the English crown. His conscience , however, is evident. In Act I scene iii, Margaret, an exiled former queen , has a special curse for Richard , who kille d her husband and her son (lines 224 9) : The worm of conscience still begnaw thy soul. Thy friends suspect for traitors while thou liv’st, And take deep traitors for thy dearest friends. No sleep close up that deadly eye of thine, Unless it be while some tormenting dream Affrights thee with a hell of ugly devils. Most of Margaret’s curses are fulfilled during the play. Richard struggles with his heavy conscience. In Act IV scene I Lady An ne , his wife is distressed to learn that she is to be crowned his queen, and speaks of her unhappiness and his guilty conscience: For never yet one hour in his bed Have I enjoyd the golden dew of sleep, But have been waked by his timorous dreams. Spec tacularly, in the scene before the battle at Bosworth, King Richard is visited by the ghosts of h i s victims . His soliloquy in Act V scene iii suggests that he is overcome by a ‘coward conscience’ (lines 191 6) : O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me! The lights burn blue. It is now dead midnight. Cold fearful drops stand on my trembling flesh. 2 The theme is developed . Co nscience can be a manipulative tool used by cowards , Richard declares: Let not our babbling dreams affright our souls: Conscience is but a word that cowards use, Devised at first to keep the strong in awe: Our strong arms be our conscience, swords our law. I shall now consider how conscience relates to my daily life. It has often been remarked (e. g. G ui 203; Palfreyman 80) that Richard’s assertiveness, his strength and determination command a respect of their own, his crimes aside. Every day, I read in the papers that someone has exercised ruthless power over other people in some way, and so made ‘swords [their] law’ to wi n a contest, whether it be in the form of school bullying, or rise to political power as in this play. I am still unclear as to how far we should assert ourselves to gain things that we want at others’ expense like this. It frightens me that I can understa nd such tyrants and see them as essentially very human. Such things are an integral part of life and ourselves and will never go away. I believe, though, that there is such a thing as conscience, yet whether it is only something we have been taught is har d to establish. It is possible to see Shakespeare’s play as an elaborate wish fulfillment or fantasy, therefore. In sum, Shakespeare directs us to focus , non simplistically, on tyranny and ruthlessness in our midst. In a sense , the portrayal of Richard as a man with a conscience and, at the same time, with astute manipulative powers gives the drama unresolved humanistic problems. We may need to ask ourselves how far we can go to attain our ends while still sleeping at night.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Bildungsroman and Pips Great Expectations Essay -- Great Expectat
   On the surface, Great Expectations appears to be simply the story of Pip from his early childhood to his early adulthood, and a recollection of the events and people that Pip encounters throughout his life. In other words, it is a well written story of a young man's life growing up in England in the early nineteenth century. At first glance, it may appear this way, an interesting narrative of youth, love, success and failure, all of which are the makings of an entertaining novel. However, Great Expectations is much more. Pip's story is not simply a recollection of the events of his past. The recollection of his past is important in that it is essential in his development throughout the novel, until the very end. The experiences that Pip has as a young boy are important in his maturation into young adulthood. These elements are crucial to the structure and development of Great Expectations: Pip's maturation and development from child to man are important characteristics of the genre to which Great Expectations belongs. In structure, Pip's story, Great Expectations, is a Bildungsroman, a novel of development. The Bildungsroman traces the development of a protagonist from his early beginnings--from his education to his first venture into the big city--following his experiences there, and his ultimate self-knowledge and maturation. Upon the further examination of the characteristics of the Bildungsroman as presented here it is clear that Great Expectations, in part, conforms to the general characteristics of the English Bildungsroman. However, there are aspects of this genre from which Dickens departs in Great Expectations. It is these departures that speak to what is most important in Pip's development, what ultimately ma... ...ates Dickens rejection of the middle class values of marriage and "success," the values celebrated and elevated by the traditional, middle class genre of the Bildungsroman. Dickens believed that basic moral values such as generosity and kindness were to be elevated; that the material world was irrelevant to a man's worth. Dickens still creates a novel of development - a Bildungsroman - but the fact that Pip's development is complete only in Dickens' rebuff of many of the traditional traits of the Bildungsroman shows what Dickens believed truly made a gentleman: goodness.  Works Cited Buckley, Jerome Hamilton. Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1974. Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Ed. Janice Carlisle. Boston: Bedford, 1996. Kaplan, Fred. Dickens: A Biography. New York: Morrow, 1988. Â
Monday, November 11, 2019
Nixon’s Checker’s Speech
â€Å"The Checkers Speech†It was the midst of the 1952 presidential campaign when the New York Post’s newspaper story came out accusing Senator Richard Nixon of having a secret political fund. This accusation caused Nixon to face the reality of virtually being dropped as the presidential candidate of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s running mate. On September 23, 1952, Nixon sat down to address one of the largest television audiences in political history until Nixon’s 1960 debate with John F. Kennedy.While millions of American’s tuned into prime-time television, they sat and watched Senator Richard Nixon defend himself by delivering his influential and famous speech, which is known as his â€Å"Checkers Speech. †From the beginning of time, as seen in all political campaigns, the fight to win over the American public is mainly shown through these persuasive political speeches. In this particular speech, Nixon uses the art of rhetoric to persuade, mani pulate, and gain the trust of his audience. By using the empowerment of the new medium of television, he uses this political tool to manipulate.He bares his heart out through his words, and gives himself credibility by portraying himself as an honest, family man with good character. These key elements of a rhetor such as gaining the audiences’ approval by their persona, tone, and structure in which they deliver their thesis. All of these are important for a political speaker, so it enables them to overpower the numerous accusations that come along with the campaigning. Richard Nixon was a former Navy marine, which then led him to win a seat in the House of Representatives.Two years later he became a member of the House Committee, and investigated an espionage case, which turned him into a national figure as well as a controversial one. After two terms he was elected into the U. S. Senate. The young Richard Nixon had only six years of a political background when Dwight D. Eise nhower nominated him as his running mate in the 1952 election. With the rise of Nixon’s political career, it came to a halt when the New York Post’s headline stated, â€Å"Secret Rich Men’s Trust Fund Keeps Nixon in Style Far Beyond His Salary. Having relatively no political experience, he showed his virtuous qualities through this speech, knowing that had his future on the line.Richard Nixon was accused of accepting secret funds for his election campaign, but he cleared himself of these accusations and changed his audiences’ point of view through this speech. He used a brilliant political maneuver to directly address the public via the new medium of television. He began with stating, â€Å"†¦I feel that the people have got to have confidence in the integrity of the men who run for that office and who might obtain it. After this, he structures his speech through persuasion to give explicit reasons examples as to how he is the one that the people sh ould be confident in. Charged with accepting $18,000 from a group of his supporters, he confidently stated that he did not take one cent of it. He went into detail about the lack of funds he used, his earnings throughout the years, and how his wife was a main contributor to his campaign. He brings in the opposition of his opponent, how he puts his wife on the pay roll with his power, which is a gain in income for him and his campaigning.By doing this, Nixon clears the competition by having the He recited the audit that was taken on him through Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher, one of the biggest law firms in Los Angeles. It concludes that Nixon did not obtain any financial gain from the collection and disbursement of the fund by Dana Smith. He gains his credibility by his hard and honest efforts throughout his life to get him where he is today. By the end of the message he informs the people that he did in fact accept a gift during the electionâ€â€Checkers, their cocker spaniel dog.He e xplains how a Texas man heard his wife on the radio mention how their two children wanted a dog, and the next day he sent them a little cocker spaniel. Nixon explained how it is the one and only gift that he would keep for the sake of his children. Through this, it touched the hearts of Americans, giving him the image of a family man. After all of his truthful evidence, he submits the decision to the Republican National Committee whether his position on the ticket will help or hurt.With this influential speech, he changed the points of views of millions, and saved his name on the ballot, which potentially helped Eisenhower to win. The Checkers Speech is a widely known for its positively argumentative structure against the accusations of the press. He takes into account that being a politician it comes along with the rumors and scandals. He wanted to clearly state that these charges are an honest misunderstanding and he pleads to tell entire truth of his funds.Embedded in an extensiv e and complex listing of his personal finances, he closes by announcing that he did receive a gift and intended on keeping itâ€â€the dog. This is the point that caught the attention of millions and saved his political career, as well as possibly saving Dwight D. Eisenhower’s. Having read this speech, I would like to go into further research on why this speech was so persuasive. I would like to research the kind of language Nixon used, and if this speech wasn’t publicly televised, if it would have had a greater impact. Which of the theoretical lenses did he use?
Saturday, November 9, 2019
What a first time homebuyer need to know about buying a home
One important and exciting life experience is purchasing a home. However, when it is the first time to buy a home, one is faced with a lot of decisions to be made, and at the same time has numerous questions which require to be answered. Thus, it is important that before one makes this important purchase, one should have basic knowledge regarding the processes of buying a home. This study paper provides some basic information for first time home buyers.The information provided will include prequalification and pre-approval, choosing a mortgage, mortgage tips and mortgage mistakes that a first time home buyer should avoid at all costs. The objective of this information is to create a better understanding of mortgage process for those first time home buyers. Approval: pre-qualification and pre-approval A lot of people use the phrases pre-qualification and pre-approval in an interchangeable manner. Though, both terms offer some suggestion of if or not a prospective home buyer can acquir e a mortgage for a particular amount, the two terms have a noteworthy variations between them.Consequently, it is vital that a prospective home buyer should understand them. (Sid, 2004) Mortgage pre-qualification Mortgage pre-qualification generally is a view by a lender about a borrower, which is given as a certificate or a letter, which states that the lender trusts that a prospective borrower is capable of qualifying to get a loan. The lender uses credit, income, employment, debt as well as asset which the prospective borrower provides as a basis of his view or trust.At times, the lender might through permission of the prospective borrower, obtain the credit report of the borrower. (Citydowninfor. com, 2007) Mortgage pre-approval On contra, pre-approval is a lot more thorough procedure. When using pre-approval the above information (Mortgage pre-qualification) is given, however, this information is then confirmed. Disclaimers found on a pre-approval form are usually subject to ad equate property evaluation and no substantial variations in the borrower’s monetary status.The pre-approval form may also indicate the kind of a loan and a specific rate and period a person is pre-approved to get. Whereas, a pre-approval is not an assurance for obtaining a loan, it gives the home buyer better chances of obtaining a loan than pre-qualification. (Citydowninfor. com, 2007) Choosing a Mortgage It is important that the prospective home buyer chooses the right mortgage. A mortgage is the loan a home buyer takes in order to finance his/her buying of the home. And it is repayable monthly.Mortgage rates are an important element which one has to evaluate before selecting the mortgage. When choosing a mortgage it is extremely vital that one chooses the best plan to fit well with his/her specific situation, this can be achieved through reaching. (Citydowninfor. com, 2007) The internet can offer the best source to carry out your research, which will include getting inform ation regarding mortgage process, available lenders, how much you can borrow, the price range and tax savings you can make which are connecting with owning a home.(Citydowninfor. com, 2007) Application for a mortgage In the past it took a lot of paperwork and time before one could know if he/she has been considered for a mortgage. However, currently, a lot of lenders have gone online and one can easily apply for a mortgage online. With the latest technology it is even possible to electronically sign your mortgage papers. Finding reputable mortgage banker It is important also that you chose a reputable mortgage banker when applying for your mortgage.Whether you decide to use a mortgage banker or credit unions or any other lenders, it is important that you chose a well reputed mortgage company. Given that, there are numerous mortgage firms, choosing a mortgage firm can be a tricky issue. Get recommendations from friends as well as friends. (Sid, 2004) Mortgage Tips The following mortg age tips will make you be able to control different aspects of house buying. If you put them in mind, then you will probably be capable of monitoring the home buying process. (Robert, 2003)
Thursday, November 7, 2019
5 Other Online Dictionaries
5 Other Online Dictionaries 5 Other Online Dictionaries 5 Other Online Dictionaries By Mark Nichol Regular Daily Writing Tips readers know that I often extol Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, the dictionary of record for the American publishing industry. Despite its apparent casual acceptance of nonstandard spellings, it’s an authoritative resource as is its Internet version, Merriam-Webster Online. But plenty of alternatives exist; here are five interesting and helpful variations on the lexicographical theme. 1. The Alpha Dictionary This portal features links to hundreds of foreign-language dictionaries and glossaries, as well as numerous specialty dictionaries and glossaries covering specific subjects like chocolate, jewelry, and weather, and more resources like thesauruses and collections of quotations. 2. The Free Dictionary Enter a word at The Free Dictionary, and you’ll get not only definitions from various dictionaries but also citations of the word in quotations, a translation tool to find the word’s foreign-language equivalents, and lists of related terms. The site also has starts-with and ends-with search functions and an option to call up a list of terms in which a particular word appears in the definition. In addition, you can look up acronyms and idioms and search encyclopedias, foreign-language dictionaries, and specialized dictionaries. 3. This dictionary offers more than just definitions of words you type in; it also enables a variety of tip-of-the-tongue searches: To return words and phrases beginning or ending in a certain word, type in that word followed by or preceding an asterisk, or type the first couple of letters of a word followed by a colon and any complete word to produce a list of words and phrases starting with those letters that pertain to that word. (For example, at:air brings up not only atmosphere but also â€Å"attic fan†and atomization.) Or, precede an acronym or initialism with expand: to find phrases these abbreviations stand for, and more. 4. Wordnik Wordnik collects definitions from numerous other dictionary websites, as well as displaying online citations of the word to provide context. 5. YourDictionary This plain-English resource provides easy-to-understand definitions. For example, the meaning of atmosphere, rendered at Merriam-Webster Online as â€Å"the gaseous envelope of a celestial body (as a planet), the whole mass of air surrounding the earth, the air of a locality, a surrounding influence or environment, the overall aesthetic effect of a work of art, an intriguing or singular tone, effect, or appeal†here is explained as follows: â€Å"the area of air and gas enveloping objects in space, like stars and planets, or the air around any location,†or â€Å"an overall feeling and/or effect of a place, specially if it is an environment of pleasure or interest.†This site also provides links to other dictionaries as well as other resources. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Book Reviews category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your Story50 Latin Phrases You Should KnowHow Do You Pronounce "Often"?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Analyzing the Similarities between “Hymn to the Aton†and “Psalm 104†Essay Example for Free (#104)
Analyzing the Similarities between â€Å"Hymn to the Aton†and â€Å"Psalm 104†Essay The thought that two different works of art written by authors of different countries, different backgrounds, living eight hundred years apart and centering on religionâ€â€more [specifically] their portrayal of God and how he is like the sunâ€â€[being similar] would [be] deem[ed] [as] impossible [or not likely by many]. [However,] the poems [â€Å"]Hymn to the Aton[†by Akhenaton] and [â€Å"]Psalm 104[†by David are examples of] this very occurrence. [Some scholars assert] that either the latter was copied from the former or that these two works are the result of a cultural split, [due to the] vast difference of [similar] elements [and subject matter that the poems share. ] the poems were fostered within, their similarities in content, and that the poems could not have been creative coincidence. The benefits in understanding that these works have some connection, whether by plagiarism or cultural dissect, provides scholars with more knowledge about the world we live in, helps to decipher some of the myths and mysteries of other cultures with similarities and shows the public all cultures may not be as different from each other as we think, helps to show that propaganda has been used since the earliest of times, and that if societies do not document their findings or creations people will eventually circle back and rediscover them. Collectively, if applied to the modern world, these benefits will advances in many fields of academia and help society at large to become more critical thinkers and problem solvers. [Based on your body paragraphs, I have simplified your thesis map to the following:] [The three clearest similarities of the two poems include their similar discussion of the power of the sun or the notion of the sun as a symbol for the power of God, the similarities of the daily activities of the two cultures and their link to their God, and the emphasis of monotheism.] [Now, provide one or two sentences that explain what current societal issue can be resolved or lessened through the realization of the similarity of these two poems.] The contrast between Hymn to the Aton and Psalm 104 are numerous. Hymn was written by Pharaoh Amenhotep IV around 1300 B.C.E. in order to help support his efforts to convert all of Egypt to monotheism and worship of the Sun, which called Aton. [First, it is uncanny the manner in which both poets use the sun as a point of reference for their God]. In [â€Å"Hymn to the Aton†Akhenaton proclaims] the actual Sun [as] god. â€Å"Thou living Aton the beginning of life!†¦Creator of seed in women, Thou who makes fluid into man, Who maintainest the son in the womb of this mother..†In the psalm, King David writes how God created the sun [to] reflect His greatness. [Provide a quote from â€Å"Psalm 104†that shows David discussing the sun.] â€Å"LORD my God, you are very great; you are clothe with splendor and majesty†¦ But at your rebuke the waters fled, at the sound of your thunder they took flight†. King David’s poem was written about eight hundred years after the hymn and David does not mention much about himself, instead he praises the Lord. â€Å"I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.†Based on the time and purpose of these poems, they could not have been coincidence, that the poems are similar, there had to have been a purposeful connection between them. [While there are slight variations of how the sun is used, in both poems the writers explain how the sun meets the needs of the people and how that act is a symbol of the greatness and goodness of God.] Understanding this connection helps us to discover more and develop our perception about the world around us. [How so? Explain how it can benefit one group of people to be able to realize similarities with another group of people with whom they have historically seen no connection.] [Next, both poems] list almost identical daily activities in the exact order throughout the works. â€Å"[Provide quotes from both poems.]†Many of these [similarities] seem to be paraphrased and suggest that these writing come from the same source like two eye witness accounts of the same crime. After understanding the differences in the author’s cultures, religions, and time periods these similarities support the claim that the works are connected either by plagiarism or cultural split. This helps [readers] to realize that many cultures may not be as different from one another as [people often] think. [Yes, and how can this realization help our culture or society? What societal issue or problem can be solved or lessened with this realization?] Based upon detailed examination [of] the similarities of the [poems, many scholars assert that the shared elements, especially the support of monotheism, are not] by coincidence. [Provide a quote supporting monotheism from both poems.] Some researchers suggest that Hebrews fleeing from Egypt before the time of Moses, some of them wondered into temples where the hymn was written, and has the walked along the hymn was one songs they sang and it was carried throughout the generations, but not that the psalm is not a plagiarism of the hymn, this only leaves the notion that there was a cultural split. We are not sure at this point how the works are linked, [While scholars disagree on which group influenced the other into embracing monotheism, it is clear that a cultural exchange occurred between the two groups. Thus, this realization of the similarity is another example for scientists and anthropologists showing that cultures have always exchanged ideas. This exchange of ideas becomes even more interesting when we realize that the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians.] but it could definitely give more light and support to how scientist and anthropologist other academic researchers and make strides in their fields, help us to understand how cultures are linked across the board. [Explain how discovering that these two ancient cultures exchanged ideas can provide a blueprint or inspiration for current cultures and how that blueprint or inspiration can help those cultures solve or lessen a current societal issue.] After deep analysis s of these two poems it is clear that one is either copied from the other or [that there was some mutual exchange of cultural ideas] at some point in history. [Using the two poems to realize this occurrence] helps historians and scientists to make deductions about connections [to] other cultures, [allowing more people to better understand the surrounding world]. [Yes, now explain how society can improve if more people are able to understand and connect to the surrounding world or the people surrounding them Analyzing the Similarities between â€Å"Hymn to the Aton†and â€Å"Psalm 104†. (2017, Feb 04).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Evolution of Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Evolution of Revolution - Essay Example Marlon Brancho is an American screen and stage actor of the film the wild ones. He brought realism to the film industry thus becoming influential. The film Wild One starred by Marlon Brando features on real life event that occurred in 1947 during a weekend in California whereby a gang of motorcyclists converged and dominated in a small Town for two days causing trouble without confrontation (Harris 5). In addition, Easy Rider is an American road movie acted in 1969 by Peter Fonda. On the context, it depicts two bikers traveling through American southwest and south to New Orleans to attend a Mardi Gras. They have an objective of achieving freedom. In their trip, Wyatt and Billy meet and took a meal together. They leave for Mexico where they bought drugs intending to sell it at the American border. They sold the cocaine to a man riding in Rolls Royce (Canby 3). In the rebel without a cause film, conflict is ensued with remarkable symbol of social unrest such as drug abuse, violence, sexual promiscuity anxiousness over the future and emotional isolation. The film depicted extends of turmoil associated with the adolescent. The film directed by Ray gave both social commentary and unlike previous films it depicted delinquents in slums at urban environment. In my opinion, the movie acted in Hollywood had common themes used that showed such families as perfect avoided. In a further aspect, the rebel without cause considered American family as not perfect. In all cases, all have their missteps. I do not concur with the existence of as completely joyful families as rebels show the tortures among parents and mostly in youths (Ebert 7). We can see a rebellious teenager, who upon enrolling in his new high school after meeting a girl, disobeys his parents and goes against the schools bullies thus portraying the king of moral decay among American youths, critique parental style. From the film, it is seen that after James dies, the rebel was released.
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